Each one should test his own work. Then he will have reason to boast in himself alone, and not in someone else. Sermons
I. THERE ARE STRONG INDUCEMENTS FOR FORMING AN UNDULY FAVOURABLE OPINION OF ONE'S SELF. Self-knowledge is a difficult acquisition. We cannot get the right perspective. The effort of turning the mind in upon itself is arduous. Then we are inclined to take imagination and desire for direct perception, i.e. to think we possess qualities which we only picture in thought; or to measure our faculties by our inclinations, to suppose that the wish to do certain things carries with it the power. E.g. an enthusiast for the violin is likely to suppose he can handle the instrument musically before other people are of that opinion. The very habit of thinking about ourselves causes a growing sense of self-importance. Moreover, by an unconscious selection we are led to dwell on the favourable features of our own characters, and leave out of account the unfavourable. II. A HIGH OPINION OF ONE'S SELF IS COMMONLY FOUND TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH A LOW CONDITION OF REAL WORTH. Not invariably, for we sometimes find men of high endowments painfully self-assertive, either because they know that their merits have not been duly recognized, or because their vanity has been excited by the applause of their friends. Such cases reveal a weakness, and strike us as peculiarly unfortunate, for the men of worth would be wiser to wait for the acknowledgment which their merits by themselves will ultimately command had they but patience enough, or at the worst should be above caring overmuch for any such acknowledgment. Still, the merit may be real. In most cases, however, it is those who are least who boast the loudest. The man of little knowledge thinks he knows everything; wide knowledge reveals the awful vastness of the unknown, and impresses profound humility. So the holiest man is most conscious of his own sinfulness. At best, too, what right have we to think much of ourselves when all we have comes from God-our natural abilities as gifts of Providence, our spiritual attainments as graces of the Spirit? III. AN UNDUE OPINION OF ONE'S SELF IS NOTHING BUT SELF-DECEPTION. It cannot long impose upon others. The world is not inclined to attach much weight to a man's own evidence in favour of himself. (Hypocrisy, or the deliberate effort to deceive others, is out of the question here, as that implies a knowledge of the falseness of our pretensions, while we are now considering the honest belief in them.) Such self-deception is unfortunate, (1) because it will put us in a false position, incline us to make wrong claims, and to attempt the unattainable, and so result in disastrous failure; (2) because it precludes the endeavour to improve ourselves; (3) because it destroys the Christ-like grace of humility; (4) because it provokes the ridicule, scorn, or even enmity of others. - W.F.A.
But let every man prove his own work. Let us be careful to get the true balance to weigh ourselves. There are the scales in which the world weighs men and things, and decides their amount of good or evil. But these, or the like balance, are so appended to the beam as to favour one scale more than the other. They will therefore deceive us in forming our estimate of things; for sin, when put into them, and love for God, and devotedness to Him, like two feathers east into the scale, will weigh so light that they will kick the beam when the meanest worldly trifle is weighed against them, while the scale in which the world weighs their virtues will have a vast preponderance in their favour. There is also the balance of conscience, and this is more false and deceitful (if possible) than the other. The conscience of the natural man is like a fraudulent man with false weights and measures, from whom we shall be sure to have no just weight. We must therefore take the golden balance of the sanctuary. Here, indeed, even our best services, when weighed with the law of God, will be found wanting; but the fulness of the redemption in the blood of Jesus, the freeness of His promises to every repenting sinner, the merit of His sinless obedience — these, on which the believer builds his hopes, however nicely weighed in the balance of truth, will want nothing of that true weight which the justice of God will demand at our hands.(H. G. Salter.) The reason why there is so little self-condemnation is because there is so little self-examination. For want of this many persons are like travellers, skilled in other countries, but ignorant of their own.(Archbishop Seeker.) Around the masterpieces in the galleries of Europe artists are always congregated. You may see them standing before Raphael's transfiguration, copying with the nicest care every line and tint of that matchless work, glancing constantly from their canvas to the picture, that, even in the minutest parts, they may reproduce the original. But if, at one side, you saw an artist who only looked up occasionally from his work and drew a line, but filled in there a tree or a waterfall, and there a deer or a cottage, just as his fancy suggested, what kind of a copyist would you call him? Now, true self-examination lies in ascertaining how nearly we are reproducing Christ. He has painted for us in no gallery; but His life glows fourfold in the Gospels, and our hearts are the canvas upon which we are to copy it. Let us not take occasional glimpses, and work meanwhile upon earthly designs; but let us look long and earnestly till our lives reflect the whole Divine image.(H. W. Beecher.) As it is an evidence that those tradesmen are embarrassed in their estates, who are afraid to look into their books, so it is plain that there is something wrong within, among all those who are afraid to look within He that buys a jewel in a case deserves to be cozened with a Bristol stone.(Archbishop Seeker.) Remember that the time you have for self-examination is, after all, very short. Soon thou wilt know the great secret. I may not say words rough enough to rend off the mask which thou hast now upon thee; but there is one called Death who will stand no compliment. You may masquerade it out to-day in the dress of a saint; but Death will soon strip you, and you must stand before the judgment-seat after Death has discovered you in all your nakedness, be that naked innocence or naked guilt.(C. H. Spurgeon.) I. THE FALSE STANDARD OF CHARACTER. There is a very common mode of judging of ourselves and our friends which is in itself utterly false and unsatisfactory; I mean that mode of estimating character and works, not by what these are in themselves, but by what they are in comparison with the life of others. "I may not be what I ought to be," a man says; "but, side by side with my neighbour, I have no cause to be ashamed." The picture seems fairer if it has a dark background; and we fall into the habit of measuring our own goodness by other men's want of goodness. Instead of making conscience the standard of duty, they practically make other men's want of conscience the standard. They have no sorrow or compunction for anything they have done or left undone, so long as they can point to others who are more to blame than themselves — as if health were to be measured, not by the pulse and vigour of the patient, but by the feverishness and insensibility of another patient lying at his side!II. THE TRUE STANDARD OF CHARACTER. Let every man prove his own work; let him test it on its own merits and for its own sake; and let it be judged, not by the indolence and failures of others, but by its own character and worth. This method of judgment, whereby every man must; prove his own work, is in accordance with facts of the spiritual world; for "every man must bear his own burden." The character is the outcome of a man's life and labours. What the man is, is really the fruit of what he does, and of what he thinks and speaks day by day. The character of every man is the measure of his works. The character will continue to tell what a man's life has been, and what in its inmost nature it continues to be. And in this matter each man bears his own burden — a burden in which others may sympathize, but which no human sympathy can relieve him of. God has made visible in man His eternal law, that every man's own work is proved, so as to give him rejoicing or sorrow, as the case may be, in himself, and not in another. And there is all the more need to test and prove our own work, that the time for doing our work is fast passing away. Our influence is gradually, and in modes unnoticed and unseen, pervading all around us; and that influence for good and evil is what we are responsible for. (A. Watson, D. D.) Essex Congregational Remembrancer. Mind is the principal distinguishing attribute of man. This undying principle enables us to reflect on our condition as accountable creatures, and on the connection between our present state and final destiny. It is to man, thus constituted, that Divine revelation is addressed. It regards him as capable of reasoning as well as feeling. Every man is required to prove his own work. Those who most need this counsel will probably least feel their need of it, which is the strongest argument for attempting to enforce it. The text prescribes an important measure, and enforces it by weighty considerations. Let us advert —I. TO THE MEASURE WHICH IT PRESCRIBES. "Let every man prove his own work." This seems to imply that every man should be seriously concerned to ascertain his own real character and condition before God; and that in order to this he should carefully examine both his principles and practice, his heart and life, and thus prove his own work. Probably there is in these words an allusion to the process of proving the genuineness of metals, by putting them to the test. 1. The text supposes the existence of an authorized test. In the absence of a test the process of proof is impracticable. Every man must have some rule by which to try his work, or he cannot prove his own work. The Word of God, and nothing but the Word of God, is the authorized test of Christian character. 2. It requires the application of this test by every man to himself. The application of this test includes two things, namely, the examination of the Scriptures, and the examination of ourselves by the Scriptures. If either of these is neglected, the examination is but partial. II. THE MOTIVES BY WHICH THIS MEASURE IS ENFORCED. Beyond the obvious importance and necessity of this self-scrutiny, the apostle adduces two considerations to prompt every man to the adoption of the measure. 1. He adduces the advantage that may arise from it at present. "Then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another." The apostle supposes a favourable result of the investigation, and in this case he affirms it would yield peculiar satisfaction and joy. He whose own work is thus proved to be genuine has just ground for rejoicing.(1) As it respects the question decided. Many questions about which we often perplex our minds and waste our time are after all but trifling, comparatively very trifling! But in the case before us the question is of the highest importance, of infinite moment. The extremes of bliss and woe, immortal bliss and endless woe, are involved in this question.(2) As it respects the manner of deciding it. "Then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another." His rejoicing arises from the testimony of his own conscience, and not from the opinion of others respecting him. He has not rested in the vain conceit of his own imagination. 2. He adduces the nature of the proceedings of the last great day. "For every man shall bear his own burden."Having endeavoured to explain the measure which the text prescribes, and the motives by which it enforces this measure, I shall close by — 1. Urging its immediate adoption. 2. By attempting to obviate sonic difficulties attending it.In undertaking and prosecuting an examination of ourselves, we shall probably discover many and great defects. If the trial be impartial, this will certainly be the case. (Essex Congregational Remembrancer.) I. A DUTY. Our work is good, and approved by God, if it have —1. A good ground, viz., the will and Word of God, and not will-worship and human invention. 2. A good performance. Sincere, as in the presence of God, and with an honest heart. 3. A good end. (1) (2) II. A PRIVILEGE. 1. Independence of men. 2. The blessed testimony of a good conscience (2 Corinthians 1:12). Hence learn —(1) That if we would have a light heart we must approve ourselves unto God.(2) That the common estimate of religion as gloomy is false (Proverbs 15:15; 1 Peter 1:18).(3) That there is much spurious joy in the world, which arises, not from within, but without. There are those (a) (b) (c) (d) (R. Cudworth.) People Galatians, PaulPlaces GalatiaTopics Actions, Alone, Belongs, Boast, Boasting, Cause, Comparing, Conduct, Examine, Glory, Glorying, Neighbor, Neighbour, Pride, Prove, Reason, Reference, Regard, Rejoicing, Scrutinize, Somebody, TestOutline 1. He moves them to deal mildly with a brother who has slipped,2. and to bear one another's burden; 6. to be generous to their teachers, 9. and not weary of well-doing. 12. He shows what they intend that preach circumcision. 14. He glories in nothing, save in the cross of Christ. Dictionary of Bible Themes Galatians 6:4 5473 proof, through testing Library September 19. "In Due Season we Shall Reap if we Faint Not" (Gal. vi. 9). "In due season we shall reap if we faint not" (Gal. vi. 9). If the least of us could only anticipate the eternal issues that will probably spring from the humblest services of faith, we should only count our sacrifices and labors unspeakable heritages of honor and opportunity, and would cease to speak of trials and sacrifices for God. The smallest grain of faith is a deathless and incorruptible germ, which will yet plant the heavens and cover the earth with harvests of imperishable glory. Lift up … Rev. A. B. Simpson—Days of Heaven Upon Earth October 20. "Let us not be Weary in Well-Doing" (Gal. vi. 9). Doing Good to All The Owner's Brand Burden-Bearing The Glory of the Cross 21ST DAY. A Due Reaping. Cadman -- a New Day for Missions On Mysteries --God Gives them Here in Reality. Translator's Introductory Notice. All that is Born of the Flesh must be Born of the Spirit. And to Holy David Indeed it Might More Justly be Said... On Account Then of These Either Occupations of the Servants of God... The Hindrances to Mourning Introductory. The Beautiful Hague "Hear the Word of the Lord, Ye Rulers of Sodom, Give Ear unto the Law of Our God, Ye People of Gomorrah," Of Mysteries Growth in Grace. Princely Service. Concerted Prayer Excursus on the Use of the Word "Canon. " How the Married and the Single are to be Admonished. 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