Topical Encyclopedia
In the Bible, joy is a profound and abiding sense of happiness and contentment that is rooted in spiritual realities rather than temporal circumstances. It is a fruit of the Spirit, as described in
Galatians 5:22, and is often associated with the presence of God and the fulfillment of His promises. Joy is not merely an emotion but a state of being that reflects a deep-seated trust in God's sovereignty and goodness.
The Psalms frequently speak of joy in the context of worship and praise.
Psalm 16:11 declares, "You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand." This verse highlights the connection between joy and the presence of God, suggesting that true joy is found in communion with Him.
In the New Testament, joy is a hallmark of the Christian life. The Apostle Paul, writing from prison, exhorts believers to "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" (
Philippians 4:4). This command underscores the idea that joy is a choice and a discipline, rooted in the assurance of God's love and the hope of salvation.
HolyThe concept of holiness is central to the biblical narrative, reflecting the nature and character of God. Holiness signifies being set apart, pure, and morally perfect. In the Old Testament, God is repeatedly described as holy, as seen in
Isaiah 6:3 : "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of Hosts; His glory fills the whole earth." This thrice-repeated declaration emphasizes the absolute and unparalleled holiness of God.
Holiness is also a calling for God's people.
Leviticus 19:2 commands, "Speak to the entire congregation of the Israelites and tell them: ‘Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.’" This call to holiness is reiterated in the New Testament, where believers are urged to live lives that reflect God's holiness.
1 Peter 1:15-16 states, "But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do, for it is written: 'Be holy, because I am holy.'"
Holiness involves both separation from sin and dedication to God. It is a transformative process, enabled by the Holy Spirit, that shapes believers into the likeness of Christ.
Hebrews 12:14 exhorts, "Pursue peace with everyone, as well as holiness, without which no one will see the Lord."
ZacchaeusZacchaeus is a notable figure in the New Testament, known for his encounter with Jesus as recorded in
Luke 19:1-10. He was a chief tax collector in Jericho, a position that made him wealthy but also despised by his fellow Jews, as tax collectors were often seen as collaborators with the Roman occupiers and were notorious for their corruption.
Despite his wealth and status, Zacchaeus was drawn to Jesus. Being short in stature, he climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus as He passed by. Jesus, noticing Zacchaeus, called him by name and invited Himself to Zacchaeus's house. This encounter is significant, as it demonstrates Jesus' willingness to reach out to those marginalized by society and considered sinners.
The response of Zacchaeus to Jesus' invitation is one of repentance and restitution. In
Luke 19:8 , Zacchaeus declares, "Look, Lord, half of my possessions I give to the poor, and if I have cheated anyone, I will repay it fourfold." This act of repentance and generosity is met with Jesus' affirmation of Zacchaeus's salvation: "Today salvation has come to this house, because this man too is a son of Abraham" (
Luke 19:9).
Zacchaeus's account illustrates the transformative power of Jesus' love and acceptance, leading to genuine repentance and a changed life. It underscores the message that salvation is available to all, regardless of past sins, and that true repentance is evidenced by a change in behavior and priorities.
Torrey's Topical Textbook
Luke 19:6And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully.
Torrey's Topical Textbook
Its Effects.
... The only way to preserve Joy in vigorous growth is to ... pulpit and pew be baptized
with the Holy Ghost and ... her pews, climbing into them as Zacchaeus climbed into ...
/.../macneil/the spirit-filled life/chapter xv its effects.htm
That it is Profitable to Communicate Often
... Thee into my house, so that with Zacchaeus I may ... The Holy Communion therefore draweth
us back from evil ... so receiving Thee to be filled with all spiritual joy! ...
// of christ/chapter iii that it is.htm
At the Dedication of a Church
... also all in which nature finds joy, comfort or ... upright men, who walk in holy innocence,
without ... consecration in the Gospel account of Zacharias (Zacchaeus). ...
// inner way/sermon xxxv at the dedication.htm
A Day to be Remembered
... DEAR FRIENDS, that our Lord spoke this sentence to Zacchaeus. ... passed from death unto
life, because the Holy Sprit has ... can make a man leap for joy, it ought to ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 46 1900/a day to be remembered.htm
Love's Prodigality Censured and vindicated
Expositions of Holy Scripture. ... Jesus came from Jericho, where He had left Zacchaeus
rejoicing in the ... it on the beloved, and can have no higher joy than that. ...
/.../expositions of holy scripture i/loves prodigality censured and vindicated.htm
Salvation by Faith
... For Zacchaeus, a public robber ... that they shall reign over thee no more; yea, and
that "the Holy Spirit shall ... tidings of great joy, which are sent unto all people ...
/.../wesley/sermons on several occasions/sermon 1 salvation by faith.htm
He Does Battle for the Faith; He Restores Peace among those who ...
... iniquity which they had devised, returned with joy to Malachy ... not hid from Malachy
(for the Holy Spirit revealed ... in the spirit and power of Zacchaeus.[800] He ...
/.../chapter vii he does battle.htm
C. The Last Stages. Chs. 17:11 to 19:28
... of the commandments in which God has revealed his holy will. ... those who are healed;
they occasion gratitude and joy to countless ... 9. The Conversion of Zacchaeus. ...
/.../erdman/the gospel of luke an exposition/c the last stages chs.htm
The Believing Thief
... instance, any more than the salvation of Zacchaeus, the restoration ... Oh, for a blessing
from the Holy Spirit all the ... What joy I have when I see a despairing one ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 35 1889/the believing thief.htm
Blessed are they that Mourn
... Thus Zacchaeus, If I have taken anything from any man by false ... of their hearts'
(Mark 3:5). And holy David, looking ... verse 2). We were as far from joy as those ...
/.../the beatitudes an exposition of matthew 51-12/6 blessed are they that.htm
What does it mean to count it all joy (James 1:2)? | GotQuestions.orgWhat did David mean when he asked God to “restore to me the joy of your salvation” (Psalm 51:12)? | GotQuestions.orgIs God a cosmic killjoy? | GotQuestions.orgJoy: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.comBible Concordance •
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