I have taken from the sons of Israel the breast of the wave offering and the thigh of the contribution of their peace offerings, and I have given them to Aaron the priest and his sons as a permanent portion from the sons of Israel.'" People Aaron, Israelites, MosesPlaces Sinai, TemanTopics Aaron, Age-during, Breast, Contribution, Due, Everlasting, Forever, Heave, Heaved, Heave-offering, Heave-shoulder, Heave-thigh, Heaving, Israelites, Leg, Lifted, Offered, Offering, Offerings, Peace, Peace-offerings, Perpetual, Portion, Presented, Priest, Regular, Sacrifices, Share, Shoulder, Sons, Statute, Thigh, Wave, Wave-breast, Waved, Wave-offering, WavingOutline 1. The law of the trespass offering11. and of the peace offering12. whether it be for a thanksgiving16. or a vow, or a free will offering22. the fat and the blood are forbidden28. The priests' portion in the peace offerings35. The whole summed up |