Nave's Topical Index
Acts 18:2And found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, lately come from Italy, with his wife Priscilla; (because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome:) and came to them.
Nave's Topical Index
Origen's Earnest Study of the Divine Scriptures.
... 1886] Aquila is first ... who calls him a Jewish proselyte of Pontus; Epiphanius says
of Sinope in Pontus. ... that he was a Jewish proselyte, and that he lived in the ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter xvi origens earnest study of.htm
... husband of Priscilla, was a native of Pontus, and though ... late work may be conjectured
to be due to Aquila. This translator lived during the reign of Hadrian (AD ...
/.../ grammar of septuagint greek/introduction.htm
Ancient Versions of the Old Testament.
... 9. Aquila is represented to have been a Jewish proselyte of Pontus, and to
have lived in the second century. His version was slavishly ...
/.../barrows/companion to the bible/chapter xvi ancient versions of.htm
Paul in Corinth.
... certain Jew, named Aquila, born in Pontus, lately from ... words do not mean, that leaving
Aquila and Priscilla ... received by the Gentiles, who had lived in profound ...
/.../dick/lectures on the acts of the apostles/lecture xxi paul in corinth.htm
Later Greek Versions.
... Aquila the translator was also of Pontus, from the ... He lived in the reign of Hadrian
(AD117"138), and was a connexion of the Emperor (pentherides, Epiph ...
/.../chapter ii later greek versions.htm
Life of Jerome.
... his companions travelled through Thrace, Pontus, Bithynia, Galatia ... He lived on bread
and vegetables (165), and ... the versions of Theodotion, Aquila, and Symmachus ...
/.../jerome/the principal works of st jerome/iii life of jerome.htm
The First Successors of the Apostles.
... the Hebrews of the dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia ... and often); Aquila and
Priscilla (xviii.); Erastus (xix. ... to suppose that our Dionysius lived to the ...
/.../pamphilius/church history/chapter iv the first successors of.htm
On Pentecost.
... it was fitting that as the Son had lived with us ... Marcion was a native of Sinope in
Pontus, and flourished ... occurs only this once in the Bible; Aquila renders it ...
/.../cyril/lectures of s cyril of jerusalem/oration xli on pentecost.htm
... "Ecc. Hist." icx. [26:3] He lived, therefore, about thirty-three years. ... [116:3] Acts
18:26. [116:4] It is worthy of note that she is named before Aquila in Acts ...
// ancient church/endnotes.htm
Life and Works of Rufinus with Jerome's Apology Against Rufinus.
... to be the other' who does not admit that our souls existed before we lived in bodies. ...
himself; yes even if they were said by the great Gregory of Pontus, a man ...
/.../various/life and works of rufinus with jeromes apology against rufinus /
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