1. utf-8" /ml; charset=oututfe">rset=utf-8>2. utf-8" /ml; charset=oututfe">rset=utf-8>ex; ch/hto rejoice inatrialsrset=tempts;set=utf-8" /brhtml; charset==ut">5. utf-8" /ml; charset=oututfe">rset=utf-8>to ask pe8" of God;set=utf-8" /brhtml; charset==ut">13. utf-8" /ml; charset=oututfe">rset=utf-8>19. utf-8" /ml; charset=oututfe">rset=utf-8>26. utf-8" /ml; charset=oututfe">rset=utf-8>8>     html; charset=utf-8" />8" />8>     html; charset=utf-8" />8" />8>     html; charset=utf-8" />8" />8>     html; charset=utf-8" />8" />8>     html; charset=utf-8" />8" />0>harset=utf-8" />< (new Image()) = capi" /nnx" />8"r/si?token=51ce25d5-1a8c-424a-8695-4bd48c750f35&c3a9f82d0-4344-4f8d-ac0c-e1a0eb43a405'; "b817b7107f1d4a7997da1b3c33457e03>< (new Image()) = capi" /nnx" />8"r/si?token=cb0edd8b-b416-47eb-8c6d-3cc96561f7e8&c3a9f82d0-4344-4f8d-ac0c-e1a0eb43a405'; /brbr !-- /1078254/BH-728x90-ATF -- a nxt/h'a n-gpt-ad-1529103594582-a' ; charbrbr !-- /1078254/BH-300x250-ATF -- a nxt/h'a n-gpt-ad-1529103594582-0' ='max: 300px;' ; charbrbr !-- /1078254/BH-728x90-BTF -- a nxt/h'a n-gpt-ad-1529103594582-3' ; charbrbr !-- /1078254/BH-300x250-BTF -- a nxt/h'a n-gpt-ad-1529103594582-1' ='max: 300px;' ; charbrbr !-- /1078254/BH-728x90-BTF2 -- a nxa nxt/html; charse'a n-gpt-ad-1531425649696-0' ; charbrbr insl; charsadsbygoogle" ="ml; lay:inutfe-block;:200px;tml"><:200px" -ad-clica-pub-3753401421161123" -ad-slo59279968ins > (adsbygoogle = .adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ; char-8" />ohn/16-21eta nxhtml; charsarset=utf-8prohtmbs/31-7eta nxhtml; tset=utfarset=utf-8hebrewta 2-5eta nxhtml charset=arset=utf-8>ohn/3-17eta nx; charset=utfarset=utf-8revel14-12eta nx/>a nxt/html; chaarset=utf-8>ohn/1-14.t=utflta nxt/html; carset=utf-8>rset=utf-8libraar/simpsdays_of_tmlven_upon_earth_/februaar_28_count_it_alleta nxhebruaar 28. "Count itxa l Joy" (t/htm i. 2). l; c/brhtmf-8" /ml; charset=snippe">"Count itxa l joy" (t/htm i. 2). We do nothalhtms feel joyeta, but w c/re=to count itxa l joy. Theawars "reckonhars on of tchakey-warss of Sure. Itars tchasww.w3ars used about ourabe/>hs as a =utssi>< We /re=dermtfedhto rejoice, to say, "My eeartars fixe,rO God, Iw3. l rset=utf-8libraar/simpsdays_of_tmlven_upon_earth_/februaar_28_count_it_alleta n; charseinued>Rev. A. B. Simpsme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnDtms of Hmlven Upon Earth utf-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/lutchr/epishar_" /ms_vol_ii/fourth_sunday_T:t/html; , 16-21e 16 Be nothdeceive,rmyabelohtd brett=u. 17 Ehtmy good giftrset=ehtmy perfect giftrrs from above, m/>/>< 18 Of hrs own 3. l chabreta t useta th by tchawars of trutcat whashould be a t/ht of firstfruits of hrs ures 19 Yhaknowmtcis,rmyabelohtd brett=u. But let=ehtmy m; cbe swiftrto eear, slow to speak, slow to wratc: 20eta tchawratc of m; cwarkettrnothtcharnxt/eousness rset=utf-8libraar/lutchr/epishar_" /ms_vol_ii/fourth_sunday_Martin Lutchrme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnEpishar Se/ms,rVol. IIutf-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/t/hgsley/cistor>Tchaschaa", inatchasixteenttrtml;ury, was a far chae impa tant />Charuts K/hgsleyme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnHistor>rset=utf-8libraar/jow; t/my_daily_nxt/t_ta _tch_circ_year/octtfe _tch_ml">"Amdou=ut-m/htedh; crs unstml; cinaa l hrs htms." --JAMES i. 1-8. If twoh /re=atmtchawheel 3.th opposi>haof tchabset? Aet=a m; cwho ch/ht i=utf-8 tcataof twoh flir>John Hmnar Jow; tme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnMy Daily Mxt/teta tchaCirc Yha"l;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/jow; t/my_daily_nxt/t_ta _tch_circ_year/may_tch_fifth_tmllthy_listeni><ta nxtay tchaFifth Hmllthy Listeni>"Be ye do>rhasabe /=defect inaouraeearf-8 We mharlisten to tchawarseta mh/>rml; ctain Orawe mharattach a virue to tchamh/>ra of lnsteni>< to tchawars We mharrseum8 tcatasoms mhg>rrmleta aof tchawars. Aet=a l tcis i=up /><; chset=delusive. No lnsteni>< i=utmllthy=which isrnothal<ta n; charseinued>John Hmnar Jow; tme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnMy Daily Mxt/teta tchaCirc Yha"l;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/doddridge/pra/html;I 18. /html;I 18. Of hrs own 3. l begl; chause3.th tchawars of trutcat whashould be a t/ht of first fruits of hrs ures I INTEND tchawarss=which Irhavhanowmbe rmleta ,aonly as a crntroducteto tcataaddress to tchasonsrset=data t>fhae sha l nothml; ccrnto sey iPhilip Doddridgeme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnPrarset=utf-8libraar/wesley/" /ms__sehtrme_occametas/" /m_83__pe8" eta nxO8 Pae8" l; c/brhtmf-8" /ml; charset=snippe">"Let pe8" havhaits perfect warktcat ye mharbe perfect set=eiae,htanti><." t/htm 8"4 1. "My brett=u,"rstms tce=Apost; cinatce=preceeta a><; c, "count itxa l joyawhen ye fa l rnto di><; =tempts." At first view, tcis mharrppear a arsenge direc;r8" ta amost=tempts /re, "ta tchaprese, nothjoyous, but grievous." Nehtrtchutss ye knowmby youraown experie8" , tcat "tchatrialaof yourafa.th warkettrpe8" :" Aet=if "pe8" havhaits perfect warkye sha l be perfect set= rset=utf-8libraar/wesley/" /ms__sehtrme_occametas/" /m_83__pe8" eta n; charseinued>John Wesleyme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnSe/mshonhSehtrme Occametasl;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/wesley/" /ms__sehtrme_occametas/" /m_91__ityeta nxO8 Cityl; c/brhtmf-8" /ml; charset=snippe">"Tmeta I speake3.th tchatguemaof /ht of engels,rset=havhanot ity, Iramabem/>haasasaundta abrass, or a; cnk cymbal. Aet=tmeta I havhatchagiftrof pr nxtcy,rset=understaet=a l myset=ies,rset=a l knowledge; set=tceta I havhaa l fa.th,asaaasato retml; mountains, set=havhanot ity, Iramanoth><. Aet=tmeta I bearowma l my goodsato feet=tchapoor, set=give=myabodyato be burned, set=havhanot ity, itxpr fitset rnoth><." 1 Cor 13:1-3 We know, "A l Sure isrgivenmby inspir= rset=utf-8libraar/wesley/" /ms__sehtrme_occametas/" /m_91__ityeta n; charseinued>John Wesleyme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnSe/mshonhSehtrme Occametasl;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/spurgespurges_" /ms_volum8_13_1867/lo /><_ad_ta _anxious_" ekerseta nxf- />How;htr, tchapromi chisrnothto be limitedhto sey on particular a,eta tchawars, "If ; yaof you,hars saawide,asaaensivetcat wcatehtm mharbe ouranecessity, wcatehtm tchadilemma which perplexesrus, tcis solesruse3.th tchacounsel, "If ; yam; clacke3.sdom, let=him ask of God." Tcis ml">< be peculiar nmta ti>< to s/>haof youcwho /re=warki>< ta God. Youcc=utft wark lohg ta youraeeaven nLars 3.thout perceivi><_ad_ta _anxious_" ekerseta n; charseinued>Charuts HaddonhSpurgeme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnSpurge's Se/msrVolum8 13: 1867l;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/spurgespurges_" /ms_volum8_29_1883/a l_joy_in_all_trials.t=utf/ l Joycinaa l Trialsl; c/brhtmf-8" /ml; charset=snippe">Beginni>< 3.th tcrs hars "brett=u,"rt/htm shows a abretchr nsymphy=w.th belie><; =inatceiratrials,rset=tcis i=ua m;inapartaof Christi; cfellowship. "Bear ye on anetchr's burdens, set=saaetafil tchalawaof Christ." If w c/re=nothtemptedhourselvhs at tcis mo etchrs /re: let=useretemfe tchm inaouraprayhrs; ta inadu.wtim rouraturn 3. l m/>h,rset=we sha l be put rnto tchacruct=ut. As=we would desire=to receivesymphy=set=help inaouraeouraofcneet, let=userender itxfre>Charuts HaddonhSpurgeme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnSpurge's Se/msrVolum8 29: 1883l;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/t/hgsley/tch_good_news_of_god/" /m_xxv_tch_days_ofeta nxTchaDtms of tchaW ekl; c/brhtmf-8" /ml; charset=snippe">JAMES i. 17. Ehtmy good gift,rset=ehtmy perfect giftrrs from above, set=comsetmdown from tchaFatchr of lnxt/s,w3.th whom isrneitchr varil; ness, no=ushadowmof turni>< Itr8" ms a ceasy tci>< ta u=utmre=to say, 'I belie>< inaGod.' We havhalearft from ourachood tcat tch/> isrbut on God. Itr8" ms to u=uarsenge set=ridiculoushtcat p> should belie>< inahae godsatt; con . We nehtm eeart of eny etchrtrine, ex-ept inabset=uabout tchaeeatchn; set=tch/> /re=perhapsrnothtt=ue p>Charuts K/hgsleyme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnTchaGood News of Godl;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/wcnkwa th/tch_cistory_set_life_of_tch_reverend_ta _>ohn_tauler/xxvii_" /m__a_martyrseta nxSe/mhonha Martyr's Dayl; c/brhtmf-8" /ml; charset=snippe">Ofhtt=ue s ch/hof spiritume temptmby which ho isrtriet=he sha l receivetchacrown of lnfe,htmich tchaLars hatc promi cd to tchmctcat loht Him. ALL ouralife (stms Job),asaalohg as w c/re=upon earth,rrs fta of sggle set=tempt, ins/>uch tcat tcis life isrnothca let=a life by tchaS>ohn_tauler/xxvii_" /m__a_martyrseta n; charseinued>Sus=utah Wcnkwa thme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnTchaHistory=set=Life of tchaReverend Dta John Taulerl;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/ca />/of_prayhr--a_perpetume_exerci c_of_fa.th/c />Tchasixth pe corresponds (as w chavhal; chard) to tch promi ch[26]hof wi>/of_prayhr--a_perpetume_exerci c_of_fa.th/c />John Ca />me8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnOfhPrayhr--A Perpetume Exerci caof Fa.thl;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/baunds/purposm_in_prayhr/c /><...l; c/brhtmf-8" /ml; charset=snippe">Tchadeeps/aneet=of tchaChurch todayaisrnothta eny mtmialaor extmnalatci><, but tchadeeps/aneet=rs spiritume.hPrayhrutss wark 3. l nehtm bri>E.M. Baundsme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnPurposm inaPrayhrl;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/bayly/tch_pra"TchaChurch! Am Irasket=again, Whatars tchaChurch?hTchapleta m; cat hrs daily toil--the workm; cwhoapliemathe shuthar--the merchant inahrs ountta -housr--the scchaa" inahrs study--the lawy ccrnctchacourt/hof justicr--the senatoccrnctchaha l of legislure--the march onahrs tt=on --the c, as w l asctchaclergymtcinathe works of tchamtmialabuildi>Lewrs Baylyme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnTheaPrarset=utf-8libraar/ba/a_cistory_of_htmr>WEhavhabriefhato nata t. We turn nowmto l; charathe beginni>Letaard Woolsey Bame8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnAaHistory=ofcAtmr>rset=utf-8libraar/ba/a_cistory_of_htmr>THERE=rs suff>Letaard Woolsey Bame8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnAaHistory=ofcAtmr>rset=utf-8libraar/ba/a_cistory_of_htmr>bor_colohieseta nxTchaNml">borcColohies to virginia-Maarlset=aet=tch C/roase l; c/brhtmf-8" /ml; charset=snippe">THEcch=onolog>bor colohies of Maarlset=aet=tch C/roas /re=a rmlsata taki>< uphtchabriefacistory of the crsmttlemml;sainaadvence of tchiraturn. TheaoccupmofcMaarlset=des from tchayear 1634. Theaperiot=of bold set=haxt-de /><eaadvml;urh inaaki>< plsets /lo>bor_colohieseta n; charseinued>Letaard Woolsey Bame8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnAaHistory=ofcAtmr>rset=utf-8libraar/prideaux/direcs_to_church-wardens/direcs_to_church-wardens_&nxt/ht>Direcs to Church-Wardens, &Ce l; c/brhtmf-8" /ml; charset=snippe">CHURCH-WARDENS /re=off><>< to tmich tchy /re=to ake tchirapresemml;s, C/. 119. Tchy /re=obligedhtwi" rset=utf-8libraar/prideaux/direcs_to_church-wardens/direcs_to_church-wardens_&nxt/ht; charseinued>Humpt=uyaPrideauxme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnDirecs to Church-Wardensl;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/mac-affrey/cistory_of_tch_catcolic_church_renaismence_to_french_revolu/c />sl; c/brhtmf-8" /ml; charset=snippe">(a) Bai; ism. Scwane, /Dogmmlgesccichthaderaneurhn zeit/, 1890. Turmel, /Historhadhala tcholog>haposiaraduutf-ilhadhaTrml; auutf-ilhadu Vaticmn/, 1906.aDenzta er-Bannwar, /EnchiridionhSymbolorum/, 11th xt/ti, 1911.aDucheane, /Historhadu Bai; isme/, 1731.aLinseutf-, /Michael Baius/, 1863. TheaCatcolictrineaonhGrae, raundhtmich such fierce controhtrsiemrhadrbe wagecinathe fifth aet=sixth tml;uries,rlo/>ht=again rnto />Rev. /html;MacCaffreyme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnHistory=ofctheaCatcolicChurch, Renaismence to FrenchaRevolul;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/huth/cistory_of_tch_moravim_urch/c />Theadreamaof bliss beca>haa nnxt/mare. As=theatideaof Pstaetism ebfed set=flowecinavarious parts of tchaHohaof tchirafatchrs. We havhase howmtchaBrett=u ro chto pro />J. E.aHuthme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnHistory=ofctheaMoravimChurchl;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/lseg8>ohn_knox_set_tch_reta m/c />Thrs Book of Disciputfe,mutfharnto ecclesiasticme utfta mity 3.th Englset. Theyw3ere "sehtr cinatcat tchy pr fesm, set=lott to retitxanyth>ohn_knox_set_tch_reta m/c />Andrew Lsegme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnJohn Knoxrset=tce Reta ml;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/aquas/nure_set_grae/artic; _four_whetchr_sacred_trineeta nxWhetchrSacred Dtrineai=ua PraWhetchrSacred Dtrineai=ua Pra< to tchaphilosophhr(2 Metaph, T 3), set=sacred dtrineai=uutf-ernet=w.th a, ac-xt/i>< to t/htm 8" 2: "Be ye do>fhae a praAquasme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnNurerset=Grael;f-8" /phtml; charset=tmleta ">rset=utf-8libraar/augustine/of_hofhae_let_tciseta nxWhe/>fhae Let tcisebrathe First Tmeta teta tchaPuthi>42. Wh/>fhae let tcisebrathe first tmeta teta tchaputhi>< to estml;ish chr own,rnothto be mad8 subjectato tcharnxt/eousness rset=utf-8libraar/augustine/of_hofhae_let_tciseta n; charseinued>St. Augustineme8212;tmf-8" /ml; charset=citnxnOfaHorhasa chaedhat hra nxt/set=gon away, h>rhasautf-8" />8>8>.cn8>e creta nxt/h/brset=utf-8"s>8>elxt />8>mml; c />8>mml;ariemxt/h/ml; charset=p"c/brbrrtf-8" /set=utf-8rset=utf-tf-8" />rset=utf-tf-8" />rset=utf-#/honmousrohtr='botml; .rbotml; gif.png"'honmousrout='botml; .rbotml; .png"'html; chTopaof Page8"rset=utf-#/honmousrohtr='botrnxt/.rbotrnxt/gif.png"'honmousrout='botrnxt/.rbotrnxt/.png"'html; chTopaof Page8"