Species, or Units of Nature.
... SPECIES, OR UNITS OF NATURE. Are millions of years adequate as a cause,
when associated with all the forces known in nature, to ...
/.../species or units of nature.htm
Spiritual Diagnosis
... Yet it is just this truth which we require to be taught again to-day"to be content
with aiming at units. ... Work with units, but, above all, work at units. ...
/.../berkhof/new evangelism and other papers/spiritual diagnosis.htm
And God Himself, as an Earnest of Future Reward...
... For the unit is the originator of every number, since all multitude is made up by
the composition and addition of units; nor is it possible without the unit to ...
/.../pamphilius/the life of constantine/chapter vi and god himself.htm
The Limit of Forgiveness.
... But since as units the tens and the hundreds have a certain common measure of
proportion to the number which is in units, and Jesus knew that the number might ...
/.../origens commentary on the gospel of matthew/5 the limit of forgiveness.htm
Third Tractate. Problems of the Soul (1).
... In the case of the units of reckoning and of geometrical figure, exactly as in that
of corporeal masses, partition must diminish the total; the part must be ...
/.../plotinus/the six enneads/third tractate problems of the.htm
On the Physical Basis of Life.
... As a matter of fact, the body, in its earliest state, is a mere multiple of such
units; and, in its perfect condition, it is a multiple of such units ...
/.../huxley/lay sermons addresses and reviews/vii on the physical basis.htm
The Evolution of a Mother
... The humbler denizens of the world produce offspring, not by units or tens, but by
thousands and millions; and with populations so vast, maternal protection is ...
/.../the lowell lectures on the ascent of man/chapter viii the evolution of.htm
The Solidarity of the Human Family
... It is first formed of two units at opposite poles in point of sex, experience, taste,
need, and aims; and when they form it, they usually have as much sense of ...
/.../rauschenbusch/the social principles of jesus/chapter ii the solidarity of.htm
The Evolution of Early Congregationalism the Stone which the ...
... this, a fundamental doctrine which Barrowe strove to incorporate into a new church
system, but into one having sufficient control over its local units to make ...
/.../chapter i the evolution of.htm
Now God Differs from God in no Respect for There Cannot Lie Divine ...
... Let this be enough for the present to establish my meaning and to show that
not every repetition of units produces number and plurality. ...
/.../boethius/the trinity is one god not three gods/iii now god differs from.htm
Units (14 Occurrences)... Multi-Version Concordance
Units (14 Occurrences). Numbers 10:25 The standard
of the camp of the children of Dan, which was the rearward
.../u/units.htm - 10kFour (3139 Occurrences)
... 1. (a.) One more than three; twice two. 2. (n.) The sum of four units; four units
or objects. 3. (n.) A symbol representing four units, as 4 or iv. ...
/f/four.htm - 15k
Number (2370 Occurrences)
... 1. (n.) That which admits of being counted or reckoned; a unit, or an aggregate
of units; a numerable aggregate or collection of individuals; an assemblage ...
/n/number.htm - 40k
Nine (55 Occurrences)
... 2. (n.) The number greater than eight by a unit; nine units or objects. 3. (n.)
A symbol representing nine units, as 9 or ix. Multi-Version Concordance ...
/n/nine.htm - 22k
Ninety (27 Occurrences)
... 2. (n.) The sum of nine times ten; the number greater by a unit than
eighty-nine; ninety units or objects. 3. (n.) A symbol representing ...
/n/ninety.htm - 15k
Nineteen (3 Occurrences)
... 2. (n.) The number greater than eighteen by a unit; the sum of ten and nine; nineteen
units or objects. 3. (n.) A symbol for nineteen units, as 19 or xix. ...
/n/nineteen.htm - 7k
Fifty (131 Occurrences)
... 1. (a.) Five times ten; as, fifty men. 2. (n.) The sum of five tens; fifty units
or objects. 3. (n.) A symbol representing fifty units, as 50, or l. ...
/f/fifty.htm - 39k
Forty (142 Occurrences)
... 1. (a.) Four times ten; thirty-nine and one more. 2. (n.) The sum of four tens;
forty units or objects. 3. (n.) A symbol expressing forty units; as, 40, or xl. ...
/f/forty.htm - 38k
Fifteen (26 Occurrences)
... 2. (n.) The sum of five and ten; fifteen units or objects. 3. (n.) A symbol
representing fifteen units, as 15, or xv. Multi-Version Concordance ...
/f/fifteen.htm - 14k
Twelve (176 Occurrences)
... 2. (n.) The number next following eleven; the sum of ten and two, or of twice
six; twelve units or objects; a dozen. 3. (n.) A symbol ...
/t/twelve.htm - 38k
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