Bildad Speaks of the Wicked 1Then Bildad 2“How Show 3“Why As stupid 4“[a]You who tear Should the earth Or the rock 5“Indeed And the spark 6“The light And his lamp 7“His [b]vigorous And his own plan 8“For he is thrown And he steps 9“A snare And a trap 10“A noose And a trap 11“All And harass 12“His strength And disaster 13“[c]It devours The firstborn 14“He is torn And [f]they march 15“[g]Nothing Brimstone 16“His roots And his branch 17“The memory And he has no 18“[h]He is driven And chased 19“He has no Nor 20“Those in the west And those in the east 21“Certainly And this [a] 4 Lit The one who tears himself in his [b] 7 Lit steps of his strength [c] 13 Another reading is His skin is devoured by illness [d] 13 Or parts [e] 14 Lit his tent his trust [f] 14 Lit you march or she marches [g] 15 Another reading is Fire dwells in his tent [h] 18 Lit They drive him...And chase him [i] 20 Lit day New American Standard Bible Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit Bible Hub |