Victory over Betrayal 1
2God wyll preserue hym & kepe him aliue: he shalbe blessed vpon the earth, and
3God wyll comfort hym when he lyeth sicke vpon his bed: thou
4I sayde, O God be mercifull vnto me: heale my soule, for I haue sinned agaynst thee.
5Myne enemies speake euyl of me: when shall he dye, and his name perishe?
6But yf
7All they that hated me whispered together: they imagined euyl agaynst me.
9Yea besides this, euen myne owne friende whom I trusted: which dyd also eate of my bread, hath kicked very much agaynst me.
10But be thou mercifull vnto me O God: rayse me vp agayne, and I shall rewarde them.
11By this I knowe thou fauouredst me: in that myne enemie doth not triumph agaynst me.
12And when I am in my best case, thou vpholdest me: and thou wylt set me before thy face for euer.
13Blessed be God the Lorde of Israel: worlde without ende, Amen, Amen. |