Use transgender pronouns as Christians?
Should Christians use transgender pronouns?

I. Introduction: Understanding the Question

Transgender pronouns refer to terms such as “he,” “she,” or non-binary forms (e.g., “they/them”) requested by individuals whose gender identity differs from their biological sex. The question addressed here is whether Christians should use these chosen pronouns. In discussing this topic, several scriptural principles arise, including God’s creation of humanity as male and female, the call to speak truth in love, and the responsibility to honor both conscience and compassion.

II. Biblical Foundations of Human Identity

A. Creation as Male and Female

Scripture indicates that humanity is created in a specifically binary manner. According to Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” This passage establishes that God Himself laid out male and female as distinct categories within creation.

B. The Goodness of God’s Design

Genesis describes God’s work repeatedly as good (Genesis 1:31), including the creation of humanity as male and female. This design is not viewed merely as a social construct but as a reflection of God’s intentional order. The alignment of one’s biological sex with one’s identity is understood as a foundational part of how God intricately crafted each person.

III. The Call to Speak Truth

A. Scriptural Emphasis on Truth

Christians are urged to speak truthfully. Ephesians 4:15 instructs believers to be “speaking the truth in love.” This finds further support in Proverbs 12:22, which reminds that “lying lips are detestable to the LORD, but those who deal faithfully are His delight.” These verses invite believers to evaluate how language reflects reality and upholds consistency with the biblical worldview.

B. Principle of Integrity in Speech

In Matthew 5:37, Jesus says, “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’” Upholding truth entails avoiding speech that may contradict what Scripture identifies as God’s created order. The question becomes whether using pronouns that contradict a person’s biological design participates in a misalignment from biblical teaching. Many Christians view the use of gender pronouns that differ from biological reality as an inadvertent denial of God’s intentions.

IV. Balancing Love and Conviction

A. Compassion Toward Individuals

The character of Christian interaction must be marked by love (1 Corinthians 13:4-7), gentleness (Colossians 4:6), and humility (Philippians 2:3). Scripture instructs believers to “honor everyone” (1 Peter 2:17). When engaging with transgender individuals, Christians aspire to reflect Christ’s love and compassion for those in distress or uncertainty, while also maintaining biblical convictions.

B. Keeping the Conscience Clear

Romans 14:5 reminds believers that “Each of them should be fully convinced in his own mind.” Though contexts vary, conscience is vital. Some might feel compelled to accommodate pronoun preferences out of kindness or respect for a workplace requirement, while others may perceive doing so as violating biblical truth. Conscience is to be guided by the Word, and believers are to act in a manner that does not grieve their own conscience or contradict Scriptural precepts (Acts 24:16).

V. Potential Concerns and Considerations

A. Social and Legal Pressures

In some regions, the refusal to use requested pronouns creates tension or conflict. In certain professional or academic settings, Christians worry about repercussions, such as social censure or disciplinary action. Balancing witness and conviction is complex. Jesus did say, “Behold, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16). Wisdom and careful discernment are essential.

B. Navigating Real-Life Situations

For practical relationships-such as family members, colleagues, or friends-Christians aim to preserve open dialogue without compromising truth. Some believers choose to address individuals by their chosen names while thoughtfully avoiding pronoun usage altogether. This method can reduce potential conflict while not openly endorsing a viewpoint inconsistent with the believer’s convictions.

VI. Biblical and Theological Rationale

A. Upholding the Creator-Creature Distinction

Throughout Scripture, a distinguishing feature is that God determines the order of creation. Deuteronomy 22:5 addresses the principle of deliberately blurring gender distinctions and indicates displeasure where God’s design is dishonored. Though modern contexts differ, the underlying principle remains the same: believers are to align with God’s revealed order.

B. The Believer’s Call to Glorify God

First Corinthians 10:31 states, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.” There is a responsibility to ensure words and actions glorify God. Glorifying Him may mean stewarding the truth about His design, even under social pressure to accommodate language that may negate foundational biblical views of gender.

VII. Practical Guidelines

1. Prayerfulness: Before engaging in conversations about transgender pronouns, believers often pray for wisdom (James 1:5), seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit to respond with both grace and truth.

2. Respectful Discourse: Words should remain seasoned with kindness, avoiding insults or mockery (Colossians 4:6). Christians are instructed to display respect (1 Peter 3:15), even when disagreeing.

3. Consistent Witness: If a Christian feels strongly about not using transgender pronouns, consistency and humility in explanation matter. Cordial, gentle discussions can help maintain relationships.

4. Alternative Approaches: Some choose to focus on names rather than pronouns, finding it a balanced path that avoids causing confusion while still showing respect to the individual.

5. Local Church Counsel: Because circumstances vary, seeking counsel from church leaders can provide situational guidance, ensuring a believer’s actions accord with biblical teaching in a specific cultural or legal setting.

VIII. Conclusion

The question of using transgender pronouns challenges believers to weigh biblical convictions on truth and creation alongside Christ’s command to love one’s neighbor. As with many ethical questions, Scripture highlights speaking the truth in love, ensuring that speech aligns with God’s design, while acting with compassion and reverence toward all.

Decisions about pronoun usage often require wisdom, prayer, and nuanced judgment within one’s context, guided by clear Scriptural principles such as God’s creation of two sexes, the call to maintain truthfulness, and the charge to show genuine love. Ultimately, believers are to seek the glory of God in all things (1 Corinthians 10:31) and maintain a conscience that is clear before both God and neighbor (Acts 24:16).

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