Jump to: Hitchcock's • ATS • ISBE • Easton's • Webster's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Library • Subtopics • Terms Topical Encyclopedia Definition and Meaning: The term "Sabaoth" is a transliteration of the Hebrew word צְבָאוֹת (Tseva'ot), which means "hosts" or "armies." It is often used in the Bible to refer to the "Lord of Hosts" (YHWH Sabaoth), emphasizing God's sovereignty and command over the heavenly armies and all creation. This title underscores God's omnipotence and His role as a divine warrior and protector of His people. Biblical Usage: "Sabaoth" appears primarily in the context of God's majesty and power. It is frequently used in the Old Testament, particularly in the prophetic books, to highlight God's authority over both celestial and earthly realms. The term is often associated with God's ability to execute judgment and deliverance. Key Scripture References: 1. 1 Samuel 1:3 : "Year after year this man would go up from his city to worship and sacrifice to the LORD of Hosts at Shiloh, where Eli’s two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were priests to the LORD." · This passage introduces the title "LORD of Hosts" in the context of worship, indicating God's supreme authority and the reverence due to Him. 2. Isaiah 6:3 : "And they were calling out to one another: 'Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Hosts; all the earth is full of His glory.'" · In Isaiah's vision, the seraphim proclaim the holiness of the LORD of Hosts, emphasizing His glory and the universal scope of His reign. 3. Jeremiah 11:20 : "But, O LORD of Hosts, who judges righteously, who tests the heart and mind, let me see Your vengeance upon them, for to You I have committed my cause." · Here, the LORD of Hosts is invoked as a righteous judge, capable of discerning the innermost thoughts and intentions of individuals. 4. James 5:4 : "Look, the wages you withheld from the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of Hosts." · In the New Testament, the title is used to affirm God's awareness of injustice and His readiness to act on behalf of the oppressed. Theological Significance: The title "LORD of Hosts" conveys several key theological themes: · Divine Sovereignty: It affirms God's ultimate control over all forces, both seen and unseen. As the commander of heavenly armies, God is depicted as invincible and supreme. · Protection and Deliverance: The LORD of Hosts is often called upon in times of national crisis or personal distress, highlighting His role as a protector and deliverer of His people. · Judgment and Justice: The title underscores God's role as a righteous judge who will execute justice on behalf of the oppressed and against the wicked. · Holiness and Glory: The repeated association of "Sabaoth" with God's holiness and glory serves to remind believers of His transcendent nature and the reverence He is due. Historical Context: In ancient Israel, the concept of God as the LORD of Hosts would have resonated deeply with a people familiar with warfare and the need for divine intervention. The imagery of God leading heavenly armies would have provided comfort and assurance of His power to protect and deliver His covenant people. Conclusion: The title "Sabaoth" remains a powerful reminder of God's unmatched authority and His active involvement in the affairs of the world. It calls believers to trust in His power, seek His protection, and live in reverence of His holy name. Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary SabaothATS Bible Dictionary SabaothOr rather Tsabaoth, hosts or armies. JEHOVAH SABAOTH is the Lord of Hosts; and we are to understand the word hosts in the most comprehensive sense, as including the host of heaven, the angels and minister of the Lord; the stars and planets, which, as an army ranged in battle array, perform the will of God; the armies of earth, whose conflicts his providence overrules to the accomplishment of his own wise designs; the hordes of inferior creatures, as the locusts that plagued Egypt, the quails that fed Israel, and "the canker-worm and the palmer-worm, his great army," Joel 2:15; and lastly, the people of the Lord, both of the old and new covenants, a truly great army, of which God is the general and commander, 2 Samuel 6:2 Psalm 24:10 Romans 9:29 James 5:4. Easton's Bible Dictionary The transliteration of the Hebrew word tsebha'oth, meaning "hosts," "armies" (Romans 9:29; James 5:4). In the LXX. the Hebrew word is rendered by "Almighty." (See Revelation 4:8; Comp. Isaiah 6:3.) It may designate Jehovah as either (1) God of the armies of earth, or (2) God of the armies of the stars, or (3) God of the unseen armies of angels; or perhaps it may include all these ideas. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (n. pl.) Armies; hosts.2. (n. pl.) Incorrectly, the Sabbath. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia SABAOTHsab'-a-oth, sa-ba'-oth. Greek 4519. sabaoth -- Sabaoth, ie armies ... 4518, 4519. sabaoth. 4520 . ... Word Origin of Hebrew origin tsaba in fem. pl. Definition Sabaoth, ie armies NASB Word Usage Sabaoth (2). Sabaoth, Lord of Armies ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4519.htm - 7k Library Refutation of Basilides, and of the Opinion that the Prophets ... Isaiah was Sent by the Spirit, and Accordingly the Same Spirit was ... As Celsus, However, is of Opinion that it Matters Nothing Whether ... Jesaia, Dem Propheten, Das Geschah. These Things the Seer Isaiah ... Moreover, if any one Would Wish to Become Acquainted with the ... St. Ambrose Declares his Desire that Some Angel Would Fly to Him ... The Marvel Is, not that Men have Failed to Know Christ... Hymns of Praise and Worship. Certain Amorous Desires, &C. The Hard-Heartedness of the Jews, for whom the Christians Pray. Thesaurus Sabaoth (2 Occurrences)... Standard Bible Encyclopedia. SABAOTH. sab'-a-oth, sa-ba'-oth. See GOD, NAMES OF, III, 8; LORD OF HOSTS. Multi-Version Concordance Sabaoth (2 Occurrences). ... /s/sabaoth.htm - 8k Outcry (56 Occurrences) Labourers (11 Occurrences) Gomorrha (5 Occurrences) Gomor'rah (23 Occurrences) In-gathered (1 Occurrence) Foretold (18 Occurrences) Fraudulently (2 Occurrences) Exclamations (1 Occurrence) Esaias (18 Occurrences) Resources What does the Bible mean when it calls God the “LORD of hosts”? | GotQuestions.orgWhat are the different names of God, and what do they mean? | GotQuestions.org What do LORD, GOD, Lord, God, etc., stand for in the Bible? Why are they used in place of God's name? | GotQuestions.org Sabaoth: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.com Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Sabaoth (2 Occurrences)Romans 9:29 James 5:4 Subtopics Related Terms |