Month: Elul (September): The Wall of Jerusalem Finished In
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Month: (Number Only Mentioned): Aaron Died on the First Day of

Month: (Number Only Mentioned): Ezra Arrived at Jerusalem In

Month: (Number Only Mentioned): Temple Destroyed In

Month: (The Number Only Appears in the Bible): Jerusalem Taken by Nebuchadnezzar In

Month: Abib (April): After the Captivity Called Nisan

Month: Abib (April): Decree to Put the Jews to Death In

Month: Abib (April): Israelites Arrive at Zin In

Month: Abib (April): Israelites Left Egypt In

Month: Abib (April): Passover Instituted and Celebrated In

Month: Abib (April): Tabernacle Set up In

Month: Abib (April): The Death of Jesus In

Month: Abib (April): The Israelites Cross the Jordan River In

Month: Abib (April): The Jewish Calendar Began With

Month: Abib (April): The Jordan River Overflows In

Month: Adar (March)

Month: Adar (March): Feast of Purim In

Month: Adar (March): Months in Prophecy

Month: Adar (March): Second Temple Finished In

Month: Ancient Use of

Month: Bul (November): Jeroboam's Idolatrous Feast In

Month: Bul (November): The Temple Finished In

Month: Chisleu (December)

Month: Elul (September): The Temple Built In

Month: Elul (September): The Wall of Jerusalem Finished In

Month: Ethanim (October)

Month: Ethanim (October): Altar Rebuilt and offerings Renewed In

Month: Ethanim (October): Feasts Held In

Month: Ethanim (October): Jubilee Proclaimed In

Month: Ethanim (October): Solomon's Temple Dedicated In

Month: Passover to be Observed In

Month: Sebat (February)

Month: Sebat (February): Moses Probably Died In

Month: Sivan: (June)

Month: Sivan: (June): Asa Renews the Covenant of Himself and People In

Month: Tebeth (January)

Month: Tebeth (January): Nebuchadnezzar Besieges Jerusalem In

Month: Twelve Months Reckoned to a Year

Month: Zif (May)

Month: Zif (May): An Celebrated In

Month: Zif (May): Israel Departed from the Wilderness of Zin In

Month: Zif (May): Israel Numbered In

Month: Zif (May): Rebuilding of the Temple Begun In

Month: Zif (May): Temple Begun In

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