Aramaic Bible in Plain English 1God of my praise, do not be silent! 2Because the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceiver is opened against me; they have spoken with me with a false tongue. 3With the voice of hatred they have contended with me for nothing. 4In exchange for my love they regarded me with malice, and I have been praying for them. 5They paid me evil for good and hatred for love. 6Command evil against them and Satan shall stand at their right hand! 7And when they are judged they will go out condemned and their prayer will be sin! 8Their days will be few and whatever is kept for them others will take. 9Their children shall be orphans and their wives, widows. 10(This verse is missing in the Peshitta) 11The creditor will seize upon all that they have and foreigners will weaken their power. 12No one will be compassionate to them, neither will there be one to show mercy to their orphans. 13Their end will be destruction, and in the following generation their name will be blotted out. 14The evil of their fathers will be remembered and the sins of their mothers will not be blotted out. 15But they will be before Lord Jehovah at all times and he will destroy their memory from the Earth. 16Because they did not remember to do good and they persecuted the poor and afflicted him whose heart grieves to death. 17They loved curses and they did not choose blessings. 18And they wore curses like a supply of arms and they entered into them like waters and like oil into their bones. 19It shall be for them like a cloak that covers them and like a belt around their waist always. 20This is the work of those who regard Lord Jehovah as evil and of those who speak evil against my soul. 21And you, Lord Jehovah, work with me because of your Name; because your favor is good, save me! 22Because I am poor and afflicted my heart is troubled within me. 23My steps have declined like the shadow and I am driven like locusts! 24My knees are weakened from fasting and my flesh grows lean of fat. 25And I have been a reproach to them; they saw me and they shook their heads. 26Help me, Lord Jehovah, my God, and save me according to your kindness! 27That they may know that this is of your hand and that you have done it. 28They will be cursed and you will be blessed and your Servant will rejoice. 29Those who have regarded me as evil will be clothed in shame and they will be covered with it like a mantle. 30I shall confess Lord Jehovah with my mouth and I shall glorify him among many. 31Because he stood at the right hand of the afflicted one to save his soul from judgment. |