119 Ministries' view on Testaments?
How does 119 Ministries view Old and New Testament relations?

Overview of 119 Ministries’ Perspective

119 Ministries often emphasizes a deep interconnectedness between the Old Testament (Tanakh) and the New Testament (Apostolic Writings). They teach that the two testaments do not contradict but rather form a unified whole, rooted in the conviction that “All Scripture is God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16). According to their view, the Old Testament lays the foundational revelation of God’s ways and instructions, while the New Testament testifies to the fulfillment of those instructions in the Messiah. In this approach, it is believed that God’s ongoing plan of redemption and covenant relationship with humanity is best understood by upholding the continuity between both Testaments.

Central Conviction: One Consistent Revelation

119 Ministries holds that the Creator’s instructions-often referred to in Hebrew as the “Torah”-continue to be a guide for righteous living. They maintain that Jesus did not abolish or replace those instructions, but rather upheld them. Citing the teaching of Jesus, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14:15), they interpret this to include the moral teachings of the Old Testament and the clarifications provided in the New. Consequently, they see Scripture as one unfolding narrative through which God progressively reveals Himself, culminating in Christ, but never invalidating prior revelation.

Affirming the Ongoing Relevance of the Torah

1. Law as God’s Good Instruction

119 Ministries views “the Law” not as a burden but as good counsel from a loving God. Passages such as Psalm 119:105 say, “Your word is a lamp to my feet,” underscoring how divine commands guide believers. In their perspective, “the Law” translates more literally to “instruction,” and these principles remain significant, even if certain ceremonial aspects are observed in light of Jesus’ priestly work.

2. Jesus’ Fulfillment, Not Abolishment

They emphasize Matthew 5:17-18, in which the Messiah states, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets… not the smallest letter or stroke of a pen will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” For 119 Ministries, “fulfillment” signifies that Jesus modeled and fully embodied the instructions of the Torah, affirming them and thus guiding believers to live out the biblical pattern of holiness.

Harmony Between the Old and the New

1. Prophecies and Their Fulfillment

The Old Testament brims with prophecies pointing to the Messiah’s arrival, such as Isaiah 53 regarding the suffering servant. The New Testament proclaims that Jesus is the fulfillment of these prophetic expectations, for example Acts 8:35: “Then Philip began with that very Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.” Thus, 119 Ministries highlights the Old Testament as the essential groundwork to grasp why the atoning sacrifice of Christ carries such weight.

2. The Apostolic Writings as Continuation

Rather than framing the New Testament as a separate religious text, 119 Ministries presents it as a continuation of the story begun in Genesis. They point to passages like Luke 24:27, “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, [Jesus] explained to them what was written about Himself in all the Scriptures.” Here, the New Testament is understood as further revelation that clarifies the meaning of the older covenantal writings.

Covenantal and Cultural Context

1. First-Century Believers’ Practices

119 Ministries often notes that the earliest followers of Jesus were themselves immersed in the Torah-based culture of Israel. They highlight that the apostles continued to participate in temple worship and feasts (Acts 2:46; Acts 21:20-24), thus underscoring that their faith in Christ did not equate to discarding the commandments-especially those that pointed to God’s moral design, such as the Ten Commandments.

2. God’s Appointed Times and Feasts

In addition to moral instructions, 119 Ministries recommends believers study the feasts found in Leviticus 23. They present these as prophetic foreshadows of God’s redemptive plan, with Jesus fulfilling or perfecting the imagery. The Passover, for example, is linked to the Messiah’s sacrificial role (1 Corinthians 5:7). From their viewpoint, each feast highlights a key stage in the divine timetable, reflecting an overarching continuity.

Practical Applications

1. Holistic Obedience

One hallmark of 119 Ministries’ teaching is the idea that faith and works go hand in hand (James 2:17). They encourage believers to seek alignment with God’s design, certain that Jesus empowers His followers to obey. In their view, trusting in the Messiah’s completed redemption does not negate ethical living; rather, it establishes the heart motivation to uphold the biblical commands out of love.

2. Navigating Cultural Adaptations

119 Ministries also addresses the complexities of applying biblical commandments in modern contexts. For instance, certain laws tied to the Temple system cannot be practiced literally today. They propose that believers focus on the enduring lessons behind these commands and look forward to the eschatological restoration when Jesus returns to bring all things to completion (Revelation 21:3-5).

Jesus as Key to Understanding Both Testaments

Throughout their teachings, 119 Ministries insists that Jesus is the ultimate filter through which the Old and New Testaments should be read. Colossians 2:17 describes the festivals and Sabbath days as “a shadow of the things to come, but the body that casts it belongs to Christ.” Thus, 119 Ministries’ perspective is simultaneously Christ-centered and Torah-conscious. They discern Jesus within the entire biblical narrative, upholding the premise that the same God who provided the Law to Israel fulfilled its deepest intentions through His Son.

Encouragement for Further Study

119 Ministries frequently encourages believers to engage with Scripture in its cultural and linguistic context. They offer various studies, video teachings, and written resources examining Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, historical background, and interpretative nuances. This emphasis on research undergirds their claim that by examining the text in depth, one finds an unbroken theme of redemption woven from Genesis to Revelation.


In summary, according to 119 Ministries, the Old and New Testaments are indivisible parts of the same divine revelation. They illustrate how Jesus not only affirms the Old Covenant but also brings it to its fullness, guiding believers toward a life shaped by the instructions of Scripture. Grounded in the premise that the entire Bible testifies to a coherent message, 119 Ministries teaches that the Old and New Testaments share one continuous narrative, centered on the Messiah’s redemption and carried forward by His followers in the Spirit of faith and obedience.

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