Topical Encyclopedia In biblical literature, the term "crouches" is often associated with a posture of submission, humility, or readiness to act. This term appears in various contexts throughout the Bible, symbolizing different spiritual and moral states.Genesis 4:7 The first notable mention of "crouches" is found in Genesis 4:7, where God speaks to Cain: "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you refuse to do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires you, but you must rule over it." Here, "crouching" is used metaphorically to describe sin as a predatory force lying in wait, ready to seize an opportunity to dominate. This imagery conveys the ever-present danger of sin and the need for vigilance and self-control. Symbolism and Interpretation The act of crouching, in this context, suggests a hidden threat, emphasizing the deceptive and insidious nature of sin. It implies that sin is not always overt but can be subtle, waiting for a moment of weakness. The instruction to "rule over it" highlights the responsibility of individuals to exercise moral authority and resist temptation through conscious effort and reliance on divine guidance. Proverbs 22:13 Another reference to crouching is found in Proverbs 22:13: "The sluggard says, 'There is a lion outside! I will be slain in the streets!'" While the term "crouches" is not explicitly used here, the imagery of a lion suggests a lurking danger. The sluggard's exaggerated fear of a lion crouching outside serves as a metaphor for procrastination and avoidance of responsibility. It illustrates how irrational fears can paralyze individuals, preventing them from fulfilling their duties. Spiritual Lessons The concept of crouching in these passages serves as a powerful reminder of the spiritual battles faced by believers. It underscores the importance of discernment and the need to remain spiritually alert. The Bible encourages believers to be aware of the subtlety of sin and to actively engage in spiritual warfare through prayer, scripture study, and reliance on the Holy Spirit. Practical Application In practical terms, understanding the metaphor of crouching can aid believers in recognizing the hidden dangers in their spiritual walk. It calls for a proactive approach to faith, where one is constantly vigilant against the encroachment of sin and ready to take decisive action to maintain spiritual integrity. Conclusion While the term "crouches" may not frequently appear in the Bible, its implications are profound, offering insights into the nature of sin and the posture of readiness required of believers. Through the lens of scripture, crouching serves as a vivid illustration of the spiritual vigilance necessary to lead a life pleasing to God. Greek 4434. ptochos -- (of one who crouches and cowers, hence) beggarly ... ... 4433, 4434. ptochos. 4435 . (of one who crouches and cowers, hence) beggarly, poor. Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: ptochos Phonetic Spelling: ( ... // - 8k Strong's Hebrew 1794. dakah -- to crush... Word Origin a prim. root Definition to crush NASB Word Usage broken (1), contrite (1), crouches (1), crushed (2). break sore, contrite, crouch. ... /hebrew/1794.htm - 6k Library What Crouches at the Door Contents A Staircase of Three Steps The Shield of Faith The Lord's Prayer, viii Dying Fires Second Great Group of Parables. Cain and his Brother Abel February the Twenty-Eighth the Test of Fulness God a Jealous God. Thesaurus Crouches (3 Occurrences)... Multi-Version Concordance Crouches (3 Occurrences). Genesis 4:7 If you do well, will it not be lifted up? If you don't do well, sin crouches at the door. ... /c/crouches.htm - 7k Crouched (4 Occurrences) Croucheth (2 Occurrences) Lifted (466 Occurrences) Door (249 Occurrences) Rule (291 Occurrences) Resources What can we learn from the tribe of Judah? | GotQuestions.orgWho/what is the Lion of the tribe of Judah? | How can I know if the desires of my heart are from God? | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Crouches (3 Occurrences)Genesis 4:7 Genesis 49:9 Psalms 10:10 Subtopics Related Terms |