Because the LORD had closed Hannah's womb, her rival would provoke her and taunt her severely. Cross References Genesis 30:1When Rachel saw that she was not bearing any children for Jacob, she envied her sister. "Give me children, or I will die!" she said to Jacob.
1 Samuel 1:7And this went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the LORD, her rival taunted her until she wept and would not eat.
Job 24:21They prey on the barren and childless, and show no kindness to the widow.
Chapter Outline 1. Elkanah, a Levite, having two wives, worships yearly at Shiloh4. He cherishes Hannah, though barren, and provoked by Peninnah9. Hannah in grief prays for a child12. Eli first rebuking her, afterwards blesses her19. Hannah, having born Samuel, stays at home till he is weaned24. She presents him, according to her vow, to the LordJump to Previous Adversary Adversity Barren Bitterly Closed However Irritate Kept Order Possible Provoke Provoked Provoking Rival Shut Sore Sorely Tremble Used Vexed Wife WombJump to Next Adversary Adversity Barren Bitterly Closed However Irritate Kept Order Possible Provoke Provoked Provoking Rival Shut Sore Sorely Tremble Used Vexed Wife Womb |