What is the Global Methodist Church? I. Historical Overview of the Global Methodist Church The Global Methodist Church emerged from longstanding discussions within the Methodist movement, particularly among those desiring a more theologically conservative and biblically grounded framework. Methodism itself traces back to the ministry of John and Charles Wesley in 18th-century England. Their emphasis on personal holiness, evangelical fervor, and practical engagement with society laid the foundation for what would eventually become a worldwide denomination. Over time, different branches of Methodism formed as various groups sought to articulate their distinct theological and organizational convictions. The immediate context for the current Global Methodist Church includes developments within the broader United Methodist Church (UMC), where debates regarding biblical authority, human sexuality, and church governance became increasingly pronounced. The launch of the Global Methodist Church in 2022 signaled a move toward a clear, unified expression of traditional Wesleyan doctrine, practice, and ecclesial structure. II. Wesleyan Heritage and Distinctives 1. *Doctrine Grounded in Scripture* The Global Methodist Church holds to historic Methodist doctrines shaped by John Wesley’s teachings, emphasizing that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). This high view of Scripture undergirds the Church’s beliefs on salvation, sanctification, and the Christian life. 2. *Holiness of Heart and Life* In line with Wesley’s doctrine of Christian perfection, the Global Methodist Church nurtures both personal and social holiness. Believers are encouraged to grow in grace and reflect the character of Christ in everyday life. Wesley’s original “General Rules,” dating back to the early Methodist societies, continue to shape personal and communal ethics within the Global Methodist Church. 3. *The Centrality of Grace* Theologically, the Global Methodist Church embraces the classic Wesleyan understanding of grace in its prevenient, justifying, and sanctifying dimensions. This seeks to uphold that salvation is found by grace through faith (cf. Ephesians 2:8-9), yet produces tangible fruit as believers entrust their lives to Christ (cf. James 2:17). 4. *Arminian Emphasis on Free Will* Traditional Wesleyan-Arminian theology underscores genuine human responsibility in responding to God’s grace. While the Church firmly believes God is sovereign over all creation, it also teaches that human beings, by God’s enabling grace, may respond freely to the gospel call. III. Formation and Organizational Structure 1. *Reasons for Formation* The Global Methodist Church arose to maintain a clear alignment with what it understands as historic Christian orthodoxy. Ongoing discussions about doctrinal authority, especially regarding how Scripture should be interpreted, and about disciplinary standards, precipitated a formal establishment of a new denomination. 2. *Leadership and Governance* Following a “conciliar” structure, the Global Methodist Church seeks to balance the traditions of Episcopal leadership with structures of accountability that align with biblical models for church oversight (cf. Titus 1:5). Conferences-ranging from local and regional to global-gather to make decisions about doctrine, discipline, and mission, while bishops or overseers hold a shepherding and supervisory role. 3. *Membership and Local Congregations* Individuals and congregations wishing to join often undergo a discernment process that involves affirming core doctrinal statements and Methodist practices. Congregations are organized into conferences that help unify mission efforts, ministry training, and educational opportunities. IV. Beliefs and Core Doctrines 1. *Authority of Scripture* The Global Methodist Church reaffirms that Scripture is the ultimate authority for faith and practice. Grounding their beliefs in the fount of inspired revelation (cf. 2 Peter 1:20-21), they strive to uphold the infallibility and clarity of the Word as the basis for doctrinal statements and ethical teaching. 2. *Salvation in Christ Alone* Rooted in the consensus of historic Christianity-“Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures…He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)-the Global Methodist Church proclaims that Jesus Christ is the sole Redeemer of humanity. It upholds the conviction that “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Romans 10:9). 3. *Doctrinal Standards and Articles of Religion* The Global Methodist Church looks to the historic Methodist Articles of Religion and the Wesleyan Confessions as guiding norms. These include teachings on the Trinity, the person of Jesus Christ, the nature of the Church, sacraments (especially Baptism and the Lord’s Supper), and God’s activity through the Holy Spirit. 4. *Christian Living and Discipleship* Practical holiness is emphasized, following the phrase “holy living.” Believers are exhorted to manifest the fruit of the Spirit (cf. Galatians 5:22-23) in their daily lives. Spiritual disciplines such as prayer, Bible study, communal worship, fasting, and works of mercy occupy a central place in the discipleship process. V. Relation to the Wider Methodist Family While the Global Methodist Church shares a common heritage with other Wesleyan or Methodist bodies, it distinguishes itself by a particular insistence on doctrinal integrity and Scriptural fidelity. In this sense, the new denomination collaborates with other evangelical and theologically orthodox churches in pursuit of the Great Commission (cf. Matthew 28:18-20), while also maintaining a distinctive witness shaped by Wesleyan theology. VI. Missions, Outreach, and Social Engagement 1. *Mission and Evangelism* True to John Wesley’s maxim “the world is my parish,” the Global Methodist Church prioritizes taking the gospel to every corner of society, reaching both local communities and the nations. Evangelistic outreach programs, inspired by Wesley’s field preaching, reflect the commitment to proclaim Christ crucified, risen, and returning for His people (cf. Acts 1:8). 2. *Compassionate Ministries* Global Methodist congregations are encouraged to serve those in need, modeling Christ’s command to care for the poor, the sick, and the marginalized (cf. Matthew 25:35-36). This includes programs such as feeding ministries, medical clinics, disaster relief, and long-term community development initiatives. 3. *Education and Discipleship Training* The clergy and lay leadership often benefit from theological education that draws upon Wesley’s emphases of transformed hearts and active lifestyles of obedience. Equipping disciples to interpret the Scriptures accurately and to defend the faith (cf. 1 Peter 3:15) undergirds the passion for church growth and spiritual development. VII. Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities As a new denomination, the Global Methodist Church faces the challenge of establishing structures that remain faithful to scriptural teaching while navigating the complexities of modern cultural pressures. Yet, it sees ample opportunity to model a clear testimony of the hope found in Jesus Christ. Through intentional organization, faithful proclamation, and prayerful reliance on the Holy Spirit, the Global Methodist Church seeks to be a means through which the light of the gospel shines in an often-confused world. VIII. Scriptural Foundations and Encouragement Those identifying with the Global Methodist Church often quote Jesus’ words: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). This underscores their joyful commitment to championing the exclusivity of Christ’s saving work. Furthermore, believers are reminded of the unity they share as the body of Christ: “For just as the body is one and has many parts, but all its parts form one body, so it is with Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12). This informs how the Global Methodist Church conceives of its mission within God’s broader, universal Church. IX. Conclusion In summary, the Global Methodist Church stands within the broader Methodist tradition, shaped by historic Wesleyan theology and motivated by a conviction that Scripture must remain the supreme guide for belief and practice. Its identity crystallizes around personal and social holiness, the primacy of grace, evangelistic fervor, and a structured yet accountable ecclesiastical framework. As part of the diverse expression of the Christian faith around the world, the Global Methodist Church endeavors to embody the love and truth of God revealed in Jesus Christ. By upholding the authority of Scripture, championing doctrines consistent with historic orthodoxy, and pursuing global mission and outreach, it seeks to remain faithful to the Great Commission and the Greatest Commandments (cf. Matthew 22:37-40; 28:18-20), building upon the foundation laid by John Wesley and the faithful who have continued in that tradition ever since. |