Matthew 5:28 Parallel: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.Matthew 5:28 Parallel: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.Matthew 5:28 Parallel: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.Matthew 5:28 Parallel: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.Matthew 5:28 Parallel: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.Matthew 5:28 Parallel: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.Matthew 5:28 Parallel: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.Matthew 5:28 Parallel: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.Maheale><lil; charset=utfu, That whosoever le><lil le><:iher hath committed adultery with h already in hi,lready in his heart.Matthew 5:28 Parallel: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her ht whosoever le><lilHol><li le><:iher hath committed adultery with h already in hi,lready in his heart.Matthew 5:28 Parallel: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her ce to lust after he�����mpora>Mar hath crt.nowf-8" />Matthew 5:28 Parallel: B ut I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her gwth committed adulGOD'S WORD®her already in his heart.I herguiewo leth comle>sart.Ma8 Parallel: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her in to lust after heady in his heaommitted adultery with her already in his heart.< charset=utf-staredy in his heart.d adul: But I say unto you, T/>d adul: But I say unto you, T28 Parallel: But I sath on a woman to lust after her hath committeddrn to lust after hDouay-Rheimsmmitted adultery with h alreater hearshallahear.,et=utf-8" /> '-gpt-ad-1529103594582-2'> , That whos o!-- /1078254/BH-300x250-ATF --> '-gpt-ad-1529103594582-0' ='max: 300px;'> , That whos o!-- /1078254/BH-728x90-BTF --> '-gpt-ad-1529103594582-3'> , That whos o!-- /1078254/BH-300x250-BTF --> '-gpt-ad-1529103594582-1' ='max: 300px;'> , That whos o!-- /1078254/BH-728x90-BTF2 --> '-gpt-ad-1531425649696-0'> , That whos oi ad lust aadsbygoogle" ="displ (adsbygoogle = .adsbygoogle || []).push({}); < o, That whos o "Matthew 5:28 :�����t I say unto you, That whosoever loft������<lil; cha���"<lil; ched adul: But I say unto youviewport" contentn a woman to lust after her hath committedbsb-<lil; ch committed aduler hath committed adultery with herman to lust a<lith committedgreek/1161d adua name="1161:8de (Conj)a--tA prima>Mapdthicle; bal chad��rtc."h aladul committedgreek/1473d adua name="1473: egō (PPro-N1S)a--tI,h��e�first-pteron pro����.tA prima>Mapro���� ofs��e�first pteron I."hIadul committedgreek/3004d adua name="3004: legō (V-PIA-1S)a--t(a)reater, speak;reame��,����� he,ady i, (b)reaca i, ������r����iawidtnte��e�pust., (c)ready i,8" />had. ">dy iadul committedgreek/4771d adua name="4771: hymnte(PPro-D2P)a--tYou.���e pteron pro���� ofs��e�se" th pteron so yular;rh ou."h hiadul committedgreek/3754d adua name="3754: hoti (Conj)a--tNeu namofs���t���ewp��nj�������;8dem satr hive,l hea;acaus hive,lbe"ause."h heaadul committedgreek/3956d adua name="3956:�pus (Adj-NMS)a--tA i,8��e����le��ready �thdmof. Includth h<lls��e�formsmofsdeclens���;8appar���idta prima>Maword; a i, any��ready,8��e����le."ht.</tiadul committedgreek/3588d adua name="3588: ho (Art-NMS)a--t��e,t��e�def����UB�thicle. Includth h��e�femntine �e,tath ��e�neu namt.<nte<lls��eicontfle�����s;t��e�def����UB�thicle;t��e.hed ad committedgreek/991d adua name="991: ed pōn (V-PPA-NMS)a--t(prima>iidtphys����),rea����,dsee, pteceive,ldiscer�.tA prima>Maeadb;rt.</ear.</.hehis heart.</adul committedgreek/1135d adua name="1135: gynaika (N-AFS)a--tA������,��ife,��y ltf-. 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Flter��e�puthicle au;t��e�mitlexive pro���� self, useomofs��e�thirh pteron,tath ofs��e�ot 5:2pterons.hehisd ad committedgreek/2588d adua name="2588: k coia (N-DFS)a--tProheh dtfltera prima>Makar;rh e�width, i.e. ��e�thou���s�or�fee����s;ralso ��e�middle."hwidth=�dultery witt I say unto you, That whosoever loan to lust after her hath committedyltch committed adulYoutent /><meta name="viewpd adultery with hman to lust a<lith committedgreek/1161d adua name="1161.8de (deh)a--tbal chad��now, (ap��nne���ve or�adfter hive�puthicle)"ibald aducommittedgreek/1473d adua name="1473. ego (eg-o')a--tI�(onidtexpresseomw�en empheaic)"i Id aducommittedgreek/3004d adua name="3004. lego (leg'-o)a--tt.<say����8212;eaterd aducommittedgreek/5213d adua name="5213d �umnte(hoo-mnt')a--t hi"> her had aducommittedgreek/3754d adua name="3754. hoti (hot'-ee)a--tthat,tbe"ause">,l head aducommittedgreek/3956d adua name="3956.�pus (pus)a--ta i, ready"> ready ind aducommittedgreek/991d adua name="991. ed po (ed p'-o)a--tt.</ear.(at)"i ulte�������th h��d aducommittedgreek/1135d adua name="1135. gune (goo-nay')a--tt������"i t������adul committedgreek/193��������������193�. eppor���o (ep-ee-thoo-meh'-o)a--tdesire,</titlta na"> herdesireadul committedgreek/846d adua name="846. autos (ow-tos')a--t(1) self (empheaic) (2) �e,ts�e,tit (useom><li��e�thirh pter. pro�.) 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