In the fiftieth year of Azariah's reign over Judah, Pekahiah son of Menahem became king of Israel and reigned in Samaria two years. In the fiftieth year of Azariah’s reign over JudahAzariah, also known as Uzziah, was a king of Judah who reigned for 52 years. His reign is noted for prosperity and military success, as well as a tragic end due to leprosy (2 Chronicles 26:16-21). The reference to the fiftieth year of his reign provides a chronological anchor, situating Pekahiah's ascension in the broader timeline of the divided monarchy. This period was marked by political instability in Israel, contrasting with Judah's relative stability under Azariah. Pekahiah son of Menahem became king of Israel and reigned in Samaria two years Persons / Places / Events 1. Azariah (Uzziah)King of Judah during whose reign Pekahiah became king of Israel. His reign is noted for both prosperity and eventual downfall due to pride. 2. Pekahiah Son of Menahem, he became king of Israel and reigned for two years. His short reign was marked by instability and eventual assassination. 3. Menahem Father of Pekahiah and former king of Israel, known for his violent rise to power and oppressive rule. 4. Samaria The capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, where Pekahiah reigned. It was a center of political and religious activity. 5. Israel and Judah The divided kingdoms of the Hebrew people, with Israel in the north and Judah in the south. This division often led to political and spiritual conflicts. Teaching Points The Consequences of Political InstabilityThe brief and tumultuous reign of Pekahiah serves as a reminder of the dangers of political instability and the importance of righteous leadership. The Impact of Legacy Pekahiah's reign was influenced by his father Menahem's oppressive rule. This highlights the impact of a leader's legacy on their successors. The Importance of Faithfulness to God The Northern Kingdom's repeated failure to follow God led to its downfall. This underscores the importance of faithfulness and obedience to God in leadership. The Role of Divine Providence Despite human actions and political turmoil, God's providence is at work. Believers are encouraged to trust in God's ultimate plan. Learning from History The history of Israel and Judah serves as a lesson for modern believers to seek Godly wisdom and avoid the pitfalls of past leaders. Bible Study Questions 1. How does the political instability during Pekahiah's reign reflect the spiritual state of Israel at the time?2. In what ways can the legacy of a leader impact future generations, both positively and negatively? 3. How can we apply the lessons of faithfulness and obedience from the reigns of Israel's kings to our personal lives today? 4. What role does divine providence play in the midst of political and personal turmoil, and how can we trust in God's plan? 5. How can studying the history of Israel and Judah help us make better decisions in our own leadership roles, whether in the church, community, or family? Connections to Other Scriptures 2 Kings 15:27-31These verses describe the assassination of Pekahiah by Pekah, highlighting the political instability in Israel during this period. 2 Chronicles 26 Provides a detailed account of Azariah's (Uzziah's) reign in Judah, offering context to the political landscape during Pekahiah's rule. Hosea 7:7 This verse speaks to the treachery and violence among Israel's leaders, reflecting the environment in which Pekahiah ruled.
People Abel, Ahaz, Amaziah, Amram, Aram, Argob, Arieh, Azaliah, Azariah, David, Elah, Gadi, Gileadites, Hoshea, Jabesh, Jecholiah, Jecoliah, Jehu, Jeroboam, Jerusha, Jotham, Maacah, Menahem, Naphtali, Nebat, Pekah, Pekahiah, Pul, Remaliah, Rezin, Shallum, Tappuah, Tiglathpileser, Tirzah, Uzziah, Zachariah, Zadok, ZechariahPlaces Abel-beth-maacah, Assyria, Damascus, Galilee, Gilead, Hazor, Ibleam, Ijon, Janoah, Jerusalem, Kedesh, Samaria, Syria, TirzahTopics Azariah, Azari'ah, Fiftieth, Judah, Menahem, Men'ahem, Pekahiah, Pekahi'ah, Reign, Reigned, Ruling, Samaria, Sama'riaDictionary of Bible Themes 2 Kings 15:1-38Library The Twelve Minor Prophets. 1. By the Jewish arrangement, which places together the twelve minor prophets in a single volume, the chronological order of the prophets as a whole is broken up. The three greater prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, stand in the true order of time. Daniel began to prophesy before Ezekiel, but continued, many years after him. The Jewish arrangement of the twelve minor prophets is in a sense chronological; that is, they put the earlier prophets at the beginning, and the later at the end of the … E. P. Barrows—Companion to the Bible Meditations Before Dinner and Supper. A Living Book In Galilee at the Time of Our Lord The Prophet Micah. The Prophet Hosea. Kings Links 2 Kings 15:23 NIV2 Kings 15:23 NLT 2 Kings 15:23 ESV 2 Kings 15:23 NASB 2 Kings 15:23 KJV 2 Kings 15:23 Commentaries Bible Hub |