Topical Encyclopedia The concept of "introduced" in the Bible often pertains to the presentation or initiation of new ideas, practices, or individuals into a particular context or narrative. This can be seen in various instances throughout the Scriptures where God, His prophets, or other key figures introduce new covenants, laws, or revelations to His people.Introduction of Covenants and Laws One of the most significant introductions in the Bible is the giving of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai. This event marks the introduction of the Mosaic Covenant, a foundational moment for the Israelites as God's chosen people. In Exodus 19:5-6 , God introduces the covenant by saying, "Now if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, you will be My treasured possession out of all the nations—for the whole earth is Mine. And unto Me you shall be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." The introduction of the New Covenant is another pivotal moment, prophesied in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New Testament through Jesus Christ. Jeremiah 31:31 foretells this introduction: "Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah." Introduction of Key Figures Throughout the Bible, God introduces key figures who play crucial roles in His divine plan. For instance, the introduction of David as the future king of Israel is a significant event. In 1 Samuel 16:12-13 , David is introduced when Samuel anoints him: "So he sent and brought him in. He was ruddy, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. And the LORD said, 'Rise and anoint him, for he is the one.' So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and the Spirit of the LORD rushed upon David from that day forward." The introduction of Jesus Christ in the New Testament is the most profound introduction, as He is presented as the Messiah and Savior. In John 1:29 , John the Baptist introduces Jesus with the words, "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" Introduction of New Teachings and Practices Jesus introduced new teachings and practices that often challenged the existing religious norms. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus introduces a deeper understanding of the Law, emphasizing the spirit rather than the letter. Matthew 5:17 records Jesus saying, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them." The introduction of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost marks a new era for the early church, empowering believers to spread the Gospel. Acts 2:4 describes this introduction: "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." Introduction of Gentiles into the Faith The introduction of Gentiles into the early Christian community is a significant development in the New Testament. This is exemplified in the account of Cornelius, a Roman centurion, who is introduced to the faith through Peter's vision and subsequent visit. Acts 10:34-35 captures Peter's realization: "Then Peter began to speak: 'I now truly understand that God does not show favoritism, but welcomes those from every nation who fear Him and do what is right.'" These introductions throughout the Bible highlight God's unfolding plan and His desire to reveal Himself and His purposes to humanity. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (imp. & p. p.) of Introduce.Greek 3920. pareisaktos -- brought in secretly ... Cognate: 3920 (an adjective, derived from 3919 , "enter by stealth") -- what is "smuggled in" by -- literally, "introduced (imported) from " (Souter). ... // - 6k Strong's Hebrew 3104. yobel -- a ram, ram's horn (a wind instrument)... from its continuous sound); specifically, the signal of the silver trumpets; hence, the instrument itself and the festival thus introduced -- jubile, ram's horn ... /hebrew/3104.htm - 6k 6213a. asah -- do, make Library Appendix vi in the Changes Introduced at the Last Revision. Of the Sacred Rites Introduced by Faunus and Numa. Virginity a Plant from Heaven, Introduced Late; the Advancement of ... The Reign of Jovian; He Introduced Many Laws which He Carried Out ... Literature is not Introduced to the Memory through the Senses, but ... Of those who Introduced the Plan that the Holy Lessons Should be ... Antiphonal Hymns against the Arians Introduced by John. The ... Henry of Loufenburg Also Wrote and Widely Introduced the Use of ... But Let us Now Return to Where the Jew is Introduced... No Early Controversy Respecting the Divine Creator; no Second God ... Thesaurus Introduced (7 Occurrences)...Introduced (7 Occurrences). ... 2 Corinthians 3:11 For if that annulled was introduced with glory, much rather that which abides subsists in glory. (DBY). ... /i/introduced.htm - 8k Laban (52 Occurrences) Desolation (131 Occurrences) Introduce (3 Occurrences) Potter (14 Occurrences) Pottery (11 Occurrences) Botany Laws (184 Occurrences) Agrarian Revised Resources What is new covenant theology? | GotQuestions.orgSummary of the Book of Genesis - Bible Survey | What is the eternal procession of the Holy Spirit? | Introduced: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Introduced (7 Occurrences)Acts 24:2 2 Corinthians 3:11 Galatians 2:4 Galatians 3:17 Hebrews 7:19 2 Kings 17:8 2 Kings 17:19 Subtopics Related Terms |