What does it mean to live as Christ? I. Foundational Meaning of “Living as Christ” The phrase “to live is Christ” appears in Philippians 1:21: “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” This statement captures the heart of how a believer’s entire existence is to be centered on the person, work, and example of Jesus. It indicates more than mere admiration of Him-it implies a genuine surrender to His Lordship and an embracing of His mission, character, and teachings. In practice, “living as Christ” means reflecting His humility, obedience to the Father, love for others, and dedication to holiness. The model and essence of a Christian life, therefore, flow directly from Jesus’s ministry and instructions. II. The Example and Teachings of Christ 1. Obedience to God Christ’s earthly life was marked by absolute submission to the will of the Father. In John 6:38 He says, “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will but the will of Him who sent Me.” Emulating this attitude means prioritizing God’s commands above personal preferences. 2. Servant Leadership and Humility Jesus washed His disciples’ feet (John 13:4-5), demonstrating servant leadership. Living as Christ involves selfless service to others and humility rather than personal exaltation. 3. Love and Compassion The central mark of His life was love (John 13:34-35). This love extended to the broken, marginalized, and even to those who opposed Him. Living as Christ is inseparable from a genuine love for both God and people. 4. Righteousness and Purity Jesus resisted temptation and lived a sinless life. “But you know that Christ appeared to take away sins, and in Him there is no sin” (1 John 3:5). Followers who live as Christ seek to reject sinful patterns and grow in moral purity. III. Identification with Christ’s Death and Resurrection Living as Christ is tied to the believer’s union with Him in death and resurrection. Galatians 2:20 affirms, “I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” This new identity results in the believer’s old self (marked by sin) being put to death, and a renewed nature that is empowered by the Holy Spirit emerging. IV. Dependence on the Holy Spirit Jesus promised His followers another Helper, the Holy Spirit, who leads believers in truth and empowers them to live in a manner that reflects Christ’s character (John 14:16-17). The Holy Spirit’s work includes transforming minds, prompting believers toward godly actions, and enabling them to overcome sin. V. Practical Expressions of “Living as Christ” 1. Prayer and Devotion Jesus often withdrew to pray (Luke 5:16). Keeping a life of regular prayer, studying Scripture, and personal devotion are essential for those seeking to emulate Him. 2. Proclamation and Witness Christ commissioned believers to “go into all the world and preach the gospel” (Mark 16:15). Sharing the good news through personal testimony or reasoned discussion reflects living as Christ, carrying His message of salvation to all who will listen. 3. Community and Fellowship The early Church was devoted to fellowship and the apostles’ teaching (Acts 2:42). A believer’s life includes meaningful relationships with fellow believers, mutual edification, and encouragement to grow in holiness. 4. Service and Sacrifice Scripture shows Christ feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and caring for the outcasts (Matthew 14:14; Luke 17:12-19). Living as Christ means displaying compassion in tangible ways, even when it involves personal sacrifice. 5. Holiness and Moral Living The apostle Peter calls believers to be holy “because [God] is holy” (1 Peter 1:16). Moral purity, honesty, and integrity in day-to-day life are consistent with Christ’s example. VI. Evidence and Assurance of the Reality of Christ 1. Reliability of Scriptural Testimony Textual critics have examined ancient manuscripts (including the Dead Sea Scrolls that confirm the reliability of Old Testament texts) and various New Testament fragments that align centuries apart yet show remarkable consistency. These manuscripts reinforce confidence in the biblical record and, in turn, the reality of the living Christ presented in Scripture. 2. Historical and Archaeological Corroboration Archaeological findings-such as the discovery of first-century synagogues in Galilee, the Pilate Stone in Caesarea, and references to biblical figures in inscriptions-lend support to the cultural and historical framework in which Jesus lived. This helps show an authentic backdrop to the life of Christ portrayed in Scripture. 3. The Resurrection as the Ultimate Validation Multiple extra-biblical references (Josephus, Tacitus) and the robust biblical accounts in the Gospels and epistles chronicle Christ’s death and resurrection. Arguments for the empty tomb and post-resurrection appearances-often summarized through the “minimal facts” approach-provide a rich foundation for confidence in Christ’s rising from the dead. This resurrection not only validates His claims but guarantees the believer’s hope of eternal life. VII. Glorifying God Through Christ-Centered Living The believer’s actions, thoughts, and motivations become vehicles for glorifying God (1 Corinthians 10:31). Living as Christ means every sphere of life-relationships, work, leisure-is offered to God as a form of worship. The focus is no longer one’s own ambition but exalting Christ’s leadership and fame. VIII. Sustained Hope and Joy 1. Eternal Perspective Believers take courage in the promise that to “die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). Even trials, suffering, or persecution can be faced with confidence, knowing that present circumstances are momentary when compared to eternity with Christ (2 Corinthians 4:17-18). 2. Fulfillment in Christ Those who “live as Christ” discover that any perceived sacrifice on earth is outweighed by the joy, peace, and purpose found only in Him (John 15:11). A life in Christ transcends fleeting pleasures or hardships with an abiding sense of spiritual fulfillment and hope. IX. Conclusion Living as Christ signifies more than intellectual assent about Jesus’s identity. It involves a personal transformation of mind, heart, and behavior under the lordship of the resurrected Savior. Drawing from Scripture’s testimony, corroborated by historical, archaeological, and manuscript evidence, believers grow confident in Christ’s authority and example. The result is a life characterized by humble devotion, active love, moral purity, and joyful service to God and others. This dedication to “live as Christ” not only brings purpose to every situation but ultimately points people toward the eternal hope found in Him, fulfilling the chief end of glorifying God and enjoying His presence forever. |