Jump to: Hitchcock's • ATS • ISBE • Easton's • Concordance • Thesaurus • Greek • Hebrew • Library • Subtopics • Terms Topical Encyclopedia Geographical Location: Mount Sinai, also known as Horeb, is a significant mountain located in the Sinai Peninsula. It is traditionally identified as Jebel Musa, which stands at approximately 7,497 feet. The exact location of Mount Sinai has been a subject of debate, but it is generally situated in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula, a triangular landmass between the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba. Biblical Significance: Mount Sinai holds a central place in biblical history as the mountain where God revealed Himself to Moses and gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites. This event is a cornerstone of the Old Testament narrative and is foundational to the covenant relationship between God and His people. Key Biblical Events: 1. Theophany and the Giving of the Law: The most significant event associated with Mount Sinai is the giving of the Law. After the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, they camped at the base of the mountain. Here, God descended upon the mountain in fire, and the whole mountain trembled violently. Moses ascended the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments, as recorded in Exodus 19-20. The Bible describes this event with great detail, emphasizing the holiness and majesty of God. Exodus 19:18 states, "Mount Sinai was completely enveloped in smoke, because the LORD had descended on it in fire. The smoke rose like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked violently." 2. Covenant and Law: The giving of the Law at Sinai established the covenant between God and Israel. This covenant included not only the Ten Commandments but also various laws and ordinances that governed the social, moral, and religious life of the Israelites. The Law given at Sinai is central to the Torah and is foundational to Jewish and Christian ethics. 3. Moses' Intercession: During the Israelites' time at Sinai, Moses acted as an intermediary between God and the people. When the Israelites sinned by creating a golden calf, Moses interceded on their behalf, pleading with God to spare them from destruction (Exodus 32). This event highlights Moses' role as a prophet and leader and underscores the theme of God's mercy and justice. 4. Renewal of the Covenant: After the incident of the golden calf, God renewed His covenant with Israel. Moses ascended Mount Sinai again, where he received a second set of tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments (Exodus 34). This renewal signifies God's enduring commitment to His people despite their failures. Theological Themes: · Holiness and Reverence: The events at Sinai emphasize the holiness of God and the need for reverence in His presence. The mountain itself became a symbol of divine encounter, where God's presence was both awe-inspiring and fearsome. · Covenant Relationship: Sinai is pivotal in establishing the covenant relationship between God and Israel. The Law given at Sinai is not merely a set of rules but a guide for living in a relationship with God, reflecting His character and will. · Mediation and Intercession: Moses' role as a mediator at Sinai foreshadows the ultimate mediation of Christ in the New Testament. The intercession of Moses points to the necessity of a mediator between a holy God and sinful humanity. Historical and Cultural Impact: Mount Sinai has been a site of pilgrimage and religious significance throughout history. It is revered in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The events at Sinai have profoundly influenced Western legal and ethical systems, with the Ten Commandments serving as a moral foundation. References in the New Testament: The New Testament refers to Sinai in the context of the Law and the new covenant established through Jesus Christ. In Galatians 4:24-25 , Paul uses Sinai allegorically to contrast the old covenant of the Law with the new covenant of grace: "These things serve as illustrations, for the women represent two covenants. One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children into slavery: This is Hagar. Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children." Conclusion: While the entry does not include a conclusion, it is evident that Mount Sinai remains a profound symbol of God's revelation, law, and covenant with His people, continuing to inspire and instruct believers in their faith journey. Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary SinaiATS Bible Dictionary SinaiA mountain, or mountain range, in Arabia Petraea, in the peninsula formed by the two arms of the Red Sea, and rendered memorable as the spot where the law was given to Israel through Moses, Exodus 19:1Nu 10:33. As this mountain has been almost unknown in modern times, until recently, and is of such importance in Scripture history, we shall enter into some details respecting it. The upper region of Sinai forms an irregular circle of thirty or forty miles in diameter, possessing numerous sources of water, a temperate climate, and a soil capable of supporting animal and vegetable life; for which reason it is the refuge of all the Bedaweens when the low country is parched up. This, therefore, was the part of the peninsula best adapted to the residence of nearly a year, during which the Israelites were numbered, and received their laws from the Most High. In the highest and central part of this region, seven thousand feet above the level of the sea, rises the sacred summit of Horeb or Sinai. The two names are used almost indiscriminately in the Bible, the former predominating in Deuteronomy. Some have thought there were two adjacent summits, called, in the time of Moses, Horeb and Sinai; and indeed the monks give these names to the northern and southern heights of the same ridge, three miles long. But the comparison of all the Scripture passages rather shows that HOREB was the general name for the group, and SINAI the name of the sacred summit. In approaching this elevated region from the northwest, Burckhardt writes, "We now approached the central summits of Mount Sinai, which we had had in view for several days. Abrupt cliffs of granite, from six to eight hundred feet in height, whose surface is blackened by the sun, surround the avenues leading to the elevated region to which the name of Sinai is specifically applied. These cliffs inclose the holy mountain on three sides, leaving the east and northeast sides only, towards the Gulf of Akaba, more open to the view. At the end of three hours, we entered these cliffs by a narrow defile about forty feet in breadth, with perpendicular granite rocks on both sides. The ground is covered with sand and pebbles, brought down by the torrent which rushes from the upper region in the winter time." The general approach to Sinai from the same quarter is thus described by Mr. Carne: "A few hours more, and we got sight of the mountains round Sinai. Their appearance was magnificent. When we drew near, and emerged out of a deep pass, the scenery was infinitely striking; and on the right extended a vast range of mountains, as far as the eye could reach, from the vicinity of Sinai down to Tor, on the Gulf of Suez. They were perfectly bar, but of grand and singular form. We had hoped to reach the convent by daylight; but the moon had risen some time when we entered the mouth of a narrow pass, where our conductors advised us to dismount. A gentle yet perpetual ascent led on, mile after mile, up this mournful valley, whose aspect was terrific, yet ever varying. It was not above two hundred yards in width, and the mountains rose to an immense height on each side. The road wound at their feet along the edge of a precipice, and amid masses of rock that had fallen from above. It was a toilsome path, generally over stones place like steps, probably by the Arabs; and the moonlight was of little service to us in this deep valley, as it only rested on the frowning summits above. Where is Mount Sinai- Was the inquiry of everyone." "The Arabs pointed before to Jebel Moosa, the Mount of Moses, as it is called; but we could not distinguish it. Again and again point after point was turned, and we saw but the same stern scenery. But what had the beauty and softness of nature to do here- Mount Sinai required an approach like this, where all seemed to proclaim the land of miracles, and to have been visited by the terrors of the Lord. The scenes, as you gazed around, had an unearthly character, suited to the sound of the fearful trumpet that was heard there. We entered at last on the more open valley, about half a mile wide, and drew near this famous mountain." The elevated valley or plain Er-Rahah, here and above referred to, is now generally believed to be the place where the Hebrews assembled to witness the giving of the law. Its is two miles long from northwest to southeast, and on an average half a mile wide. The square mile thus afforded is nearly doubled by the addition of those portions of side valleys, particularly Esh-Sheikh towards the northnortheast, from which the summit Tas-Sufsafeh can be seen. This summit, which Dr. Robinson takes to be the true Sinai, rises abruptly on the south side of the plain some fifteen hundred feet. It is the termination of a ridge running three miles southeast, the southern and highest point of which is called by the Arabs Jebel Musa, or Moses' Mount. Separated from this ridge by deep and steep ravines, are two parallel ridges, of which the eastern is called the Mountain of the Cross, and the western, Jebel Humr. The convent of St. Catharine lies in the ravine east of the true Sinai; while Mount Catharine is the south peak of the western ridge, lying southwest of Jebel Musa and rising more than one thousand feet higher. From the convent, Dr. Robinson ascended the central and sacred mountain, and the steep peak Ras-Sufsafeh. "The extreme difficulty," he says, "and even danger of the ascent, was well rewarded by the prospect that now opened before us. The whole plain Er-Rahah lay spread out beneath our feet; while Wady Esh Sheikh on the right and a recess on the left, both connected with the opening broadly from Er-Rahah, presented an area which serves nearly to double that of the plain. Our conviction was strengthened that here, or on some one of the adjacent cliffs, was the spot where the Lord descended in fire and proclaimed the law. Here lay the plain where the whole congregation might be assembled; here was the mount which might be approached and touched; and here the mountain brow where alone the lightnings and the thick cloud would be visible, and the thunders and the voice of the trump be heard, when the Lord came down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai. We gave ourselves up to the impressions of the awful scene; and read with a feeling which will never be forgotten the sublime account of the transaction and the commandments there promulgated, in the original words as recorded by the great Hebrew legislator." The plain Er-Rahah is supposed to have been reached by the Hebrews from the shore of the Red Sea, south of the desert of Sin, by a series of wadys or broad ravines winding up among the mountains in an easterly direction, chiefly Wady Feiran and Wady Ehs-Sheikh. The former commences near the Red Sea, and opens into the latter, which making a circuit to the north of Sinai enters the plain at its foot from the north-northeast. For several miles from its termination here, this valley is half a mile wide. By the same northern entrance most travellers have approached the sacred mountain. Its south side is less known. To the spectator on Jebel Musa, it presents to trace of any plain, valley, or level ground to be compared with that on the north; yet some writers maintain that the Hebrews received the law at the southern foot of Sinai. See map, in the article EXODUS. In many of the western Sinaite valleys, and most of all in ElMukatteb, which enters Wady Feiran from the northwest, the more accessible parts of the rocky sides are covered by thousands of inscriptions, usually short, and rudely carved in spots where travellers would naturally stop to rest at noon; frequently accompanied by a cross and mingled with representations of animals. The inscriptions are in an unknown character, but were at first ascribed to the ancient Israelites on their way from Egypt to Sinai; and afterwards to Christian pilgrims of the fourth century. Recently, however, many of them have been deciphered by Prof. Beer of Leipzig, who regards them as the only known remains of the language and characters once peculiar to the Nabathaeans of Arabia Petraea. Those thus far deciphered are simply proper names, neither Jewish nor Christian, preceded by some such words as "peace," "blessed," "in memory of." The giving of the law upon Mount Sinai made it one of the most memorable spots on the globe. Here, moreover, God appeared to Moses in the burning bush, Exodus 3:1-22 and Exodus 4:1-31; and six centuries later, sublimely revealed himself to the prophet Elijah when fleeing from the fury of Jezebel, 1 Kings 19:1-21. There are frequent allusions in Scripture to the glorious and awful delivery of the Law, Jud 5:5 Psalm 68:8,17 Habakkuk 3:3. In the New Testament, the dispensation proclaimed on Sinai is contrasted with the gospel of the grace of God, Galatians 4:24,25 Hebrews 12:18-29. Easton's Bible Dictionary Of Sin (the moon god), called also Horeb, the name of the mountain district which was reached by the Hebrews in the third month after the Exodus. Here they remained encamped for about a whole year. Their journey from the Red Sea to this encampment, including all the windings of the route, was about 150 miles. The last twenty-two chapters of Exodus, together with the whole of Leviticus and Numbers 1-11, contain a record of all the transactions which occurred while they were here. From Rephidim (Exodus 17:8-13) the Israelites journeyed forward through the Wady Solaf and Wady esh-Sheikh into the plain of er-Rahah, "the desert of Sinai," about 2 miles long and half a mile broad, and encamped there "before the mountain." The part of the mountain range, a protruding lower bluff, known as the Ras Sasafeh (Sufsafeh), rises almost perpendicularly from this plain, and is in all probability the Sinai of history. Dean Stanley thus describes the scene:, "The plain itself is not broken and uneven and narrowly shut in, like almost all others in the range, but presents a long retiring sweep, within which the people could remove and stand afar off. The cliff, rising like a huge altar in front of the whole congregation, and visible against the sky in lonely grandeur from end to end of the whole plain, is the very image of the `mount that might be touched,' and from which the voice of God might be heard far and wide over the plain below." This was the scene of the giving of the law. From the Ras Sufsafeh the law was proclaimed to the people encamped below in the plain of er-Rahah. During the lengthened period of their encampment here the Israelites passed through a very memorable experience. An immense change passed over them. They are now an organized nation, bound by covenant engagement to serve the Lord their God, their ever-present divine Leader and Protector. At length, in the second month of the second year of the Exodus, they move their camp and march forward according to a prescribed order. After three days they reach the "wilderness of Paran," the "et-Tih", i.e., "the desert", and here they make their first encampment. At this time a spirit of discontent broke out amongst them, and the Lord manifested his displeasure by a fire which fell on the encampment and inflicted injury on them. Moses called the place Taberah (q.v.), Numbers 11:1-3. The journey between Sinai and the southern boundary of the Promised Land (about 150 miles) at Kadesh was accomplished in about a year. (See MAP facing page 204.) International Standard Bible Encyclopedia SINAIsi'-ni, si'-na-i (cinay; Codex Alexandrinus Sina, Codex Vaticanus Seina): Greek 4614. Sina -- Sinai, a mountain probably on the Sinai Peninsula ... Sinai, a mountain probably on the Sinai Peninsula. Part of Speech: Proper Noun, Indeclinable Transliteration: Sina Phonetic Spelling: (see-nah') Short Definition ... //strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4614.htm - 6k 3099. Madiam -- Midian, a region of Arabia Strong's Hebrew 5512b. Sin -- wilderness between Elim and Sinai.... 5512a, 5512b. Sin. 5513 . wilderness between Elim and Sinai. ... Word Origin of foreign origin Definition wilderness between Elim and Sinai. 5512a, 5512b. ... /hebrew/5512b.htm - 5k 2722. Choreb -- "waste," a mountain in Sinai 4785. Marah -- a bitter spring in the Sinai peninsula 6290. Paran -- a place in Sinai 3837b. Laban -- a place in the Sinai desert 5514. Sinay -- the mountain where the law was given Library The New Sinai From Sinai to Kadesh. From Egypt to Sinai. June the Sixteenth Sinai and Calvary Of the Appearance on Sinai. Whether the Trinity Spake in that ... Sinai and Sion, Heb. 12 18 &C. Moses Removed from Mount Sinai, and Conducted the People to the ... Not to Sinai's Dreadful Blaze, Heb 12:18,22 Sinai and Zion. Heb. 12:18Ff How Moses Ascended up to Mount Sinai, and Received Laws from God ... Thesaurus Sinai (38 Occurrences)... Exodus 17:8-13) the Israelites journeyed forward through the Wady Solaf and Wady esh-Sheikh into the plain of er-Rahah, "the desert of Sinai," about 2 ...SINAI. ... /s/sinai.htm - 31k Geology Paran (11 Occurrences) Rephidim (5 Occurrences) Sinaiticus Departure (22 Occurrences) Sina (2 Occurrences) Tongues (67 Occurrences) Quaked (13 Occurrences) Kibroth-hattaavah (5 Occurrences) Resources What is the location of the real Mount Sinai? | GotQuestions.orgHow many times did Moses ascend Mount Sinai? | GotQuestions.org What is the Wilderness of Sin? | GotQuestions.org Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Sinai (38 Occurrences)Acts 7:30 Acts 7:38 Galatians 4:24 Galatians 4:25 Exodus 16:1 Exodus 19:1 Exodus 19:2 Exodus 19:11 Exodus 19:18 Exodus 19:20 Exodus 19:23 Exodus 24:16 Exodus 31:18 Exodus 34:2 Exodus 34:4 Exodus 34:29 Exodus 34:32 Leviticus 7:38 Leviticus 25:1 Leviticus 26:46 Leviticus 27:34 Numbers 1:1 Numbers 1:19 Numbers 3:1 Numbers 3:4 Numbers 3:14 Numbers 9:1 Numbers 9:5 Numbers 10:12 Numbers 26:64 Numbers 28:6 Numbers 33:15 Numbers 33:16 Deuteronomy 33:2 Judges 5:5 Nehemiah 9:13 Psalms 68:8 Psalms 68:17 Subtopics Sinai: A Mountain in the Peninsula East of the Red Sea: The Law Delivered to Moses Upon Sinai: The People of Israel Arrive At, in Their Wanderings in the Wilderness Sinai: Wilderness of Counted In Sinai: Wilderness of Kept the Passover Festival In Sinai: Wilderness of The People of Israel Journeyed In Related Terms Kibroth-hattaavah (5 Occurrences) Kibrothhattaavah (5 Occurrences) |