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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

a-ge'-us (Aggaios; the King James Version Aggeus). Haggai, one of the Minor Prophets. Abraham prophesied in the second year of the reign of Darius (compare Ezra 4:24; Ezra 5:1) with Zacharias in Jerusalem (1 Esdras 6:1; 7:3) In 2 Esdras 1:40 he is mentioned as one who with others shall be given as "leader to the nation from the east."


Chapter i.
... yvnh Ionas Ionas mykh M[e]ichaias Michaeas nchvm ,nchvm Naoum Nahum chvqvq Hambakoum
Habacuc tsphnyh Sophonias Sophonias chgy Hangaios Aggaeus zkryh Zacharias ...
/.../an introduction to the old testament in greek additional notes/chapter i 2.htm

... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia AGGAEUS. a-ge'-us (Aggaios; the King James
Version Aggeus). Haggai, one of the Minor Prophets. Abraham ...
/a/aggaeus.htm - 6k

Aggrandize (1 Occurrence)

/a/aggrandize.htm - 7k


/a/aggaba.htm - 6k

Haggai (14 Occurrences)
... 16). In Greek Haggaios, in Latin, Aggaeus or Aggeus, sometimes Haggaeus.
Haggai is the 10th in the order of the Twelve Prophets. ...
/h/haggai.htm - 28k

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