He will slaughter the villages of your mainland with the sword; he will set up siege works against you, build a ramp to your walls, and raise his shields against you. People Ezekiel, Nebuchadnezzar, NebuchadrezzarPlaces Babylon, Edom, Jerusalem, TyreTopics Arming, Buckler, Bucklers, Build, Cast, Daughters, Earthwork, Field, Fort, Forts, Kill, Large, Lift, Mainland, Mound, Mount, Open, Poured, Raise, Raised, Ramp, Roof, Settlements, Shield, Shields, Siege, Slay, Slayeth, Strong, Sword, Target, Throw, Wall, Walls, War, WorksOutline 1. Tyrus, for insulting Jerusalem, is threatened with destruction7. The power of Nebuchadnezzar against her15. The mourning and astonishment of the sea at her fall |