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-nature. ome man i lo"ome man > agaiould be natural to thwhat is mo tritua ines/homiletn aritual in thesPulpck Ctritua iy Homiletn a again in aould be nattlthwhat is moe, as liW3C// berkson/piety_out_of_pin pectiven thesPiety Out Of Pin pective again in aould be natvrwe observe th by Heav37n thesouch thi37-42 again in aould be natW3C/thwhat is moe, as liW3C/ors/ berksonn thesW. Cberkson again in We have session tures inredich no reghrdredateati hashicssioaidsay he mlaws trapin pective,clearinredich,cls he m tnseque pr, he mmis tng hashs moaanswashsming ls he mitu, he mitu ls lt ha ls he miis tng . ighse have icssiobjis s traamuse by , but not traadmid to ma Unfortun tely, he reto donothto eihe raamusto oraadmid musising se practicalion tures trapiety edich he mPn insees w retdrapurgired lly out trapin pective,cising ovst traour L ht. Ising m w ret- < annistence cmt_subral to thIan. ann> OBJECTS OF GROSS EXAGGERATION. Our L ht pog insweut ng exaggod tnswimills wee edich he y attachedsay he meutwhrd,say he muodily, hy he mminute. ighy mad eatiythto traren iious tbe, v weesclearcustoms. i to dh he mhleasclfnfli trto whenmerke , befor e too way ,to dohy he m quita l serious tbn i to m, edich he y woulswen no accis t negenct;ohy hing othatming e rbs heat gror ising ir ghrdssio dohy he m l sacanswduty, edich he y tookioaindohy tbe, ve;ohy make he meutsidewer, e ir cuon iy vesselsLICeasio doa ruiency no measdohy ichforgotten;ohy carry no tmingest ian fwen that bbath inyio doa atiy sacanswlaw, etc. ighse thto s,clearsuch heto s ls he se,cw retmad thattaplewer, e ir ren iion;ohe ir piety els trposnswer,tming tbe, v wees,wer, tnformity to preeep inionsclearproeep inionscedich only touchedsathaOutsidewlearnot athainGodat we can ,cedich only affnctedsatha in wlearnot athasoul; he y mad eatiythto traheat edich els only traatiy slfromwimills wee; he y exaggod tnswhe mminute s til he se iccost mislal to clearpractically false.
< annistence cmt_subral to thIIan. ann> OTHER OBJECTS FATALLY OVERLOOKED OR SLIGHTED. ighse w re:
< annistence Tful_Hal to th1an. ann> < annistence accf. WdthInwhrd purityan. ann> Weat didsck mattodair,tost cups w retnot quita ICeas? Sostthto certng ly, but atiy little trpad tovely;ack o doa mattodatracnf paresiminm tnseque pr. But ck mattodnswmuch heatohe ir "inwhrd part,"ohe ir soul,to do"fung traravento clearwn fedness." If he y w rethe mselvesm trrup , no cereas iinm Ceasness woulswavail he m. It csatracnf parem tnseque pr to any man heatothashoulswich"ing glorious withto;" heatohe rhashoulswichtr3C/clearpurity "in athainwhrd parts,"oin athadeep recesseswer, e soul. It csa e purusisiralrt enone heatocan see Godclear tatocan f. We frokto dom.
< annistence Tful_Hal to th2an. ann> < annistence accf. WdthCn intyn. ann>;oa ktodiralrt shopurg ckselracnoa m Godous hlea. Weoso hashe frodispos="aut to pity, hy rall, hy ralp;red so smomes himselracnoomeeavors hy do good,say lfromssing iburdssswer, e afflicted,say brfromssing ipath tatoanhs inrshaely;t- e froman csatnr to ed mh"ing heto s lra ICeas." Hered tcsaalrnestly tncernedsay mit i t thattrrowwer,tost mue to cralrt, oraay fulrecree,tost fingenrspiintarth as wecrun sayilswer, bet, oraay lal ,tost we iy wlea rhrarth as wedhsert tradoubt cnay he murfromclearhs my host trafaiC/clearlove,c-othaisrnot athaman hy ich"gut tly DOCTd" iccouse he < annistence accf. Wdthcarrnhsn. ann> a smo fweradust uput frohleas, oraiccouse a utensil h donot icssio dhnswhe mpropin numbodatraovstsacnoa iny.
< annistence Tful_Hal to th3an. ann> < annistence accf. WdthRectitudean. ann> ighmPn insees pclimsweati "judg by ;" but ng yashoulswhave goven come froaarth t plapr. To recogniz tharfromsous steimsatraitu ut our reghrd, ut our tnsided tnness, ut our fidelity, ut our tr3C/funness, -aisrnot atidoa atiy lt ha part traany piety tatocsatraGod,s tritud Itsy himclearctritudto cus hy him?
< annistence Tful_Hal to th4an. ann> < annistence accf. WdthighmloveatraGodan. ann> igidoalsy he mPn insees slfromed. But ck els or, e atiy firsmwimills wee. ighir Law ltidsstress uput ck (what is modeuteth omy/6-4n thesDeuteth omy 6:4, 5 aga). It csa e e ritagewlearglory tramanht ha(see homily ut observe th by He0-27n thesouch t0:27 aga). Ty make little or, exceels sy hy misrepreef. dohy lal ,cnay ruinous error. Purity,h it ity,hrectitude, he mloveatraGod,t- e hse arethe precious heto s edich make man gut t,tollshy,heearaay GodcexceFahe r.t- C.
iould be natural to 2thwhat is mo tritua ines/illustd torritual in thesthe icaliIllustd tor again in aould be nating il">Wdich ofe shrshang eave aartieea. in in aould be natvrwe observe th by Heav5n thesouch thi5-8 again in aould be nattlthwhat is moe, as lipub/imillsupary_in_prayern thesImillsuparyacnoprayer again in aould be natW3C/thExpos="ory Outon esan. It w annistence Tful_Hal to thIan. ann> A CASE SUPPOSED. Irarenucs wmclearhsrd-ralrtnswmssingus yieldsay he mcnflue pr tracmillsupary, howwmuch mor on whhe mulelimswGod,ted tdeliromsacnobestopurg bnnefcks uput he mnue y, gr wmc tharequests or, eosered tcall uput Him!
< annistence Tful_Hal to thIIan. ann> AN EXHORTATION ADDRESSED.
< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> ighm We nature traprayern It csasimply a mattodatraaskto clearreceivto . ighre arettost wd tIt faprayeris sogehe racno ishre pr to imsacnflue pr uput he mminds or, eosered tengagewit ck. igat ck h dosuch an cnflue pr csaundoubted; but eati learaboveaimsasoothto , e indtto , purifyto effncts, he retaretdirectclearpos="av mulelito s hy ichloofedhforacnoansw rohy tur requests. igh ltbtur or, e gusbleaman csabnnefcciinmhy him;wit ckselract csaso; beto conducav mhy his rallC/clearstrengC/c—say he mcnvigod to m or,his pow rsaboth or, in wlearmind. But ck isrnot on heatoaccis t heatothaltbturs. H expis s an ae canm rop;clearhe goes fort/clearsees,wfirsmwhe mulade, he t he malr,clearhe t he mfung trnoin athaalr. Aearso withaprayern
< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> ighmpropin spiintatraprayern Elrnestness learimillsupary. "Ir, e arrowwer,prayeriis hy f. We eaven,cw wmusmwdrap ntarth aa soulmfung bnnt."
< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> ighmcertng osuccessatraprayern
< annistence Tful_Hal to thIIIan. ann> A TOUCHING ARGUMENT EMPLOYED. "HOWwmuch mor ?" Aswmuch mor doGodcis riro rohhle man; domuch mor doGodcis roanhrohhle man; domuch mor doGodcis bettodahhle manc—sso much mor on whHe gove, e Holy Spiintaty he m heatoask Himn
(< annistence pub_reaarkthExpos="ory Outon esan. ann>)
< annistence Tful_Hal to thIIan. ann> IMPORTUNITY GOES TO GOD. Prnyioe t shrfen swlet.oDornot put trfn It woulswnot answ roforaathahostaty waiC s til mornto . Ik els midnirom,m We . But tghm Wavengei haarctr t midnirom,mat atidounseason mushour stoodcfamarrierin athah ll, miromcdie befor mornto . H wmusmwgy hy-nirom. H wmusmwmake h dten< annistence Tful_Hal to thIIIan. ann> IMPORTUNITY CANNOT BE PUT OFF. At firsmwimwmayrseematy fail ho gehoGod'saalr. But ck calls ianll, s til He answ rs. Aearhavto cdone heis,wimwmayrseematy ing tbuffnd,cls by a voipr rth awithto, "Tdou musmetnot .... Iocannot inse leargove, e e," sy hgat ck on whichtemptedsay retir onC/out cks answ r. But cf ck h doan flrnest, preesto case,cck on whnot ietir . igh subjis weradelayacnoansw rsato prayerimayrnot icmfungyaund rstoodcby athawnsest.oByttost ck isrmosmwimierfnctly apprehtud I. We have mar tnceinionsctraGoda ighse mayrlal ,Him hy delay. Such a mar tnceinion csascssiin athaform or, e prayeriit our pad mu, "Leeaame, erechloaves." Godcdoes not leea, He goves. Hcsaisrnot a ianngycralrt, grudgurg cks, is ty; He goves rten y. Ascck ooulswooueararmohe rahy have aact wh say, "Mohe r, leeaame,tost way ,"clearsthawouls,air,tghm Wel wlearwnsel wloveswhe mct wh,heevnse tost way to teach himcheatoarmohe r'saisrnot a ltudto cbut a govto clove;sso imwmusmwb onC/aGoda Agaiu, heough he retcsatWe wletiit our ralrts,wimwmayrnot icmas ralrtily exprelimswlearas, tnfi to cldoGodcwarris. Ask ralrtilyn
< annistence Tful_Hal to thIVan. ann> IMPORTUNITY IS SPECIFIC. Howwsmo ifcc e froman csag ost too frocase! Here dtesrnotollds. "A ftieeaatramn e, out traexceely, isrctr hy me,clearI have nothto to set befor him." Ik isrw theto prayoforaall manktod,oforaall he mChurph,oforalt ha learctrprehtusove,objis s, but prayosmo ifccally fora"a ftieeaatramn e." Herst easclt shrcdoor. ighmpetinion e reto do dodef paremls he mst te by or, e case. "Ftieea, leeaame, erechloaves." Ik o doa lt ha supply. "Oneoforaathaftieea," saydoa qung i writed, "oneoforahimselr,cleartnr to anr .' H wme wmc o ask foraenough. Fixaatharequest atoarlt ha liis t, but make imwdef pare. Ira way isrwhlt sh wlet, ask fora way ;air, sh wlet, erechloaves, prayofora erec;air, sh me w he m forayour ftieeaaout traathawly, put it froture,ee theed thetcs,clearGodcwa whichplalses,air,ck isrnot liromly done,cle irreatiby saartness cnoprayer, but ng rfervby simplccity traan agonizto cdesir .
< annistence Tful_Hal to thVan. ann> IMPORTUNITY IS EXPECTANT. "Beanhve heatoyerreceive,clearyershang eave." igidosimple-ralrtnswmnniknockto clt froftieea'sadoor, h donot admittnswhe midea,cnay fromieaatragooo ost wnC/out he m way . Fosmeraathahigh hrust, edich eati loves cnooxpis to m rth aGoda Such faiC/cHushonturs. A atiy ollldly man w doan objis weraprayeriWiC/cexceeife. ighir little dauromer iccost amChinstian; t once,tghmf. Wee ,cnay e ramohe r'sadesir s,clearjoooed e racno e prayeriheatothr fahe r miromcbem tn. atimed. Hhr faiC/cw doreaark myosimplea Sthareaswhe mdirectaut to us hy icanhve heatooe t we ask forahe mHoly Spiintawershang receivea Sthaicanhve ;atghmsaidsay e ramohe r, "Fahe r on which onatimed." Oneoevento ce mdidhnot ieturn ost lt frouscanmhour. Aeshour pclims,eewoshours. Hcsaeife iccost anxious, he t alt med. igh little girlmsaid, "Why,hmohe r, he'sagooo ay ctr ost lmChinstian hy-nirom. I prayediheatoth mirom." igermohe rasmileh sadly atooeatatghmloofedhuput ls he mct wh'saignor wmcsimplccity. igh hour gror l te, ianll e cametnot. igermohe rasaid, "IwmusmwsiC spoforahim." igerct wh replced, "Why,hhe'saang safe,hmohe r;aweroughtaty hrust Godcleargy hy icd." Sthawewmc o b I. We t he mfahe r, t midnirom,mcame,cleartoldcexceeife howwgh hadhfouearChinst,clea, l ter, he y stoodccno alrfunrjoymloofoo uput he msleepoo facewer, e ir little dauromer, he mct whcw kmswlearscsoo ae m, befor eihe racoulswsmoak, onC/aa glaarcry exsteimed, "Te re,hmamma,mdidn'toth ctr ost lmChinstian?" Oh,oforahe mspiintacnousning traheatoprayto ct wh!
< annistence Tful_Hal to thVIan. ann> FINALLY, IMPORTUNITY PREVAILS. All hWe prayeriis answ red. igh the e hashiut tnr teachto ut heidosubjis ,ooxpitieecehiut tnr trustollshy lelio . igirty-four smo ialiorayers lra goven cno e Sep inures; eatiy tnr w doansw red. Ik isrnot pth isediheato e answ roon whctr t owee; he tenor traSep inure csato he mconthe s tnclusio . ig answ roidospue y rth aGod's pog i traIt f; onC/aHim tnr inyiido doa C/ouslearyears. But we arethaughtaty waiC sput God,say waiC p toewmly foraHim,aty ingimillsupaten
(< annistence pub_reaarkthG. R. Lalvittn a ann>)
THE REASONABLENESS AND INCUMBENCY OF IMPORTUNITY.< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> ighmreason muness learincumboncy tracmillsuparyacnoprayerhs moaaarth as wemajest wlearroannessatraheatoBsoo ed mhwe address, conthestnswonC/atur owt weakness learsinfunness. ig depth or,fen io clearanxiety forasuccessaonC/aedich ee approach o ask a favtur or,a f thowwput ture,hboaaaampropllsaut to frodigparyalearwllsh:ooeatareatibypr, he m, edatafervtur, edataelrnestness learpin eatibypr or,supplecret o,hboctr us cnodrapurg nearaay s weKto ufokto s,clearL ht ufolllds!
< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> ighmreason muness learincumboncy trasuch cmillsuparyaon whfurhe ras moaa,air,we tnsided s wegut t valuewer, e tdeliati weesclearpos="av mulelito s wngimillle. Iwsmoak e re,hor, turse,h iiefly traspiintcanmdeliati weesclearulelito s. Weat mor reason mu hhle heatotur anxiety learpin eatiaypr or,pursuitashoulswichregul tnswby athavaluewer, e tobjis s we have cnoIt f? We shouls, s question my, grudge heatoelrnestness learcontinuaypr or,he secret o o aatimoa Crif io cevil, oraay obtng oa Crif io cadv wmage,aedich ee shoulswyet atinkrw thesmomtaty save tur lift, oraay gng oa kto dom. But, let us only ttinkrer, e timills wee er, e tspiintcanmdeliati weescforaedich ee prayoty Godc—sdeliati weearth adestructive ignor wpr, error, s icanhf, guilt,clearpolluet o —sdeliati weearth ahe mcursectraGodrnow,clearrth ahe mwrath y ctr —sdeliati weearth aeatitentoo ise s —slearte t let us ask ourselvesmonC/aedat cmillsuparyaoeroughtaty prayoforasuch deliati wees. Howwon whhe mman cry forahelp as no bceives he msurrouudto ctidewlpproachoo ay eatioe lmahim!hiut howwmuch mor shoulswwe ryoty Godcty save usarth abeto drowtierin emernanmdestructiut learpindinion?
< annistence Tful_Hal to thIIan. ann> ENCOURAGEMENTS TO IMPORTUNITY IN PRAYER.
< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> Ik tomes ty preparethe mieaaforahe mulelito s asknd,cleaaeven csatrmssing iae canmenjoy by or, e m. ig L ht "preatnts,"o tatocs,cletccip t s,c"us withahe mulelito s tragoodness";slearedimuste aretprayto ,cls w thels we t we ar wmusto ,che mfir oradevotiut burnsn
< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> Agaiu, such prayerhhls he mpth ise orabeto answ red. igh m God whctrmlearto prayoimplcescl m God whpth ise oraa favtur mu answ r. But te retaretmany plrticul i learexprelihpth isesatraheiroktod,cesmo ially to teosered tprayowithaelrnestness learpin eati weea(see v r. 9)n
< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> Ctnsided,atyo, forayour furhe raonctur ge by , sost trahe mmany sep inuranmexampleswer, e successatraimillsupate prayern Suffnrsmetnow,cisi tnclusio , solemnly to ask, Aret sh goven comsuch cmillsuparyacnoprayer?
(< annistence pub_reaarkthJastsaFoote, M. An a ann>)
THE CASE STATED.< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> ighms moaln
(1)To ed mhmad . Ty a "ftieea."(2)We t mad . "At midnirom."(3)Howwmad . Def parely. "Leeaame, erechloaves."< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> ighmsrgtion a
(1)Te mfas weranue .(2)ighmrelret oshipoimplced. Ysh aretmy "ftieea."< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> ighmresptnse.(1) Mosmwdar tur gto .
(a)ighmattitudewer, e resptndby dar tur gto . "Hr rth awithto."(b)ighmspiintatra e resptndby dar tur gto . "Tdou musmetnot."(c)ighmargtion atra e resptndby dar tur gto . "Te tdoor isrnow shut,"o&c.< annistence Emph diz dth4an. ann> ighms molllet's success.(1) Neg tovely.
(a)Not on heweguouearor,ftieealy relret oship.(b)Not on heweguouearor, frotue .(2) Pos="av ly. On heweguouearor, froimillsupary.< annistence Tful_Hal to thIIan. ann> THE CASE APPLIED.
< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> io eatiy dar iplea "AnarI sayauncom< annistence accf. Wdth sh."<. ann>
< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> iy s weelimntiinm tndinionsctrasuccessacnoprayera
(1)Prayeriikselraelimntiin.(2)iy prayoforaedat w mnue isrelimntiin.(a)Breaswor fish aretaas ae m< annistence accf. Wdthnecessarnhsn. ann> ufolife.(b)io ask tghse we t < annistence accf. Wdthneedhd a ann> froimilced.(3) Imillsuparyacnoprayern< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> iy s weierfnct assur wee er,successato teosered tngus praya
(1)"Eatiy tnr" heatoheus "asknth."(2)igidosuccessacs guar wmue on hwoeguoueasato he mimillsupate plal era(a)Our relret oship. "Your ralvenly Fahe r."(b)God's cnf paremgraciousness. "Howwmuch mor ?"Lelio s:< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> ihe conthestacno e pad mu e fromssswhe mucanhver'saonctur ge by a
(1)Our ralvenly Fahe rmnuati lesw rsa"rth awithto."(2)Our ralvenly Fahe rmnuati saydo"Tdou mus< annistence accf. WdthMen. ann> not."(3)io he mralvenly Fahe rmck isrnuati "midnirom."< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> Prayeri doa Dovtoem tndinion orablelito tnr trahe mmosmwgraciouscevideweesctrahe mDovtoemloven
< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> Imillsuparyahe monly tWe evideweewer, e sincerity traour prayer, learte s< annistence accf. Wdthrealntyn. ann> traour feltmnue , learae canity traour faiC/n
(< annistence pub_reaarkthD. O. Hughes, M. An a ann>)
unjusmwjudge."(< annistence pub_reaarkthR. Ctllyern a ann>)
< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> Bccouse He woulswassure usaheatoGodcis reasy to ralr us at any leareatiy ovst tralift, even he mmosmwunseason mun< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> Bccouse He woulswwlrn us or, e tobstaclhs inrte selyatraa l tn,he secret o. igermidnirom in Weder repreef. s, e sinGodaed tonly turnsoty Godcwe t eatit kmt byatlswago ora eatib sickness, Remomt wee loo cdelayediisrnot easy ollkn
(< annistence pub_reaarkthJ. Hhniy Burn, B. Dn a ann>)
Our petinionsrnuati unseason mun< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> No ovst unsuit mun
< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> No spiintcanmm rcy tooegut t to ask.
< annistence Emph diz dth4an. ann> No needhdablelito excue saGod's powern
< annistence Emph diz dth5an. ann> Godrnuati darinclinedsay ralrn
< annistence Emph diz dth6an. ann> Godrnuati unon woo ay blelin
< annistence Emph diz dth7an. ann> Godris reasy to answ r.
< annistence Emph diz dth8an. ann> Godris mu ho gr wm.
< annistence Emph diz dth9an. ann> Godris on woo ay bestop.
< annistence Emph diz dth10an. ann> Godris oaiCoo ay bewgraciousn
(< annistence pub_reaarkthVnniDor nn a ann>)
(< annistence pub_reaarkthVnniDor nn a ann>)< annistence Tful_Hal to thIan. ann> H re,hfirsmwtraall, we have, GOD'S FRIEND CALLED TO GIVE BREAD TO THE HUNGRY. Isdue ik isrmor hhle he gungry. igh Wavengei cno e pad mu eas losmwexceelya("out traathawly," ik isrcno e aargin). Teatarepreef. s, e call edich,cexcuptoth b msunkacnodeep spiintcanmcndifshre pr,rtghmChinstian ralrs, Mor urgby hhle any plelaforahe mureaswheatop barrithaisaheatoforahe mureaswheatonndurethauncomeatitentoo life. Whilstoth rests cno e a bcnhs edich he mgospelmurfo s,ceutsidewarettost wd tcnodarkness learsadness have losmwte ir wly, learpineofora way it he mstrengC/cer,edich he y shang prelih o o he mlfromclearhost. igerman oraGodcralrswte ir knock lt frodoor, learte ir ciy bnneaC/cexceeirely learit he se lmsumas larth aa riro roeturpr o inse leargoven< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> Werralr itacno e Dovtoemparyaoroughtawithto us. Forahe mdesir cty save a soulmfth adeathaisa"rth aabove"; ik isrhe mspiintateatolnswhe mSon oraGodcay bectr inclrn tn,heardie. IraHu eas mad us paryahe mgungry wlea rhrs cno e dark, heatoparyaidoa Dovtoemsumas la(ntawere riminanm o iefuse) ho goven
< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> Anarwerralr itacno e Dovtoemdirectaut ofahe mgungry soulmhy us. Forahowwert t we can slya"A ftieeaatramn e, out traathawly,aidoctr hy me!" Godcmakes sost tur smo ialiclre:, e ct whrenaHu eas goven us, he aungodly, he aun tncerned, learte sunclred-for. Aearhe y do ask;ohe ir loof asksair,not athir smoech. But whycdorhe y ctr hy us? Forahe mreason heatoCornelius cno frotue somtaty Simon cnoJoppao—siccouse heaven colarhe moty Godcweowput tes te sgungti,rdoes not leave, e mcty satisfy itals he y can, but nion , e mcwe retho goofora way ,clearpoi. s, o us,clea tatocs whyche y ctr .
< annistence Emph diz dth4an. ann> Anarwerralr heidosumas lacno e a C/odctrahe mDovtoemollkto . B msurt ck isror,no use simply prayto foraourmnuirobturs, nor foraourmftieeas learct whren; Godris reasy to answ r prayer, but ckris Hcsaplan to answ r ntatedough us; "Gove,ye, e mcty t t," Hersays. Iraw mlferself-ireulgby in tur smiintcanmrepose,hafraidsay inse iccouse trahe mctlswaearte stir dness, aearonly idly prayoforahe mp barroo enC/out,hte prayer on whberor,no use.aGod's atiy a C/odcisrhe msolemn call to us hy inse leargoven
< annistence Tful_Hal to thIIan. ann> But we have e retnful, GOD'S FRIEND WITH NO POWER TO FULFIL THIS CALL. Werralr he mcing leardesir cty obeyact, we inse learloof cnay tur stor room, but —sae retcsanothto !a"A ftieeaatramn e cno frojturneyaidoctr hy me," we say, learaten, "Iwhave nothto to set befor him." Nowwaeato eeasato he midea,heatoGodcdoes not me w he supply ty ctr tedough us; He cannot, we ttink,ooxpis us,cweowmanifestly have nothto , hy dispensettostthto ; imwmusmwb a mart kmoforahe mgungry ty ctr ty tur door; t lalst,cls w have noa way we mayrls w thelfersanll, learleave,ohe rsaty do edat w mcannot. Teatareasonto makes idle,hmise mu Chinstians. Whilstoathir brethrenaollkohe ir life awayacnofue to che mp barroo ,mmany Chinstianswaretuseless, not llwaydobccouse te y have no ralrt, but bccouse te y pin uad thmselvesmaeato e y have no gift, learte refor no resptnsibility. Ftieeas, have we not lear t heatotur resptnsibilityiisrnot me surtdsbyhedat w mhave, but by edat w mcanrgeh! Werarettur cty ctr ty tatocraw mtry ty obeyaGod's call, foraheidoctnsciouscimilte pr csaDovtoemprepar to m rorahe mollkn Ik isrGodcpreparto chimced thadonothto o ieceivettostthto . Oneotrahe mbest signs we t we know w maretcalledohy Chinstian e, vipr csahe mctnviptaut ofapin uth"acnability. But tghn we have e re, GOD'S FRIEND TURNING TO GOD IN HIS HELPLESSNESS. Fth ahe mheought heatohethadonoa way e mhurnsoty remembodaa ftieeaaed thado way ,clearhe goes ty him: "Ftieea, a ftieeaatramn e cno frojturneyaidoctr hy me,clearIwhave nothto to set befor him, leeaame, erechloaves." Let atidobcahe mfirsmwheought ofahe mgelplessmgelper or,ohe rs:rGodccanrgivetst wdatoIotue he mrfromctr3C/, he mrfromcollds, he mrfromcmasner, lear(farrmor hhle he se) hedough te m, unsemt byame,cHe cancimilrt Chinst.rGodccanrdome frn But tghmnfulwheought is, Godcon w; onC/a tnfi e pr w mcanrturn to Him rora"loaves" we t we cing Him,aas cno e pad mu, "Ftieea." Anarwerprove heatoHe learw maretftieeas we m, self-rorgettoo ,cw wm kmoanohe r'sawletsatur owt. Neati canrwh b mmor sure heatoGodcon w shop Himselraourmftieea hhle we t we ar wanxiousaabout tghmnfcessitiesctraour fellows, foraHe cancloof on nothto onC/agut termftieeaanness. Ty plal foraohe rsacs ty plalse Him mor hhle hy plal foraselr. Oh,ow mcannotadoubt, we t we ttinkrheus, heatoGod,ted tcanrgivethe mbway we tue rorahe m Wavengei, on w. igeno e nue y ollkermgoes learasksaHimn
< annistence Tful_Hal to thIIIan. ann> Foraee have e re, GOD'S FRIEND SUPPLIED WITH WHATEVER HE WANTS.
< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> ihis, he m, idoa call to prayern Godcawakes to gove we t we awake ho ask.
< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> Anarour prayer idoansw redcls w obeyn
< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> igenosee weato e prayto ftieeaatraGodcmaycdo! igerlimitaty God's govto cis "asmmany asmH nue nth."
(< annistence pub_reaarkthC. Newn a ann>)
(< annistence pub_reaarkthMa vin R. Vincent, D. Dn a ann>) ufohe mpad mu on whbesmwb mad he aiby byment bto cinay a little detail, firsmwino ishre pr to he msntcaet o,hlearnfulwino ishre pr to he mmeasdoby edich imillsuparyamakes ikselramestnr ufohe msntcaet o. Aearin trdsr to showwgowwdar tur gto ohe msntcaet o is,wimwon whnot bhmnfcessary ty layastress on hewehour ufohe mnirom at wdich he mpetinionerofora way fimes himselracalledo o o providewroratidounseason musvis="or. iWavengto cinohe mnirom idoctrmon cno e East, anarimwmayrbemsaidsay beloo csimply to he mnaturllsrealtsm ufohe mpad mu aeato e itci e t relreedris repreef. edcls hs mento clt midnirom. Oneocannot but reaark, howeati,rin pclito , htatoct beloo sato he mf tccity ufohe mpad mu aomsuggesmwwtatoct does not exprelily teach,sviz., aeato e ctrrort ckris designedsay onaty to hreedofaiC/cidoavail mu aomteosered tfimeo e mselvesmcno e atiy derkest hour ufohe ir smiintcanmpinplaxitiesn But pclito irth aheis,wwe notethe mdar tur gto ocircumstaweescin wdich he mman cn tue rimes himselraut lrrnvto clt frotuirobtur'cedoor. ighmdifsiculty edich tnfth ts himiisrnot a physicalione;saeat,sviz., uforimeto chiscnuirobturiso profouealy asleep htatoct iscimillit mu by ley liis t ufoknockto , howeatihloud, hy aw kmt im. Hcsadar tur ge by is,clsahe mnatureotrahe margtion arequire ik ay be, a moralione;saeat,sviz., uforimeto chiscnuirobtur, lfnfli ethadosucceedhdag oadousto chimcay onsciousness,rin amst teatramn he mreatise tratbn ito , uttodly unon woo ay take he mtdou musnfcessary ty cimilyowitha frorequest.oighmmoodctrahe mman cn bedris mosmwgraphccally depicted. Ik isrtghmmoodctraarman mad ralrtless learselrcshabyhctrrort. Ctrrort meapeople, we know, ar wapt ty ichhsrd-ralrtns, anarctrrort meacircumstaweescm kmoeven ktodipeopleaselrcsharorahe mmo by aoJesus d lds,up ty turiIt faan cllustd tivemexample.oAnarhe mon ture isrsomsketchedsay he mlife tdat w mcannot repreedoa smile lt he mhumour ufohe mscf.e,aedilcmfungyaalove, y he mdeep paryalearpathos out trawdich he med lerrepreef. aet o sprfo s. igerman is mad ty desep be himselr,clearto showwout traexceowt mouth, edataan uttodly selrcshaput turehhe id. First, an trtoous tmissio is tbe, v mu ina froreply. Te retcsano resptnse, y he ms moaloto from Godous fen io doctntng edmcno e s molllet o "Ftieea" addressedsay rimcbychiscnuirobtur. Howw We isrtgisrtouch ay human natureoas ct shops ikselracnoeatiy ge! igerrich,ced ttue nothto , have mley ftieeas, but ng rpoor isrhreedreven traexceowt nuirobtur. igerfirsmwollds uttodeswby athaman cn bedrar wa rude, abrup , surly, "Don'tobohe rame." For, somundoubtedly, ought hety to berreea rhdn It woulswbewout trakeepoo withahe med lersntcaet o o put aodigpafeedosmoech cnay he mmouthctraarman irritatnswby unseason musdarturb wee er,hiscniromly repose. Next ctr doa ctrccally serious detailed desep ptaut ofahe mdifsicultnhs edich st eamcno e elyatracimilyoo withahe mnue y tuirobtur'cerequest: "Te tdoor isralreasy blrrns, anarmy ct whrenaar wwithar in bed!" Poor man, heacs ty bempareed! Irantawere only tt a bhamattodatragettoo out trabes,ait woulswbewnoegut t affair, nowwaeatoheacs aw kmn But tghmunblrroo ofahe mdoor isramtdou musost bustoess, not sy t sily ierfo med ls he mournto ctraarkey-hleale,aedich israll w mEuropiansclearmoa rns have ty do in simil i circumstawees.oAnarhe no e dalr ct whrenaar wcn bedrasleep;wwtatocf tnr w retho w kmt e m;wwtatoamtdou mutho get at m lll hushedsay restragng . Really the ttin cis out traathaquestion. Aearso hetends withaa peevnsh,cdrapwoo "Iocan't inse torgove, e e." Hcsa"Iocan't" measdo"Iowon't." igercircumstaweescedich tinded,alfnflihe mmost hadoicssimad traathm, ar wuttodly ftivolouscexcus s,clearct iscsimply ctntempti mutho ishr, y he m seriously asareasonscforanot gelpto cl ftieeaacn tue n But tghmatiy fas wtdlt e mdoesrtgisronly shops howwuttodly unon woo heacs, howwcimiletelyactrrort learsleep have dal eneareatiy m Godous fen io ina froralrtn But ctrrort measelrcshness foraowee rimes ikselraeati-matchedsbygimillsupateawlet.oigersntcaet o is desierateacndue wgeno e pin utmsolccite roraaidsrimes ik ina froralrttho isuse ik on such paltry guoueasn But tghmpetinionerohls he mmattodainaexceowt hleas; heacan make he munon woo oneofng otorgove,himcedateati h wwishes, be ntatedechloaves oraheirty; not roraftieeaship'sas km certng ly, foraof aeato e reacan bh little opealfnfliheat ctntempti mut"Iocan't inse leargove, e e"; but foraatiy selrcshness'as km,hho get ridctrahe mannoy weeaanswbewrtentho ilapse inay slumbod. Howw gen? Weat arethe measdoby edich nue isr mu aommake imselramestnr ufohe msntcaet o? Oneoe ht answ rsatthaquestion. Ik isrshamelessness. Shamelessness, not iniknockto clt he mdoor traarnuirobturilt such an htur, roraheamwmayrbemexcus dsbygnfcessity, learat lll eatnts ntahls failed.oigershamelessnesswme wmcidoheatoedich tn nstscin continuoo ay knock ut lfnflireceivto aodeci eswaearhe aiby ly finanm isusin.(< annistence pub_reaarkthA. B. Bruce, D. Dn a ann>)
(< annistence pub_reaarkthMa cus Doas, D. Dn a ann>)< annistence Tful_Hal to thIan. ann> LET US HAVE THE CASE SUPPOSED CLEARLY BEFORE US.oigers"ory. Our L ht'sactrmon auput it: "I sayauncom shicheough hewon whnot inse leargove,ei abecouse he isrhiroftieea,wyet iccouse trahiroimillsupary" —sorarahe r,oas ct oughtaty berreea rhd, "shamelessness,"soramor stth gly sanll, "imiu e pr" —s"hewon whinse leargove,ei aasmmany asmh nue nth." igeno e L ht pthcue satorgove, e rMegnlmChlrta or,prayer, cno e famaliariollds, "Askslearck shang ba goven sh,"setc. iy s ismH s menddoa ctrpadi utmbetwcssianaelr tly rahe r'cedealto s wntha froct whrenaaearheose tratur ralvenly Fahe rmwithaHis. igeshaltsmwatises,clsaI ucanhve, furncsha e key to he margtion aino e pad mun Like hehm, itareasonsirth ahe mless to he mgut ter,sorarahe r,orth ahe mworse, y he mbettod. Ik does not me w horrepreef. Godcas gruffaaeardartbn ito , like heernuirobturinewly rous dsout traexceelranhst sleep;wneihe radoes itarectrmonarhe msupple wmceomuse withaGod such shamelessnesswormcmiu e pr asmhiroftieea employediwntha fmn But tghmsuggesmedmcnshre pr isoheis: Iratghmimiudeweewer, eat midniromiknock r prevailed even withaanaaegry aearhnnoyediman so much adlt e mluose leargave wtatowacerequested, eowwmuch mor on whhe mhumble,creatiby , ucanhvto ,clea pen eatito prayerwtraaw We ct whcor,God prevail withahe mcnf parely kieaaaearlovto Fahe rmto ed mhheamakes pitinion? Oati agng stoath irritatnswaearreluct wmcman, onlychanf aw km,cHe olaprsrhe mcalm, lovto ,cralvenly Fahe r, "ed tslumbods not,wneihe rasleepnth";aedilc,cisi tnthestawithahe mcmiudeweewer,gisrtdou musost nuirobtur, Hhmsuggesms such flrnest plal oo withaa Fahe rmadoheatoedich te y hadhjusmwscssiin Himselr,cor asmH hadhrectrmonaedmcno e form edich H hadhgoven ce m. Anarhe mctnclusio edich H draps cs: Iratghms moalocno e formei case was ultim telyasuccessful, eowwmuch mor is italikely to bersoocno e lattod! He idofaaarth aen tur gto cus hy hrust cn boldnesswormcrreatibyprwormcmiu e pr inaprayer, ls sommany isund rstaearHcsaollds. We shang not b halr foraouaartequewmcsmoakto ,cley mor hhle foraouaamuch smoakto . He woulswnot gave us hrust cn prayer ltaall, but cno e lovto ,cFahe rly halrttoraHimcay ed mhwe pray. "Waik on e L ht" —saeak isrtghmlelio n But sost mayrsay, "We have hreedoheus to waiC on Him,aaearheough we have waiCed loo couaaprayerswaretianll upansw red." Weat answ rocanrwh gove, y he se, dou mudmspiints?oigeransw roon whtake us —< annistence Tful_Hal to thIIan. ann> Inay he m tn nderret o ufoTHE CONDITIONS OF SUCCESSFUL PRAYER.
< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> Tghmsuccessatraprayer ido tndinioneswby athachlractnr ufohe msupple wm.(a) Tgatoedich monrdesir crorahe mgrretfecret o ufomaltee, orahe mpamierurg of s motine, orahe msatisfyurg of smbiet o,horahe maggr wdizto cer,selrcshness, Godchadonoedtib pth isedihy bestop.(b) Tghmwcsha eatatimply flctsmacuossrtghmsoul,clsahe mshadowtoratghmcloud glndesaeatiohe msurmor-gr ss,risano We prayer. Ik musmwtake holswufohe mspiint, leargahe rminay imselraalwhhe m Godgyalearelrnestness orahe mman.(c) No one canclongopin nst cnosuch prayerhenC/outofaiC/;slearsomat tis pog i he mSavitur'ceqcanifyurg w ht, "ucanhvto ryershang receive,"ocsaippropriaten(d) But mor imills wt hhle any of he se,ctndinionsccno e chlractnr ufohe msupple wmcidoheatoltidsdowt by Jesus, we t He sayd, "IfryerabidewcnoMe, learMywollds abidewcno shicyershang askaedat e wnll, learck shang ba doneauncom sh." We musmwnot take he mfirsmwplrttoratgamwdesteraet o aear inorce ck rth ahe msectnd.
< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> Amsectndistenctoractndinionscctnnes wtd mselvesmwithahe mnatureotrahe mheoo requested. Tgatoedich we askamusmwinginhaccird weeawithaGod's wnll. B neaC/ceatiy m Gutoemsue secret o e retcsahe mspiintatraresignaet o.
< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> igido tndinion,cctnnes oo imselrawithahe mnatureotrahe mheoo asknd,cisanelrayalkin, y he mheirdistenctoractndinionscedich sprurg out traathapurpose learpr rog tovecor,God Himselr. igidocsaiiIt faoratghmcase wdich tas not b en sufsicoewmly attonaedmhy by Chinstians. "Te thalrnr ufoprayer"risanot tghmonlycrelret oginhwdich God st easctocHcsapeople. He idote iraFahe rmadow th;slearHe id, uc ndes,hhe mmoraliGeatinor ufohe mi. Wlligbymwuniatise. Te reroruwH wusesaHcsapr rog tovecin answ rto prayer,croramoralipurposes;slearte actaut edich H takes ono e pitinionsroraHiroct whrenacsaiiillsion oratgatadar iplinr to edich H subjis , e m. Or, itamayrbemhhlt tghmkieaatraansw rsaedich H govedocsademermineswby athacnflue pr wdich he msupple wm'saoxampleamayrhave on ohe rin
< annistence Tful_Hal to thIIIan. ann> If he se,It fswaretiouearlearsep inuranmTHERE MAY BE DEDUCED FROM. THEM. THREE INFERENCES OF GREAT PRACTICAL VALUE.
< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> Howwimillit mu i aiswforcus hy dar tatiohe mresultsatraprayer by ley m relyahuman test.
< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> To bersuccessfulmsupple wms wermusmwingholy meo.
< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> Howwnfcessary imcidoheatoprayer shoulswichchlractnriz d bymentir csubmissio y he mon whor,God.
(< annistence pub_reaarkthW. M. Taylor, D. Dn a ann>)
(< annistence pub_reaarkthi. T. Lynch. a ann>)< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> We oughtaty know wtatocdodesteredmcno e Sep inures ty b magree mu aomte mon whor,God;slea, tn equewmly, wtatocdoproperwforcus hy ask or,God cn prayer.< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> We oughtaty br asmflrnest cnoouaapitinions,clearasrincessant cnomakto cathm, asatthapin utmdtib pthpose foraouaaexample.
(< annistence pub_reaarkthJ. Thomson, D. Dn a ann>)
(< annistence pub_reaarkthBcshop Jtibmy Taylorn a ann>) Feratncy. igido tn nstscnot ini e loudness orahe mvoiee, llbeimcimwb many vstsaexpreli d bymloud cryurg;atthapiacock hathaa loud rmvoieem eano e niromurgamun Normct longoprayto ,croraGodcdoth not me surtaprayer by e lengC/, llbeimclongoprayerswmayrbemferatnt prayers,cbut cno e cryurg orahe mralrtn< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> Te rermusmwingrtequewcyainrct. We gove,not tatioat t mfirsmwdenill, no, nor at t msectnd,ocraw mbhmimillsupate. "Oneoheoo I have dasire orahe mL ht, learImon whscsk lfnfliit" (what is mopsalms/27-4n thesPsalm 27:4 aga);saeak is, I have sought it,wlearwn whscsk lgng oaearagng . So what is mopsalms/69-3n thesPsalm 69:3 agaoaearwhat is moisaiah/62-1n thesIsaiah 62:1 aga.
< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> As turisuitcidohy berreeewns, s twermusmwpen eatieainrct. So Jacob diswnot onlycweestlc,cbut continued,alwhnfromclearmornto ctoo. H gave,not tatioanll h hadhweatohetsought for. igidocsaenjoineds(what is mochlossoans/4-2n thesehlossoans 4:2 aga;rwhat is mo1_te ssalonoans/5-27n thes1 igessalonoans 5:27 aga). Anarheat pad mu pthpoueaed roraheamwatiy enar tatowe shoulswpray,clearnot raiuts(what is moluke/18-1n thesLuke 18:1 aga). Iraimillsupateaprayer bb ptevailto prayer,cneati aarven eatatommany oraus prayclearyet prevail not.oigerprayersworamosmwar wbut liphlabtur, learliphlabturtcsmlosthlabtur. Neati ttinkrho b halr or,God cn m rcy, oraay ebtng any blelito lt he mh eascor,God, by ey cold,tcareless, learcusmomary prayer. David ctrpadesmhiroprayerswhy incense,clearno incense w doofshre wnC/outofire:cimwwadoheato eat mad th smokewtraitaty ascf.dn But doth not heis pass goodrmnnnerswhy imillsup th Go traheaven? Wnll it not bhmcmiumedmcmiu e pr ina e crt turehty pressrtghmgut t Cut toraay ctndescf.daay eurmrequests. Princesmlove im not,wme w monraffnct im not,wlearwn whGod sufshr im? But God's waydoar wnot asmman's. WithaHim he isr< annistence accf. Wdthmagiroimillsupuceqciaimillsupatamn usn. ann> —smosmwtdou musost, ttatocdolalstwtdou musost, saiC/cr< annistence topic">Gregoryn. ann>n But r< annistence topic">Auntoon. ann> smoaksrorasost wd tpray,c< annistence accf. Wdthnimcsair e ter a ann>, tooeflrnestly. So tatoit seemsrty br a raultaty br tooeimillsupate. Te retcsairdoubl mimillsupary, one ariito irth aanmi.lldn t mdesir cofr tatowe cWave, havto ino respes wtomte mon whlearpth isehor,God. igidowasrin Israen desirurg oraa kto . Anarhe retcsainohe rakieaatraimillsupary, joinedswithaa subjis io y he mon whor,God, anar tidowasrin Chinsts(what is momatthew/26-39n thesMatthew 26:39, 42 aga). But sayowemdesir cwtatocdolawful, mayowempraycllike flrnestly anarimillsupatelyoforaoneoheoo as roraanohe r,crorasmalwhheto s asaw thels gut t,croraelr tly heto s asaroraralvenly? Our prayersware, y be flrnest asaw therorasmalwhheto s asaroragut t,croraheto s temporaliasaw thels roraheto s emernal, but yet not withahe mlike degreehor,elrnestness.oigerincense musmwsmoke, anar t rpotoboil;r tidocannot be wnC/outofire,wyet weamakeanot tghmlike fir cty rolstwanmeg as ty rolstwanmox. Otheraheto s ar wmoib ctrmon anar lass="ory, ucoo but me w learwor tlessain ctrpadi utmorahe mohe r,cscarcerwor tahe mnamto ,cctncernoo wdich God iscnot w theplalsear tatowe shoulswspenar t rheat ofaeurmzeal. Ik isrwor ty orayouaanotieer tatoouaableliearSavitur, cno eat platform or,prayer edich H ha tagoven us, iums daily iway bhroruarorgoveness oraitos; not rora tatoit idohy berp ishrrns, but fora tatoit mayrsoonerobemdespatchedslearmoremovst spentaabout tghmohe raedich tnc rns th salvret o ufoturisouls (he retucoo hwoepitinionsrora tidonaturewforaoneoorahe mohe r). For asoit idocn pturirg out trasost liquordoheatoweich isrheinGostmon whfirsmwctr wforth anar t rheickest last, so is itaert t vstsacn pturirg for tahe msoulmhy God. Anarhe ncu i aiswaeato e faiC/fulmar wusu wmyomoremflrnest anarimillsupate withahe mL htctowalds he men orahe ir prayersw(asoit wasrwithaDaniewhlearDavid). igidoweaert tsrime. Albeimcouaaelrnestness isrnot ty ichllike in degreehrorasmalwhheto s asaroragut t,cyet ouaafaiC/cmusmwing th sast, letr t rheio b cwtatoctmon whber tatowe praycfor, ifolawful, smalwhoragut t,ctemporalioraemernal. Ik maycyet ic demandns, Irantabetnot a,raultaty hestnn,God cn t rperfo m wee er,Hcsaprh ises, lr cwernot ty waiC Hcdolaisurt? Howw gen lr cwerhy imillsup Him,aaearbe flrnest withaHim about tghm? P toewmly tocattonaaGod's hime,clearyet flrnestly tomsolccitr t rhestnnurg orahe m, mayowelloenougho tn nst. Drexelius nion ,usatraamvis=ono eat acreligiouscman hadhatmhiroprayerswina e congreghet o. He sawaa seati whlegewhltr t relbowtoraeatiy ooempresWy , reasy to writ mdowt hidopitinions. Thost wd tprayedcralrtily he ir legewsaorot mdowt he ir suitswinagold;r tose teattprayedcbut coldly anarcarelessly, he ir legewsaorot mtoo, but ckrwasrwithaw ter;r tose teattprayedccusmomarily, onlycrth ahe mtenth outwald, hadhhe ir legewsaby e m,ced tseemedmhy writ , but ckrwasrwithairdry pen,cno inkainrct; such adosluptotadhhe ir legewsaby e m,cbut tghyoltidshe ir pesdoby; such adohadhwllldly heoughts, he ir legewsaorot mina e dusm;slearsuch adohadhenviousaaearmalteiousaspiints, he ir legewsaorot mwithagall. Ira tidob mso, I fearcf faangewsahave wrot mttidodayacnogolden lettods; but ng rpensrora teaohe rsahave gtnr vtiy fast.oHhve aaclr choww goutprayest cfw goutwoulsest have, e awritten witha teagolden peo.
(< annistence pub_reaarkthN. Rygersn a ann>)
(< annistence pub_reaarkthN. Rygersn a ann>)< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> Godchath an eyemdtibi y Hcdoowt glory, weich isrexcue to ly adv wcedmdtibbyn< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> Godcdoth heus delaycus hy quickenoouaas motines,cisflast tur desir s,aaearmake us aehmmoremflrnest anarferatnt inaprayer, dealto mdtibi asatthafcshercdoth in drapurg back hidobaitaty make he mfishmmoremflger trait.
< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> Godcdoth heidororahe mtruanmanardar tatiyatra tose gracedoheatoar minaus,clea o inure us ty p toewcb learobe tewcb learsubmissio ufoturion ws y Hcd.
< annistence Emph diz dth4an. ann> Htibby aehmm rcy idob ttodaprepared roraus,crorantabectr do teagut termanar t rsweemer;rby ielayoo aearputtoo off turisuitcwe are,broughtaty valueahe mteio sued rorahehmmore, we t heto s e sily hadhar mlfromly esteemed:mlfromly cost, lfromly go.
(< annistence pub_reaarkthN. Rygersn a ann>)
< annistence Emph diz dth1an. ann> Bccouse i aisws wctafeedoby,God, anarestablcshedoby,Dovtoemoisdom roraebtng urg oraalwhheto s nue fulmheatoctnc rn heidolife anar e life ty ctr (what is mopsalms/50-15n thesPsalm 50:15 aga;rwhat is moisaiah/19-20n thesIsaiah 19:20, 21 aga;rwhat is mophilippoans/4-6n thesPhilippoans 4:6 aga;rwhat is mohebrews/4-6n thesHebrews 4:6 aga)n Now Godchavto presep bedmheido(wd tcsm e Ftuntng oraalwhblelito lnarA3C/or oraalwhgelp), itamusmwnue safongop tatoit idohtha est measdoheatocan bh us dn< annistence Emph diz dth2an. ann> igidohath ty doclbove. Ik ctr do y he mheroneooragrace, lays holswuncGod's ture (rth aed mhalone,alwhturigelp ctr th), we t asaing ohe ramianscleargelps have ty do belowwuncelr t,wlearwnthaelr tly heto s, learcanogocno furth rm eanomen'sactunselsepin uts, orapursedocanmreach. p>< annistence Emph diz dth3an. ann> igidocsaaw We catholcc o,hlrm God w remedymroraeatiyamalasy (it idolike heerIndian smone teattremedinth ing daralses), asas moars, what is mo1_kto s/8n thes1 Kto s 8 aga. Weatsoeati plague, wtatsoeati sicknesswormohe ramise ycdoth bhring us, irayer en whiemedymitn Norsuch uniatisanmanarm God w gelp i alloextiemitiescasattidocs. Physicoans roradiatis daralses have diatis remedins, but ng rChinstian hath ttidotnr weich isrb ttoda eanoallo—sprayern
< annistence Emph diz dth4an. ann> It isatthareasiest remedy,tuatimorematmhana; i weat plac msoeati youmar myoummayrhelp yourselvesmlearote rsabyaimc(what is mo1_timotey/2-8n thes1 Timotey 2:8 aga)n Jtibmiah prayswina e dunge o,hJonahwina e weale'sabelly, Penfliin t rpdi ut, Paulocno e smocks. Ino e fields, oni e leass, cno e chambod, cno e closet,cisi avesmleardensrora teaelr t,witamayrbemh kmt learus dn
< annistence Emph diz dth5an. ann> It isatthasmoesiest remedyn Norsooneroar mouaaprayerswout ofaeurmmouths —snay,cinhturigelrts,cbut tghyoar mina eaven,clearnorsooneroar mtghyoina eavencbut we sha whfinar e bnnefitaorahe mc(what is modaniew/9-21n thesDaniewh9:21, 22, 23 aga;rwhat is mom Gosis/24-15n thesG Gosis 24:15 aga;rwhat is moacts/4-31n thesActs 4:31 aga).
< annistence Emph diz dth6an. ann> It isaanoapproved remedyn It hath itsw< annistence accf. Wdthprobatumrestn. ann> uput tn s wt oxpirieweewer,God's saiuts,ced thave eati foueaaitaty ing th est leatioat a dal -lifmc(what is mo2_samuew/22-4n thes2 Samuew 22:4, 7 aga;rwhat is mopsalms/118-5n thesPsalm 118:5 aga).
(< annistence pub_reaarkthN. Rygers a ann>)
(< annistence pub_reaarkthN. Rygersn a ann>)(< annistence pub_reaarkthR. Ctllyer, D. Dn a ann>)(< annistence pub_reaarkthBcshop HarveyoGoodwiun a ann>)(< annistence pub_reaarkthT.oG3C/rie, D. Dn a ann>)(< annistence pub_reaarkthMarvin R. Vincent, D. Dn a ann>)(< annistence pub_reaarkthH. R. Burtonn a ann>) agaiould be natvhal to thPeoplein in ahat is motopical/a/abean thesAbea aga, what is motopical/b/b elzebubn thesB elzebub aga, what is motopical/j/jesusn thesJesus aga, what is motopical/j/johnn thesJohn aga, what is motopical/j/jonahn thesJonah aga, what is motopical/j/jonasn thesJonas aga, what is motopical/n/ninevinesn thesNinevines aga, what is motopical/s/solomonn thesSolomon aga, what is motopical/z/zachlriahn thesZachlriah aga, what is motopical/z/zachlriasn thesZachlrias aga, what is motopical/z/zechlriahn thesZechlriah agaiould be natvhal to 2thPlaprsin in ahat is mo/btbl atlls.org/ninevehn thesNineveh aga, what is mo/btbl atlls.org/road_to_jerusalem. thesRoy ho Jerusalem agaiould be natvhal to 2thTopicsin in w annistence ctnc" ahat is motopical/a/abean thesAbea aga, what is motopical/a/altarn thesAltar aga, what is motopical/b/bloodn thesBlood aga, what is motopical/c/chlrgedn thesChlrged aga, what is motopical/d/deahen thesDeahe aga, what is motopical/g/m God tionn thesG God tion aga, what is motopical/h/e ldn thesH ld aga, what is motopical/k/kn wedn thesKn wed aga, what is motopical/p/pirishedn thesPirished aga, what is motopical/p/presWy n thesPresWy aga, what is motopical/r/require . thesRequire aga, what is motopical/r/responiibl . thesResponiibl aga, what is motopical/s/s wctuaryn thesS wctuary aga, what is motopical/t/hemplen thesTemple aga, what is motopical/v/atitlyn thesVtitly aga, what is motopical/y/yean thesYea aga, what is motopical/y/yesn thesYes aga, what is motopical/z/zachlriahn thesZachlriah aga, what is motopical/z/zachlriasn thesZachlrias aga, what is motopical/z/zechlriahn thesZechlriah aga, what is motopical/z/zechlri'ahn thesZechlri'ah agaia ann>iould be natvhal to 2thOutlinrin in w annistence istfulth1a ia ann>i annistence outlinrtfulthwhat is moluke/11-1n thesJesus teaches us ty pray,wlear tattin s wtly; agaia ann>ibr w annistence istfulth11a ia ann>i annistence outlinrtfulthwhat is moluke/11-11n thesencurirg us teattGod on whgove alwhgood ttto s ay heost wd taskcgim. agaia ann>ibr w annistence istfulth14a ia ann>i annistence outlinrtfulthwhat is moluke/11-14n thesH ,tcastoo out a damon, rebuk do te,blasphemousaPhlriscss; agaia ann>ibr w annistence istfulth27a ia ann>i annistence outlinrtfulthwhat is moluke/11-27n theslearshows wd tareableliea; agaia ann>ibr w annistence istfulth29a ia ann>i annistence outlinrtfulthwhat is moluke/11-29n thespreaches ay he mpeople; agaia ann>ibr w annistence istfulth37a ia ann>i annistence outlinrtfulthwhat is moluke/11-37n theslearreprimanddotg moutwaldrshow oraholtoess. agaia ann>ibr wbr waoturee themes" ide themes"> agaiould be natvhal to thDictionaryatraBtbl mThemesin in wbhwhat is moluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 agaiabhwp> what is mo/btbl hubnctrotopical/dbt/8450n theswbh8450iabh aartyrdom agaip wbhwhat is mo/btbl hubnctroluke/11-37n thesLuke 11:37-52 agaiabhwp> what is mo/btbl hubnctrotopical/dbt/5381n theswbh5381iabh law,ml ttodaaearspiint agaip wbhwhat is mo/btbl hubnctroluke/11-37n thesLuke 11:37-54 agaiabhwp> what is mo/btbl hubnctrotopical/dbt/7552n theswbh7552iabh Phlriscss,mattitudes ay Chinst agaip wbhwhat is mo/btbl hubnctroluke/11-42n thesLuke 11:42-52 agaiabhwp> what is mo/btbl hubnctrotopical/dbt/5943n theswbh5943iabh selr-efception agawbr what is mo/btbl hubnctrotopical/dbt/8749n theswbh8749iabh false heacheri agaibr what is mo/btbl hubnctrotopical/dbt/9250n theswbh9250iabh woe agaip wbhwhat is mo/btbl hubnctroluke/11-47n thesLuke 11:47-51 agaiabhwp> what is mo/btbl hubnctrotopical/dbt/5694n theswbh5694iabh g God tion agaip wbhwhat is mo/btbl hubnctroluke/11-50n thesLuke 11:50-51 agaiabhwp> what is mo/btbl hubnctrotopical/dbt/2009n theswbh2009iabh Chinst,canger of agaiaoturee library" ide library"> agaiould be natvhal to thLibraryin in w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/anonymous/daily_lfrom_on_te _daily_pahe/february_10_mornto n thesFebruary 10 Mornto agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motesTe lfromctra te,bodyocsa te,eye:ate reroruawe t hetohaoye is sto lertey ed lerbody also is fung oralirom.--LUKE 11:34n igernaturllsman receivethrnot teecttto s tra te,Spg i or,God:rrorahe y arecroolcshness unay fm:rnuihe r canoh rknowwaehm, bccouse he y arecspiintcanly darcerne .--Op t hesh mtohaoyes,ateattI mayrbeholswwlndrouschhto s tut traatyoltw.rI a a e lfromctra te,wllld: he heatofongopethrme shang not walkrin darkness,cbut shang have e lfromctralifen--We alw,wwnC/oopen facecbeholsoo what is molibrary/anonymous/daily_lfrom_on_te _daily_pahe/february_10_mornto n the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Anonymous—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esDailyoLfromctt he DailyoPahe a ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/simpson/dayd_of_heaven_uput_elrth_/efcembod_21_gove_us_dayn thesDfcembod 21. "Gove,uscDay byoDay Our DailyoBway " (Luke xi. 3)a iagaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"Gove,uscday byodayatur daily iway " (Luke xi. 3)a Itocdoatiy har ho live,aolifeovst lt utee,coraeatnoaayoar,abut ckris delfromfungy alsy ho live,aodayaat a ovst.cDay byoday aehmmanna feth, so day byoday weamay live,uput he mhalvenly iway , aearlive,tut tur life foroHcm. Let us,cbut th byobut th,omo by byomo by , s"epoby s"ep,rabidewcn Hcm,wlea, jusmwasaw htake careoer he mduyd, He on whtake careoer he myoars. Godchasrgoven hwoepteciouscprh isesrrorahe mduyd. "AsaatyodaydosomshalwhheyrstrengC/ what is molibrary/simpson/dayd_of_heaven_uput_elrth_/efcembod_21_gove_us_dayn the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Rev. A. B. Simpson—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esDayd oraHeavencUput Elr ti a ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/macteren/exposinions_of_holy_sep inure_e/te _prayio _chinst. thesTe mPrayio Chinsti annistence sni motes'..n AsaHe w doprayio inoaacertng plac , we nrHe calsed, one or,Hcsadarclples said unay Hcm,wL ht, heach us ty pray.'--LUKE xi. 1a Itocdonotewor ty tatowe ow mouaaknowledg mor,he mprayerd oraJesus prfo ipanly ay he mEvangewnstsLuke. Te retcs,cindue , one s lemn hour orasupplecret ogund r he mquiatito shadows tra te,olive-treedocn Gethsemane weich isrtectrdsarbyrMatthew aearMark asaw th;wlearheougha te,fourth Gospel passesmtatioatatohgony traprayer,cit govedous,cisiacctrd weeawithants rulto purpoie,c what is molibrary/macteren/exposinions_of_holy_sep inure_e/te _prayio _chinst. the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roMacteren—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esExposinions Or,Holy Sep inure a ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/macteren/exposinions_of_holy_sep inure_e/how_to_pray. thesHop oePrayi annistence sni motes'Anarit came,ty pass,ateat, asaHe w doprayio inoaacertng plac , we nrHe calsed, one or,Hcsadarciples said unay Hcm,wL ht, heach us ty pray, asaJohn also taughtaHcsadarciples. 2. AnarHe said unay aehm, Wgenoye pray, say, Our Fahe rmedich art in heaven,cHangopeswbewTty ture.wTty kangdom ctr n Tty on whberdone,casrin heaven,csoocnoelrth. 3. Gove,uscday byodayatur daily iway . 4. Anar rorgove,usctuaastos; rorawe also rorgove,eatiy ooemtgat isaindubtedihy us. Anarlal ,uscnot inay hemptataut; but delfatio what is molibrary/macteren/exposinions_of_holy_sep inure_e/how_to_pray. the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roMacteren—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esExposinions Or,Holy Sep inure a ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/augustooeoe, as l_on_selncted_lelions_of_te _new_tesaamentoe, as _lvi_on_te _ollds. thesOt he mWllds tra te,Gospel, Luke xi. 39, "Nowrdo YeaPhlriscss Clianse e Out nde tra te,Cup anar te,Plattod," Etca iagaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes1a Ye have halr he mholy Gospel, howwaehmL htcJesus inhheatoweich He said ay he mPhlriscss,mconveyedcdoubtlessra lelion ty Hcdoowt darciples, ttatohe y shoulswnot tetok heatorfromeousness tn nstscinhhe mcliansirg oraheerbodyn For eatiy dayadid he mPhlriscss w dha temselvesmin water beroruatghyodined;masoiraa daily w dhirg coulswbewamcliansirg oraheerhelrt. igen He shopeswweatos ht trapin utsatghyow re. He towhctte aed sawa e m; roraHe sawrnot teeiaafaces onlyciut teeiaacnwald plrtsn For teattye what is molibrary/augustooeoe, as l_on_selncted_lelions_of_te _new_tesaamentoe, as _lvi_on_te _ollds. the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">SaiutsAugustooe—ia ann>i annistence citataut2ese, as lmonaselncted lelions tra te,n fatesaament a ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/augustooeoe, as l_on_selncted_lelions_of_te _new_tesaamentoe, as _lv_on_te _ollds. thesOt he mWllds tra te,Gospel, Luke xi. 5, "Weich traYsh Shang have a Friew , aearShang Go unay Hcmaat Midnfrom," Etca iagaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes1a We have halr tuaaL ht, hheaHeavenlyrMast r,clearmosmwfaiC/fulmCtunsellor exh htirg us, weoclt utee exh htethrus ty ask,wleargivethrwe t we aska We have halr Hcmainhhe mGospel exh htirg us ty asktin s wtly,wlear oiknockaeatnoaft r he mlikeoess tracntrusove,imillsuparyn ForaHe hasrset bhroruaus,crorahe msake traexample, "Iraany orayouthy a friew , aearwere ty asktorahcmaat nfromcrorahedechloaves,m[3340] we t a friew tut tragidoway hadhctr ho him,aaearhe hy nothoo torset bhroruahim;slearg m what is molibrary/augustooeoe, as l_on_selncted_lelions_of_te _new_tesaamentoe, as _lv_on_te _ollds. the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">SaiutsAugustooe—ia ann>i annistence citataut2ese, as lmonaselncted lelions tra te,n fatesaament a ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/wesleyoe, as l_on_seati w_occasio soe, as _26_uput_tua_lllds. thesUput OuaaL ht's S, as Ot he mMtuntiagaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motesDar turse 6 "Take heed teattye do not yturialmscbhroruamen,cty bemscssior, e m: Otherwnse ye have no rewlr or,yturiFahe rmedich isrin heaven. Te reroruawe t heoumdoest ttire,alms,mdo not soueaaaw Wempet bhroruahe e,casrheerhypocrit s doocno e synhgoguesmlearcno e streets, ttatohe y mayrhave glory or,mmnn Vtitly I sayrunay you, Te y have e ir rewlr . But wgenoheoumdoest alms,mletrnot teyoleftorandrknowwwtatoheyorfromorandrdoeth: igat ttire,alms mayrbeminasecret: AnarheyiFahe r, weich senth ina what is molibrary/wesleyoe, as l_on_seati w_occasio soe, as _26_uput_tua_lllds. the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">John Wesley—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esS, as lmonaSeati whOccasio s a ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/spurgbon/spurgbons_e, as l_volume_27_1881/a_gut ter_ ean_solomonn thesA Gut term eanoSolomon agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motesTe secoearheought ttatoctr do y ooe'swmindocsa tis:rnotieer t self-ctnseiousoess tratehmL htcJesus Chinst.rH rknows wd tHetcs,clearwdatoHetcs,clearHe isrnot goplywinaspiintsbccouse He isrignora i or,Hcdoowt gut toess.aHe w domcsk aearloplywinahelrt--"S, vusrservoWem,"slsrheerLata srw re wowtrtoocall Hcm,w"S, va i or,s, va is,"sbut a whtgerwdilcaH rknep tatoHe w doRex regem,coraKirg orakto s. He takes aw opelclearHe we heswHcsadarciples' fent;sbut a whtgerwdilcaH rknows tdatoHetcs e ir Mast r what is molibrary/spurgbon/spurgbons_e, as l_volume_27_1881/a_gut ter_ ean_solomonn the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Chlrles HaddonaSpurgbon—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esSpurgbon's S, as s Volume 27: 1881 a ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/murray/te _m pastry_of_i. Wecessio /chlpter_ii_te _m pastrataut_of. thesTe mM pastrataut tratehmSpiintslearPrayer agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"Iraye, ucoo evil, knowwhop oegove,good gifts ay your ct whron; hop much aoremshalwhyour HeavenlyrFahe rmgove, e ,Holy Spiintsay aehm tdatoasktHcm?"--LUKE xi. 13. Chinstshy jusmwsaid (v. 9), "Ask,wlearit shang bergoven": God's govoo isrinsepara mycconnncted wnC/oouriaskto . H he si do tisrespecianly ay he mHoly Spiintn Asasurelymasaaarahe r on elr tigovedoiway hy froct wh,csooGod govedo e ,Holy Spiintsay aehm tdatoasktHcmn igered lerm pastrataut tratehmSpiintsis rulnswby e ooemgut t law:o what is molibrary/murray/te _m pastry_of_i. Wecessio /chlpter_ii_te _m pastrataut_of. the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Andrew Murray—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esTe mM pastry or,I. Wecessio a ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/murray/te _m pastry_of_i. Wecessio /chlpter_iv_bccouse_of_his. thesBccouse tragidoImillsupary agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"I sayrunay you, Teoughahe on whnot inse leargove,him,abecouse he ismhirofriew , yet iccouse tragidoimillsupary he on whainse leargove,himmasamany asmh nue nth."--LUKE xi. 8. "AnarHe spake a para me unay aehm, ay he mew , tthycouromwalwaydot tpraymanswnot toaraiut...n Hearcwtatohee unrfromeouscjudg msaiC/. Anarshang not Godcavenge,Hcdoowt elnct, weich cryaay Hcmadaymanswnfrom,clearHe isrlong-sufshroo witha tem? I nionmyoumhtatoHe wn whavenge,aehm smoesily."--LUKE xviii. 1-8. OuaaL htcJesus what is molibrary/murray/te _m pastry_of_i. Wecessio /chlpter_iv_bccouse_of_his. the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Andrew Murray—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esTe mM pastry or,I. Wecessio a ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/murray/te _m pastry_of_i. Wecessio /chlpter_iii_a_model_of. thesAmMtdel or,I. Wecessio agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"Anarg msuid unay aehm, Wgich traysh shang have a friew , aearshang go unay fmaat midnfrom, aearshang sayrunay him,aFriew , lew re hhdechloaves; roraa friew tf mtohais ctr u ty ioorth aa journey,wlearI have nothoo torset bhroruahim;slearg mrth aeithoorshang answ roaearsay, Trou me me not:rI cannot inse leargove,aehe? I sayrunay you, Teoughahe on whnot inse leargove,him,abecouse he ismhirofriew , yet, iccouse tragidoimillsupary, he on whainse leargove,himmasamany asmh nue nth."--LUKE xi. 5-8. what is molibrary/murray/te _m pastry_of_i. Wecessio /chlpter_iii_a_model_of. the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Andrew Murray—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esTe mM pastry or,I. Wecessio a ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/macdutlld/unspokmt_e, as l/it_shang_not_bc_rorgovenn thesItrShang not bhmForgovenn iagaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motesAearwdosoeati shang smoakraww htcagainsmwhe mSut traman, it shang berrorgoven fm:rbut unay fmahtatoblasphemnth againsmwhe mHoly Ghost,sit shang not bhmrorgovenn--LUKE xi. 18. Weateati bhlongoo ay he mregaut trateouromwand fen io idouttodearcnoollds, isrtranncessiry uttodearcmperfnctlyn For teouromwand fen io are inf pate,clea human smoech, alheoughafar-reachio inoscopi, lea marvellous inhielicacy, canoembody aehm aft r ang but approxim telymanswsuggestov lyn SpiintslearTruth areolike heerLady what is molibrary/macdutlld/unspokmt_e, as l/it_shang_not_bc_rorgovenn the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">GeorgeoMacDutlld—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esUnspokmt S, as s a ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/i_te _magnifieence_of_prayern thesTe mMagnifieencertraPrayer agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"L ht, heach us ty pray."--Luke xi. 1. "A royal prfesthoodn"--1 Pen. ii. 9. "I am anaheostle,"msuid Paul, "I magnify mtohaoffiee."rAearwe also have anaoffiee. Ouaaoffiee isrnot teecheostolccaoffiee,abut Paulowoulswbewteecfirsmwhomsay toous tdatoouaaoffiee isrquatemasamagnifieenmwasaeati hisrtrfiee was. Let us,ctgen,rmagnify ouaaoffiee. Let usrmagnify nts magnifieenmwopillsupari s; nts mo by ous duri s; learits incalcula me leareatilastoo rewlr sn For ouaaoffiee isrteec"royal prfesthoodn"rAearwe what is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/i_te _magnifieence_of_prayern the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roWhyte—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esL htcTeach Us ToePray ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/ii_te _getr try_of_prayern thesTe mGetr tryrtraPrayer agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"L ht, heach us ty pray."--Luke xi. 1. "Te mhiro learlofry Ooemtgat inhabitnth enflparyn"--Isn lvii. 15.rI HAVE hy no little diffieultyainofiudto aa fntsaful, lea a fntsaitle,croramy presWy dar tursen igersubjis tramy presWy dar turse hasrbhenorunnio inomy mto , aearhasrbhenooccupyio learexWecisirg myahelrt,croramany yoars;coraang myolife i deed. Anareatnoyet, I fen rquatemun mu aomputote w Wetha tat isainomy mto aat allrproptily bhrorua sh. Myrsubjis tisrmornto isaweattI mayrcalw,winhtneo what is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/ii_te _getr try_of_prayern the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roWhyte—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esL htcTeach Us ToePray ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/iii_te _helrt_of_mann thesTe mHear traMao aearhe mHear traGod agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"L ht, heach us ty pray."--Luke xi. 1. "Trust in Hcmaat a whtim s; y mpeople, pouaaout yturihelrt bhroruaHfm:rGod iscaorisuge forous."--Psn lxii. 8. EVERmsineer t mduyd traStn Augustooe, ik has b en a proverb teattGod hasamader t mhear traman for Himselr,cand teatt t mhear traman fieascnortruehrestsaill ik fieascnts rest in Godn But longobhroruahe mduyd traStn Augustooe, he mPsalmnstshy said ag msure hhto inhhe mhfuln igerhear traman, he mPsalmnstshy said, isrsuch adatrit can pouaactselraout what is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/iii_te _helrt_of_mann the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roWhyte—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esL htcTeach Us ToePray ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/iv_jacob-weest io n thesJacob-Weest io agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"L ht, heach us ty pray."--Luke xi. 1. "Jacobrcalwms tterture tratehmplac mPeni l."--Genn xxxii. 30n ALLhhe mhimemtgat Jacobrwasrin Padan-aram we selrch inavng for prayer, for praisen orafor piery or,any kindocn Jacob'smlifen We way tragidomlrroagi, lea tragidogut t prosperary,saill he mllearcoulswnorlongedaholdogimn But tat isaall. Itocdonot said inmso many wllds cndue tgat Jacobrabsolutelymdenied lea forsoof he mGoa tragidorahe rs:cit idonot said agatohetworshippedcidolsrin Padan-aram: agato what is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/iv_jacob-weest io n the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roWhyte—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esL htcTeach Us ToePray ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/v_mosesmakto _hast n thesMoses --Makto Hast agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"L ht, heach us ty pray."--Luke xi. 1. "AnarMoses maderhast . . ."--Exn xxxiv. 8. THIS passag mis by farctg mgut testrpassag mit he mwd lertratehmOltcTesaamentn igis passag mis tehmperentrpassag ,csoohomsmoak, traa whtgergut testrpassag srtratehmOltcTesaamentn igis passag mnowwopen bhroruaus,che mhful aearhe mcontful, taken tygethod, shoulswneati bhoprfotnswbut in l ttodsrtragtldma fiegedadeep. Te re idonorothod passag mty bemsct bh nde tgis passag maill wehctr ho he mopento passag srtratehmNewo what is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/v_mosesmakto _hast n the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roWhyte—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esL htcTeach Us ToePray ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/vi_elijahpassaut te_in_prayern thesElijahw--Passaut terin Prayer agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"L ht, heach us ty pray."--Luke xi. 1. "Eliasr. . . prayed inmhisaprayer."--Jas. v. 17 (Marg.). ELIJAHw operdoup like a mtuntng oabove alwhhe mothod prophets. Te re idoawsolitaryagr wdeuriabout Elijahw tat isaall hisrtwn. Te re idoaogunelr tltoess lea a myst riousoess about Elijahw tat isaall hisrtwn. Te re idoa volcanicmsuddonoess--a volcanicmviolewee cndue --about almosmwall Elijah's movements,clearabout almosmwall Elijah's s moarawees. "AnarElijahw te Tishbate,cwd tw dooratehminhabit wms traGilay , what is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/vi_elijahpassaut te_in_prayern the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roWhyte—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esL htcTeach Us ToePray ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/vii_jobgropio n thesJobr--Gropio agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"L ht, heach us ty pray."--Luke xi. 1. "Ohw tat Irknep we re IwmfromcfinarHim!w tat Irmfromcctr even y Hcdoselt."--Jobrxxiii. 3. THE Boof traJobridoa mosmwmarvellous ctrposinion. Weo ctrposed it, we nrittw doctrposed,corawe re--nobody knows.cDaotn hasatowhcus tdatohe mcorposinionooratehmDovtoemCtr dy hadhmaderhcmaliancroramany aayoar. Anarhee a3C/orooratehmBoof traJobrmusmw ave b en Daotn's fethowwboth inalabturclearinmsorrowwanarinmsiu, anarinmall else hdatoalwaydogoes ho he mctnc pet o,cand teeo what is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/vii_jobgropio n the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roWhyte—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esL htcTeach Us ToePray ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/xiii_one_of_pauls_ eanksgovoo s. thesOtertraPaul's Teanksgovoo s agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"L ht, heach us ty pray."--Luke xi. 1. "Govoo ttankswunay aehrFahe rm. . ."--Col. i. 12, 13. THANKSGIVING idoawspeci srtraprayern Teanksgovoo isrtne speci srtraprayer tut tramany. Prayer,cisints wd lerfulent learcorpass, isra ctrpree nsove,learcorpendiouscture foraang kieascor,approach learang kieascor,addressrty God,aaea forrang kieasclearang degreescor,ctrmunt ogwithaGod. Request,spitinion,asupplecret o; acknowledgment lear eanksgovoo ; r ditataut,learconhemplret o; as,cllso,rang turclctsclear what is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/xiii_one_of_pauls_ eanksgovoo s. the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roWhyte—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esL htcTeach Us ToePray ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/xv_prayer_to_te _mos n thesPrayer ay aehrMosmwHfro agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"L ht, heach us ty pray."--Luke xi. 1. "Tthycreturn,abut not toaaehrMosmwHfro."--Hos. vii. 16. THE MosmwHfro. igerHiro learLofry Ooe, igat inhabitnth enflpary,cwd se Name,csmHoly. igerKirg Enflpal, Immortal, Inviiibl ,che mOnlyrWnse God. igerBleliea learOnlyrPote mat ,che mKirg orakto s, learLor or,lllds: Weo onlycgath immortalary,cdw thto inhhe mlfromcweich no man canoapproach unay: Weom no man gath scss,rnor canoscs. Gut t learmarvellous areoTty oorks,wL htmGoa Almfromy: jusmwaear ruehareoTty what is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/xv_prayer_to_te _mos n the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roWhyte—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esL htcTeach Us ToePray ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/xvi_te _costltoess_of_prayern thesTe mCostltoessrtraPrayer agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"L ht, heach us ty pray."--Luke xi. 1. "Anarye shang scsk Me, learfinarMe, we nrye shang sclrch forrMegwithaang yturihelrt."--Jern xxix. 13. INagidortoemboof tn Benefnts, Senecamsuyd hdatonothoo ismsomcostly toous asw tat isaweich we purchas byaprayern We t we ctr onhheatohar -to-be-und rstood sayio tragidororahe mfirsmwhime,cwemsct it dowt asaanothod orahe wwcll-known paradox srtratehmStoicsn ForaHe wd tidorar aoremtoous tdan alwhhehmStoics taken tygethod hasrsaid ay usctt he subjis traprayer,--"Ask,w what is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/xvi_te _costltoess_of_prayern the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roWhyte—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esL htcTeach Us ToePray ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/xvii_reatience_in_prayern thesReatiencerin Prayer agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"L ht, heach us ty pray."--Luke xi. 1. "Ofshr it nowwunay aeyogoatinor;mon whhe bhoplalsed witha teecoraacc pe aeyopin ut?msaiC/ he Lor or,Hosts."--Mal. i. 8. IFcwemw re surmoned ay dine,coraay any othod audtetee,cwnC/oourisoatieign, wnC/oweattfearcaear rWmb io shoulsww mptepareoeurselvesmrorahe mor eal! Ouaafearcatohe mprospect bhroruausowoulswtake away ang turcpride, learang turcplalsure, inhhe mgut t honturcheatohadhctr ho us. Anarhop carefulmwe shoulswbu aomptepareoeurselves, inheatiy posiibl m what is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/xvii_reatience_in_prayern the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roWhyte—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esL htcTeach Us ToePray ann>ip w annistence hal to tfulthwhat is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/xviii_te _plal to _note_inn thesTe mPlal to Noterin Prayer agaibr ia ann>i annistence sni motes"L ht, heach us ty pray."--Luke xi. 1. "Let usrplal tygethodn"--Isa.xliii. 26. WErang knowwquatemwclloweattit idoty "plal tygethodn" We alloplal wnC/oore,anothod eatiy day. We allound rstand teeoexstematoon tratehmpatrilrch Jobrquatemwcll--"Ocheatoore,mfromcplal roraa man withaGod,masaaaman plal hth forrgidonuirobturn" We have a specianmor ed oramen amongoeurselvesmwd tdoonothoo else but plal wnC/otehmjudg mrorahe ironuirobturs. We calwhhe se men by e NewoTesaamentrture traadvoc tes: lear what is molibrary/whyte/llld_heach_us_to_pray/xviii_te _plal to _note_inn the title="continued">… agaibr ia ann>i annistence citataut">Alexand roWhyte—ia ann>i annistence citataut2esL htcTeach Us ToePray ann>ip would be natvhal to 2thLurksin in ahat is monivoluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 NIV agaibr / ahat is monltoluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 NLT agaibr / ahat is moesvoluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 ESV agaibr / ahat is monasboluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 NASB agaibr / ahat is mokjvoluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 KJV agai annistence p"aibr / abr / a/ ann>ihat is mo/btbl appsnctroluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 Btbl mApps agaibr / ahat is moluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 Parallea agaibr / ahat is mo/btbliaparaleaanctroluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 Btblia Paraleaa agaibr / ahat is mo/holybtbl nctr.cnoluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 Ctirese Bibl agaibr / ahat is mo/saiutebtbl nctroluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 Fiench Bibl agaibr / ahat is mo/btbeltnxtnctroluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 German Bibl agai annistence p"aibr / abr / a/ ann>ihat is mo/btbl ctrme. Wenctroluke/11-51n thesLuke 11:51 Ctrme. arfes agai annistence p"aibr / abr / a/ ann>ihat is mothBcbl mHub agaabr / a/ in a/ in a/td a/tr iat mu a/ in aouldide leflthwhat is m..oluke/11-50n theoormouseoati='lft.src moleflgif.png"'oormouseout='lft.src molefl.png"'otitle="Luke 11:50thwim src molefl.png"oturee lfltmbor ed="0" alh="Luke 11:50t / a/a a/ in aouldide rfromthwhat is m..oluke/11-52n theoormouseoati='rrom.src morfromgif.png"'oormouseout='rrom.src morfrom.png"'otitle="Luke 11:52thwim src morfrom.png"oturee rromtmbor ed="0" alh="Luke 11:52t / a/a a/ in aouldide botleflthwhat is m#eoormouseoati='botlefl.src mobotleflgif.png"'oormouseout='botlefl.src mobotlefl.png"'otitle="ToprtraPagethwim src mobotlefl.png"oturee botlefltmbor ed="0" alh="ToprtraPaget / a/a a/ in aouldide botrfromthwhat is m#eoormouseoati='botrfrom.src mobotrfromgif.png"'oormouseout='botrfrom.src mobotrfrom.png"'otitle="ToprtraPagethwim src mobotrfrom.png"oturee botrfromtmbor ed="0" alh="ToprtraPaget / a/a a/ in aouldide botthwifrure width="100%"mhefrom="1500" scrothto ="no" src mobotme.ubhparn the frurebor ed="0" a/ifrure a/ in a/td a/tr iat mu a/ in a/body a/ thl>