Then Job answered: Sermons
I. REPARTEE AND REPROOF. (Vers. 2-4.) The tone seems to be ironical: "How well hast thou helped feebleness, supported the arm of him that has no strength, counselled unwisdom, and in fulness given utterance to good sense! To whom hast thou offered words, and whose breath went forth from thee? By whose inspiration?" possibly pointing to the borrowed character of Bildad's speech. Words may be good in themselves, yet not pleasant or profitable if not spoken in good season. It would have been more to the purpose had Bildad spoken to the wounded spirit of his friend of the tenderness and the compassion rather than the majesty and greatness of God. The minister of God should know how to speak a word in season to the weary (Isaiah 50:4). "We are often disappointed in our expectations of our friends who should comfort us; but the Comforter, who is the Holy Ghost, never mistakes in his operations, nor misses his ends." Job takes a noble revenge by painting in far more glowing and noble language the sublime greatness of God, thus showing how true in faith was his heart at bottom. His petulance and outcries are the involuntary irritation of pain; they are superficial; at the core of his being piety lives in all its intensity. II. JOB'S SURPASSING DESCRIPTION OF THE MAJESTY OF GOD. (Vers. 5-14.) "Truth, like a torch, the more it's shook, it shines." "It were well if all disputes about religion might end thus, in glorifying God as Lord of all, and our Lord, with one mind and one mouth (Romans 15:6), for in that we are all agreed." 1. Hell and heaven. (Vers. 5-7.) Job begins at the opposite end of the great scale of creation from that with which Bildad began; with the lower world the region of shadows thence to rise to the heavenly world. "The shadows are made to tremble below the water and its inhabitants" (ver. 5). By the shadows are meant the ghostly, bloodless forms as Homer has described them in the eleventh book of the 'Odyssey,' leading a joyless, melancholy existence, deprived of the light of the sun (Psalm 88:11; Proverbs 2:18; Proverbs 9:18; Isaiah 26:14, 19; comp. Job 14:9, 10). Even in Hades the vast power of the Almighty is felt, and its inhabitants own it and tremble (Psalm 139:8; Proverbs 15:11; James 2:19). This lower world is naked to the eyes of God (Hebrews 4:13), and the chasm of Hades has no covering (Proverbs 15:11; ver. 6). The Northern heaven - taken here by a figure, as the part for the whole - is stretched over the void, and the earth hangs upon nothing (ver. 7). The expression "nothing" here denotes the same as the "void" - the vast emptiness of space in which the earth with its heavenly canopy is placed. Compare the classical parallels in Lucret., 2:600, sqq.; Ovid, 'Fast.,' 6:269, sqq. A Persian poet says - "He stretches out the heaven without pillars as the tent of the earth .... What doth the air bear? it beareth nothing, and nothing on nothing, and absolutely nothing." And an Arab poet, "He has made the heaven out of smoke." And in the Koran, "It is Allah who has built high the heaven, without supporting it on visible pillars." The poets say that Atlas bore the heaven on his shoulders; but we confess the true Atlas, the Lord our God, who by his word upholds both heaven and earth (Brenz). As the work witnesses of the master, so does the universe testify of its Creator, Sustainer, and Governor (Psalm 19:1-6); and no faint-hearted one has contemplated the eternal order which here confronts him and its secret but ever-blessed sway, and no sinner longing for salvation has tarried in the hails of this great temple of God, without being richly blessed with heavenly blessings (Wohlfarth). 2. The clouds and the heavenly region. (Vers, 8-10.) Waters are firmly bound up in the clouds as in vast water-skins, according to the conception of the poet, without their bursting with the weight, if God wills to retain the rain (ver. 8; Genesis 7:11; Genesis 8:2). God veils the "outer side" of his heavenly throne, the side turned towards earth, by drawing the clouds between (ver. 9). He has drawn a circling boundary over the water's surface to the crossing of the light with the darkness (ver. 10; Proverbs 8:27). In both passages the idea is that the earth is surrounded by water (in Homer, by the flowing stream of ocean). Above is the circle of the hemisphere, where sun and stars run their course. Within this circle is the region of the heavenly bodies and of light, and outside it begins the realm of darkness. 3. Mountains; the sea; constellations. (Vers. 11-13.) The heaven's pillars - that is, the great mountains, conceived as bearing up the firmament - fall into trembling, and the earthquake is represented as caused by their affright at his reproof (ver. 11; comp. Psalm 29; Psalm 104:7; Isaiah 50:2; Nahum 1:4; Revelation 6:12-14; Revelation 20:11). He terrifies the sea by his power, and by his understanding breaks in pieces Rahab (ver. 12). Rahab being here not Egypt, as in other places, but some huge monster of legendary fame. His breath makes the heaven bright and clear; and his hand has pierced through the flying serpent (ver. 13). This may, perhaps, allude to the mythical representation of eclipses of sun or moon as the attempt of a monstrous dragon to swallow up the heavenly bodies, The ceremony is practised, among the Turks and others, of beating off this dragon at the time of eclipses by cries and noises. These descriptions of the Creation are founded on astronomical myths belonging to the childhood of the world; but our better knowledge of the mechanism of the heavens need not destroy our sense of the reverence and awe which pervade these descriptions, The wonder of ignorance is replaced by the nobler wonder of intelligence, of reason. CONCLUSION. (Ver. 14.) "Lo, these are ends of his ways" - but the outlines or sketches - the nearest and most familiar evidences of his government of the world; "and what a gently whispering word it is that we hear! - but the thunder of his omnipotence who can understand?" The full unfolding of his power, the thundering course of the heavenly spheres, what mortal ear could bear? "If nature thundered in our opening ears, And stunned us with the music of the spheres, How should we wish that Heaven had left us still The gentle zephyr and the purling rill?" The whole contemplation is fitted to teach us our ignorance, and to lead to humility, to wonder, to adoration. We see but a small part of the immeasurable kingdom of God. We play with a few pebbles on the verge of the infinite ocean of existence. The knowledge of the greatest philosopher is but the short-sighted glance of a tiny insect! Our earth is but a grain of sand in the vast whole, a drop in the bucket. Thus the discoveries made of God lead us to the depth and height of the undiscovered and unknown. A modern philosopher says that religion and science find their point of union and reconciliation here - in the recognition of the unknown, unknowable Power in the universe. This recognition stills vain rivalries and idle controversies. "When we have said all we can concerning God, we must, even as St. Paul (Romans 11:33), despair to find the bottom; we must sit down at the brink and adore the depth: 'Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God!'" (comp. 1 Corinthians 13:9-12). But, again, the sense of what is unknown should lead us to hold the more firmly to that which is known, especially through the gospel of his grace and love. There he speaks to us from out the vastness and splendour of the creation with a voice that we can understand, that touches the heart - "My child!" This everlasting God is ours-our Father and our Love. Without the knowledge of his grace and mercy in Christ, the knowledge of his majesty and purity must drive us to despair. - J. Man, that is a worm. 1. With peculiar emphasis we may say of the worm, it is "of the earth earthy." Springing out of it, boring into it, and feeding on it, or on that which grows upon it, — it is a singular image of man, who was formed out of the dust of the ground, and is destined to return to it, and who, alas! feeds on it. All men may not be equally represented by that which belongs to the extremely gross in character. 2. In the naturally repulsive character of a worm we have an illustration of sin. The only thing that repels God from man is sin. To man's weakness, ignorance, poverty, and sorrow, the Creator can and does graciously draw near; but from man's sin He recoils. What sin is to God, it should be to us — a repulsive thing — that which we should hate and flee from. 3. The carrion-worm and canker-worm afford us an illustration of the injurious character of man as a sinner. What are the ravages of war but the dread results of human carrion-worms revelling in human blood? What are the restless activities, passions, and pursuits of men, but the ceaseless gnawing of pride, envy, ambition, lust, anger, malice, deceit, and suchlike things — the canker-worms of the soul, and the carrion-worms of the body? 4. Learn a lesson of humility from the different classes and pursuits of worms. Some are great and some small; some attractive and some unsightly. 5. Worms are not without their use in the world, and some — such as silkworms — are of great value. (). But Job answered and said. Homilist. I. God appears incomprehensibly great in THAT PORTION OF THE UNIVERSE THAT IS BROUGHT UNDER HUMAN OBSERVATION. 1. In connection with the world of disembodied spirits. "Dead things are formed from under the waters and the inhabitants thereof. Hell is naked before Him, and destruction hath no covering." 2. In connection with this terraqueous globe. "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing." "It is evident that the true figure of the earth had early engaged the attention of men, and that occasionally the truth on this subject was before their minds, though it was neither brought into a system nor sustained there by sufficient evidence to make it an article of established belief." 3. In connection with the starry universe. "By His Spirit He hath garnished the heavens." W. Herschell observed one hundred and sixteen thousand stars pass the feeblest telescope in one quarter of an hour. But what are they? Only a few drops to the ocean. II. INSIGNIFICANT COMPARED WITH THOSE PARTS THAT ARE UNDISCOVERED IN IMMENSITY. "Lo, these are parts of His ways; but how little a portion is heard of Him? but the thunder of His power who can understand?" Conclusion — 1. God's greatness is not inconsistent with His attention to little things. 2. God's greatness is a vital subject for human thought. No subject is so soul quickening. No subject is so humbling. () People Abaddon, Job, RahabPlaces UzTopics Answereth, Job, Replied, RespondedOutline 1. Job, reproving the uncharitable spirit of Bildad 5. acknowledges the power of God to be infinite and unsearchable
Dictionary of Bible Themes Job 25:6 2221 Christ, Son of Man 2233 Son of Man Job 25:1-6 5003 human race, and God Job 25:2-6 5816 consciousness Job 25:4-6 4835 light, spiritual Library Mosaic Cosmogony. ON the revival of science in the 16th century, some of the earliest conclusions at which philosophers arrived were found to be at variance with popular and long-established belief. The Ptolemaic system of astronomy, which had then full possession of the minds of men, contemplated the whole visible universe from the earth as the immovable centre of things. Copernicus changed the point of view, and placing the beholder in the sun, at once reduced the earth to an inconspicuous globule, a merely subordinate … Frederick Temple—Essays and Reviews: The Education of the WorldThe Principle of Life in the Creature. "By His Spirit He hath garnished the heavens; His hand hath formed the crooked serpent."-- Job xxvi. 13. We have seen that the work of the Holy Spirit consists in leading all creation to its destiny, the final purpose of which is the glory of God. However, God's glory in creation appears in various degrees and ways. An insect and a star, the mildew on the wall and the cedar on Lebanon, a common laborer and a man like Augustine, are all the creatures of God; yet how dissimilar they are, and how varied … Abraham Kuyper—The Work of the Holy Spirit Whether Fear Remains in Heaven Whether Fear Remains in Heaven We proceed to the eleventh article thus: 1. It seems that fear does not remain in heaven. For it is said in Prov. 1:33: " . . . shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil," and this is to be understood as referring to those who already enjoy wisdom in eternal blessedness. Now all fear is fear of evil, since evil is the object of fear, as was said in Arts. 2 and 5, and in 12ae, Q. 42, Art. 1. There will therefore be no fear in heaven. 2. Again, in heaven … Aquinas—Nature and Grace Whether the virtues of Heaven Will be Moved when Our Lord Shall Come? Objection 1: It would seem that the virtues of heaven will not be moved when our Lord shall come. For the virtues of heaven can de. note only the blessed angels. Now immobility is essential to blessedness. Therefore it will be impossible for them to be moved. Objection 2: Further, ignorance is the cause of wonder (Metaph. i, 2). Now ignorance, like fear, is far from the angels, for as Gregory says (Dial. iv, 33; Moral. ii, 3), "what do they not see, who see Him Who sees all." Therefore it will be … Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica Whether Wisdom is the Greatest of the Intellectual virtues? Objection 1: It would seem that wisdom is not the greatest of the intellectual virtues. Because the commander is greater than the one commanded. Now prudence seems to command wisdom, for it is stated in Ethic. i, 2 that political science, which belongs to prudence (Ethic. vi, 8), "orders that sciences should be cultivated in states, and to which of these each individual should devote himself, and to what extent." Since, then, wisdom is one of the sciences, it seems that prudence is greater than wisdom. … Saint Thomas Aquinas—Summa Theologica The Power of the Holy Ghost We shall look at the power of the Holy Ghost in three ways this morning. First, the outward and visible displays of it; second, the inward and spiritual manifestations of it; and third, the future and expected works thereof. The power of the Spirit will thus, I trust, be made clearly present to your souls. I. First, then, we are to view the power of the Spirit in the OUTWARD AND VISIBLE DISPLAYS OF IT. The power of the Sprit has not been dormant; it has exerted itself. Much has been done by the Spirit … Charles Haddon Spurgeon—Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 1: 1855 That the Self-Existent Being must be All-Powerful. The self-existent being, the supreme cause of all things, must of necessity have infinite power.--This proposition is evident, and undeniable. For since nothing (as has been already proved,) can possibly be self-existent, besides himself; and consequently all things in the universe were made by him, and are entirely dependent upon him; and all the powers of all things are derived from him, and must therefore be perfectly subject and subordinate to him; it is manifest that nothing can make any difficulty … Samuel Clarke—A Discourse Concerning the Being and Attributes of God Use to be Made of the Doctrine of Providence. Sections. 1. Summary of the doctrine of Divine Providence. 1. It embraces the future and the past. 2. It works by means, without means, and against means. 3. Mankind, and particularly the Church, the object of special care. 4. The mode of administration usually secret, but always just. This last point more fully considered. 2. The profane denial that the world is governed by the secret counsel of God, refuted by passages of Scripture. Salutary counsel. 3. This doctrine, as to the secret counsel of … John Calvin—The Institutes of the Christian Religion "Seek First the Kingdom of God," &C. Matt. vi. 33.--"Seek first the kingdom of God," &c. It may seem strange, that when so great things are allowed, and so small things are denied, that we do not seek them. The kingdom of God and his righteousness are great things indeed, great not only in themselves, but greater in comparison of us. The things of this world, even great events, are but poor, petty, and inconsiderable matters, when compared with these. Yet he graciously allows a larger measure of these great things relating to his kingdom … Hugh Binning—The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning The Host of Heaven and of Earth. "The Spirit of God hath made me."--Job xxxiii. 4. Understanding somewhat the characteristic note of the work of the Holy Spirit, let us see what this work was and is and shall be. The Father brings forth, the Son disposes and arranges, the Holy Spirit perfects. There is one God and Father of whom are all things, and one Lord Jesus Christ through whom are all things; but what does the Scripture say of the special work the Holy Spirit did in creation and is still doing? For the sake of order we examine … Abraham Kuyper—The Work of the Holy Spirit God Incomprehensible and Sovereign. 1 Can creatures to perfection find [1] Th' eternal uncreated mind? Or can the largest stretch of thought Measure and search his nature out? 2 'Tis high as heaven, 'tis deep as hell, And what can mortals know or tell? His glory spreads beyond the sky, And all the shining worlds on high. 3 But man, vain man, would fain be wise, Born like a wild young colt he flies Thro' all the follies of his mind, And swells and snuffs the empty wind. 4 God is a King of power unknown, Firm are the orders of his throne; … Isaac Watts—Hymns and Spiritual Songs Christian Perfection "Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect." Phil. 3:12. 1. There is scarce any expression in Holy Writ which has given more offence than this. The word perfect is what many cannot bear. The very sound of it is an abomination to them. And whosoever preaches perfection (as the phrase is,) that is, asserts that it is attainable in this life, runs great hazard of being accounted by them worse than a heathen man or a publican. 2. And hence some have advised, wholly to lay aside … John Wesley—Sermons on Several Occasions Of Creation Heb. xi. 3.--"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."--Gen. i. 1. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." We are come down from the Lord's purposes and decrees to the execution of them, which is partly in the works of creation and partly in the works of providence. The Lord having resolved upon it to manifest his own glory did in that due and predeterminate time apply his … Hugh Binning—The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning Epistle iv. To Cyriacus, Bishop. To Cyriacus, Bishop. Gregory to Cyriacus, Bishop of Constantinople. We have received with becoming charity our common sons, George the presbyter and Theodore your deacon; and we rejoice that you have passed from the care of ecclesiastical business to the government of souls, since, according to the voice of the Truth, He that is faithful in a little will be faithful also in much (Luke xvi. 10). And to the servant who administers well it is said, Because thou hast been faithful over a few things, … Saint Gregory the Great—the Epistles of Saint Gregory the Great The First Commandment Thou shalt have no other gods before me.' Exod 20: 3. Why is the commandment in the second person singular, Thou? Why does not God say, You shall have no other gods? Because the commandment concerns every one, and God would have each one take it as spoken to him by name. Though we are forward to take privileges to ourselves, yet we are apt to shift off duties from ourselves to others; therefore the commandment is in the second person, Thou and Thou, that every one may know that it is spoken to him, … Thomas Watson—The Ten Commandments Job The book of Job is one of the great masterpieces of the world's literature, if not indeed the greatest. The author was a man of superb literary genius, and of rich, daring, and original mind. The problem with which he deals is one of inexhaustible interest, and his treatment of it is everywhere characterized by a psychological insight, an intellectual courage, and a fertility and brilliance of resource which are nothing less than astonishing. Opinion has been divided as to how the book should be … John Edgar McFadyen—Introduction to the Old Testament Links Job 26:1 NIV Job 26:1 NLT Job 26:1 ESV Job 26:1 NASB Job 26:1 KJV
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