2 Timothy 3
Berean Study Bible

Evil in the Last Days

But understand this:
This phrase serves as a direct and emphatic call to attention. Paul is urging Timothy to grasp the seriousness of what he is about to say. The use of "understand" implies a need for discernment and awareness, suggesting that the following message is of great importance. This is consistent with Paul's pastoral concern for Timothy, as seen throughout the epistle, where he encourages Timothy to be vigilant and steadfast in his faith (2 Timothy 1:6-7).

In the last days:
The term "last days" is a biblical expression that refers to the period between Christ's first and second coming. It is a time characterized by both the fulfillment of God's promises and the presence of challenges and opposition. This phrase is used in other parts of the New Testament, such as in Acts 2:17 and Hebrews 1:2, to describe the era inaugurated by Jesus' resurrection and ascension. Theologically, it encompasses the entire church age, highlighting the urgency and expectation of Christ's return.

terrible times will come:
The "terrible times" mentioned here are indicative of moral and spiritual decline. The Greek word used for "terrible" can also mean "difficult" or "dangerous," suggesting that these times will be marked by significant challenges for believers. This aligns with Jesus' warnings in Matthew 24 about the trials and tribulations that will precede His return. Historically, the early church faced persecution and false teachings, which are reflective of the "terrible times" Paul describes. This phrase serves as a reminder for believers to remain faithful and prepared, drawing strength from Christ, who is the ultimate source of hope and endurance.

For men will be lovers of themselves
This phrase highlights a self-centered attitude that contrasts with the biblical call to love God and others (Matthew 22:37-39). In the Greco-Roman world, self-love was often seen as a virtue, but Scripture warns against it as it leads to pride and a lack of humility (Philippians 2:3-4). This self-love is a sign of the last days, indicating a departure from godly values.

lovers of money
The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). In the ancient world, wealth was often equated with divine favor, yet Jesus taught that one cannot serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24). This phrase warns against materialism and greed, which can lead to corruption and moral decay.

Boasting is condemned throughout Scripture as it reflects a heart that seeks glory for itself rather than for God (Jeremiah 9:23-24). In the cultural context of the time, boasting was common among those seeking honor and status. However, true honor comes from humility and reliance on God (James 4:6).

Arrogance is an inflated sense of one's own importance, often leading to a disregard for others. The Bible consistently warns against pride, which precedes destruction (Proverbs 16:18). Arrogance is the opposite of the humility exemplified by Christ (Philippians 2:5-8).

Abuse, whether verbal or physical, is a manifestation of a heart that lacks love and respect for others. In a society where power dynamics often led to oppression, the call to love one's neighbor (Leviticus 19:18) stands in stark contrast. Abuse is a violation of the command to treat others with kindness and dignity.

disobedient to their parents
Disobedience to parents reflects a breakdown in family structure, which is foundational to societal stability. The commandment to honor one's father and mother (Exodus 20:12) is the first with a promise, emphasizing its importance. In biblical times, family was central to community life, and disobedience was seen as a serious offense.

Ingratitude is a failure to recognize and appreciate the blessings and grace of God. The Israelites' journey in the wilderness is a prime example of ingratitude leading to rebellion (Numbers 14:2-4). Gratitude is a key aspect of worship and acknowledgment of God's provision (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Holiness is a central theme in Scripture, calling believers to be set apart for God (1 Peter 1:15-16). Unholiness represents a life that is contrary to God's nature and commands. In the cultural context, holiness was often associated with ritual purity, but the New Testament emphasizes moral and spiritual purity.

This term refers to a lack of natural affection, particularly within family relationships. In the biblical context, the Greek word "astorgos" is used, which denotes a deficiency in familial love. This reflects a broader societal decay where even the most fundamental bonds are broken. In Romans 1:31, Paul uses the same term to describe those who have turned away from God, indicating a moral decline that affects personal relationships. The absence of love is contrary to the nature of God, who is described as love itself in 1 John 4:8.

The Greek word "aspondos" suggests an unwillingness to reconcile or make peace. In the cultural context of the New Testament, covenants and agreements were highly valued, and breaking them was seen as a serious offense. This unforgiving nature is a direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus, who emphasized forgiveness in passages like Matthew 6:14-15. The inability to forgive is a sign of spiritual immaturity and a heart not transformed by the grace of God.

The term here is "diabolos," which is also used to describe the devil, the accuser. Slander involves spreading false or malicious statements about others, damaging reputations and sowing discord. This behavior is condemned throughout Scripture, as seen in Proverbs 10:18 and James 4:11. Slander is a tool of the enemy, used to divide and destroy communities, and stands in stark contrast to the call for believers to speak truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).

Without self-control
This phrase highlights a lack of restraint over one's desires and impulses. In the Greco-Roman world, self-control was considered a virtue, essential for a well-ordered life. The absence of self-control leads to a life dominated by sinful desires, as described in Galatians 5:19-21. The fruit of the Spirit includes self-control (Galatians 5:23), indicating that it is a mark of a life transformed by the Holy Spirit.

The Greek word "anemeros" suggests a savagery or fierceness akin to wild beasts. This brutality is not just physical but can also be emotional or verbal, reflecting a heart hardened against compassion and empathy. In the biblical narrative, such behavior is often associated with those who have rejected God's ways, as seen in the violent actions of the wicked in Psalm 73:6. This brutality is antithetical to the gentleness and kindness that characterize the followers of Christ (Colossians 3:12).

Without love of good
This phrase indicates a disdain or indifference towards what is morally and ethically good. In a biblical sense, it reflects a rejection of God's standards and a preference for evil. Isaiah 5:20 warns against those who call evil good and good evil, highlighting the moral confusion that arises when God's truth is abandoned. Loving what is good is a hallmark of a righteous life, as seen in Titus 1:8, where leaders in the church are called to be lovers of good.

This term refers to those who betray trust or allegiance. In the biblical context, it echoes the actions of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus (Luke 22:47-48). The term suggests a turning away from faithfulness, which was a significant concern for early Christians facing persecution and internal division. Historically, traitorous behavior was seen as one of the gravest offenses, both in Roman society and within the Jewish community, where loyalty to God and community was paramount.

Recklessness implies acting without thought or consideration of consequences. In the cultural context of the early church, such behavior would be seen as dangerous, especially in a time when Christians were called to live wisely and prudently (Ephesians 5:15-17). Recklessness contrasts with the biblical call to self-control, a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), and reflects a disregard for the well-being of others and the teachings of Christ.

Conceit involves an inflated sense of self-importance. This attitude is contrary to the humility exemplified by Jesus, who, though being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage (Philippians 2:6-8). In the Greco-Roman world, humility was often seen as weakness, but for Christians, it was a virtue. Conceit leads to division and strife, as seen in the Corinthian church (1 Corinthians 1:10-13).

lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God
This phrase highlights a preference for worldly pleasures over devotion to God. It reflects the hedonistic tendencies prevalent in Roman society, where indulgence in physical and material pleasures was common. This attitude is warned against throughout Scripture, as in 1 John 2:15-17, which cautions against loving the world. The call for Christians is to seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33) and to find joy in Him rather than in fleeting pleasures. This contrast underscores the biblical theme of choosing eternal values over temporary satisfaction.

having a form of godliness
This phrase suggests an outward appearance or semblance of piety and religious devotion. In the context of the early church, there were individuals who adhered to religious rituals and traditions but lacked genuine faith and transformation. This echoes Jesus' rebuke of the Pharisees in Matthew 23:27, where He criticized them for being like whitewashed tombs—beautiful on the outside but full of dead bones inside. The emphasis is on the superficiality of their faith, which is not rooted in a true relationship with God.

but denying its power
The power referred to here is the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and the gospel, which brings about true change in a believer's life. This denial can be seen in a lifestyle that contradicts the teachings of Christ, despite outward religious observance. In 1 Corinthians 4:20, Paul states, "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power." This highlights the importance of a faith that is not just spoken but lived out through the power of God working within.

Turn away from such as these!
Paul's instruction to "turn away" is a call for separation from those who profess faith but live in contradiction to its principles. This aligns with the biblical principle of holiness and the call to be set apart, as seen in 2 Corinthians 6:17, "Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord." The early church faced challenges from false teachers and hypocritical believers, and Paul emphasizes the need for discernment and purity within the community of faith.

They are the kind who worm their way into households
This phrase highlights the deceptive and insidious nature of false teachers. In the early church, as in today, false teachers often sought to infiltrate communities and homes to spread their doctrines. The imagery of "worming" suggests a stealthy and gradual process, reminiscent of the serpent in Genesis 3:1, who subtly deceived Eve. The household was a central unit in ancient society, often serving as a place of worship and teaching (Acts 2:46). The infiltration of false teachings into homes posed a significant threat to the integrity of the early Christian community.

and captivate vulnerable women
The term "vulnerable women" refers to those who may be more susceptible to deception due to various factors, such as social status, lack of education, or personal circumstances. In the Greco-Roman world, women often had limited access to formal education and were sometimes marginalized, making them targets for manipulation. This phrase underscores the responsibility of the church to protect and educate all its members, ensuring they are grounded in sound doctrine (Titus 2:3-5).

who are weighed down with sins
This part of the verse suggests that these women are burdened by guilt and shame from past sins, making them more susceptible to false teachings that promise relief or justification. The concept of being "weighed down" is reminiscent of Psalm 38:4, where the psalmist speaks of sins as a heavy burden. The false teachers exploit this vulnerability, offering a counterfeit solution that ultimately leads them further from the truth.

and led astray by various passions
The phrase "led astray by various passions" indicates a susceptibility to being misled due to uncontrolled desires or emotions. In the context of the early church, this could refer to a range of temptations, from sexual immorality to idolatry or greed. James 1:14-15 describes how desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin. The false teachers prey on these passions, diverting individuals from the path of righteousness and leading them into spiritual danger.

who are always learning
This phrase highlights a continuous pursuit of knowledge without reaching a conclusion. In the context of 2 Timothy, Paul warns Timothy about false teachers and those who are led astray by them. The Greek culture of the time highly valued philosophy and intellectual pursuits, often leading to endless debates and discussions. This pursuit of knowledge can be seen as a reflection of the Athenians in Acts 17:21, who spent their time in nothing else but telling or hearing something new. The phrase suggests a futile cycle of learning without spiritual enlightenment or transformation.

but never able to come
This part of the verse indicates an inability or failure to reach a destination or goal. In the biblical context, it implies a spiritual stagnation or blindness. Despite their efforts, these individuals are hindered by their own misconceptions or the deceit of false teachings. This echoes the warning in 2 Timothy 3:5 about having a form of godliness but denying its power. The inability to come to the truth is often due to a hardened heart or a lack of genuine faith, as seen in Romans 1:21-22, where people, although knowing God, did not honor Him.

to a knowledge of the truth.
The "knowledge of the truth" refers to the understanding and acceptance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the New Testament, truth is often synonymous with the teachings of Christ and the revelation of God's will (John 14:6). The truth is not merely intellectual assent but involves a transformative relationship with God. In 1 Timothy 2:4, Paul expresses God's desire for all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth, highlighting the salvific nature of this knowledge. The failure to reach this knowledge is a spiritual tragedy, as it means missing out on the salvation and freedom offered through Christ.

Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses
Jannes and Jambres are traditionally understood to be the magicians in Pharaoh's court who opposed Moses by replicating some of the miracles he performed (Exodus 7:11-12). Although their names are not mentioned in the Old Testament, Jewish tradition and extra-biblical texts, such as the Targum of Jonathan and the Babylonian Talmud, identify them as such. This reference highlights the spiritual battle between God's truth and the deception of false teachings. The opposition to Moses symbolizes the broader resistance to God's chosen leaders and His divine plan.

so also these men oppose the truth
The "men" referred to are false teachers infiltrating the early Christian community, spreading doctrines contrary to the gospel. This opposition to the truth is a recurring theme in the New Testament, where false teachings are seen as a significant threat to the integrity of the faith (2 Peter 2:1, Jude 1:4). The truth here is the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the ultimate revelation of God's will and purpose for humanity.

They are depraved in mind
The phrase "depraved in mind" suggests a corruption of moral and spiritual understanding. In Romans 1:28, Paul speaks of those whom God gave over to a depraved mind due to their rejection of Him. This depravity indicates a willful turning away from God's truth, resulting in a distorted perception of reality and morality. It underscores the seriousness of rejecting divine truth and the consequences that follow.

and disqualified from the faith
Being "disqualified from the faith" implies a failure to meet the standards of genuine Christian belief and practice. In 1 Corinthians 9:27, Paul uses athletic imagery to describe the need for self-discipline to avoid disqualification. Here, it suggests that these false teachers have been tested and found lacking in their adherence to the true gospel. This disqualification is not merely a loss of status but a spiritual condition that separates them from the community of believers and the salvation offered through Christ.

But they will not advance much further.
This phrase suggests a limitation on the progress of those who oppose the truth. In the context of 2 Timothy, Paul is warning Timothy about false teachers and those who lead others astray. The assurance that they "will not advance much further" implies divine intervention and the ultimate triumph of truth over deception. This echoes the biblical theme that God will not allow evil to prevail indefinitely, as seen in passages like Psalm 37:12-13, where the wicked plot against the righteous, but the Lord laughs at them, knowing their day is coming.

For just like Jannes and Jambres,
Jannes and Jambres are traditionally understood to be the magicians who opposed Moses in Pharaoh's court, as referenced in Exodus 7:11-12. Although their names are not mentioned in the Old Testament, Jewish tradition and extra-biblical texts identify them as such. Their opposition to Moses symbolizes the resistance to God's truth and authority. This reference serves as a historical parallel, illustrating that just as these magicians were eventually exposed, so too will false teachers be revealed.

their folly will be plain to everyone.
The term "folly" here refers to the foolishness and error of those who oppose the truth. The promise that it "will be plain to everyone" indicates that their deception will be uncovered and recognized by all. This is consistent with the biblical principle that truth ultimately prevails, as seen in Proverbs 12:19, which states that truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment. The exposure of folly serves as a warning and a reassurance that God’s justice will be evident to all.

All Scripture Is God-Breathed

You, however, have observed my teaching
Paul is addressing Timothy directly, contrasting him with others who have turned away from the truth. Timothy has been a close companion and disciple of Paul, witnessing firsthand the apostle's teachings. This phrase emphasizes the importance of sound doctrine, as Paul consistently taught the gospel of Jesus Christ, rooted in the Old Testament and the revelation of Christ. Timothy's observation of Paul's teaching underscores the transmission of apostolic doctrine, which is foundational for the church's faith and practice.

my conduct
Paul's conduct refers to his way of life, which was consistent with his teachings. His behavior was a living example of the Christian life, demonstrating integrity, humility, and dedication to the mission of spreading the gospel. This aligns with other scriptures where Paul urges believers to imitate him as he imitates Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). His conduct serves as a model for Christian leaders and believers, emphasizing the importance of living out one's faith authentically.

my purpose
Paul's purpose was singularly focused on the mission given to him by Christ: to preach the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 9:15). His life was dedicated to fulfilling this divine calling, which he pursued with unwavering commitment despite numerous hardships. This purpose is a reflection of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and serves as an example of living with eternal perspective and dedication to God's will.

my faith
Paul's faith was evident in his trust in God and his reliance on the promises of Christ. His faith was not only personal but also doctrinal, as he defended the truth of the gospel against false teachings. This faith is a key theme throughout Paul's letters, where he emphasizes justification by faith and the necessity of faith for salvation (Romans 1:17). Timothy's observation of Paul's faith would have reinforced the importance of steadfast belief in the face of trials.

my patience
Patience, or long-suffering, is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and a characteristic of Christian maturity. Paul demonstrated patience in his ministry, enduring persecution, opposition, and hardship without losing heart. This patience is reflective of Christ's own patience and is essential for ministry and personal relationships, as it allows for perseverance through difficulties and the ability to bear with others in love.

my love
Paul's love was evident in his sacrificial service to others and his deep concern for the churches he planted. This love is rooted in the love of Christ, which compels believers to love one another (John 13:34-35). Paul's love was not merely emotional but was demonstrated through action, as he labored tirelessly for the spiritual well-being of others. This love is a hallmark of true Christian discipleship and leadership.

my perseverance
Perseverance is the ability to endure and remain steadfast in the face of trials. Paul exemplified perseverance through his numerous sufferings for the sake of the gospel (2 Corinthians 11:23-28). His perseverance is a testament to the sustaining power of God's grace and serves as an encouragement to believers to remain faithful despite challenges. This perseverance is linked to the hope of eternal life and the ultimate victory in Christ (Romans 5:3-5).

my persecutions
Paul's reference to "my persecutions" highlights the personal trials he faced as an apostle. These persecutions were a direct result of his commitment to spreading the Gospel. In the broader biblical context, persecution is a common theme for those who follow Christ, as seen in Matthew 5:10-12 and John 15:20. Paul's experiences serve as a testament to the cost of discipleship and the reality of spiritual warfare.

and the sufferings that came upon me in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra
These cities were significant in Paul's missionary journeys, as recorded in Acts 13 and 14. Antioch in Pisidia was where Paul and Barnabas faced opposition from Jewish leaders, leading to their expulsion from the region (Acts 13:50). In Iconium, they encountered both acceptance and hostility, resulting in a plot to stone them (Acts 14:5). Lystra was particularly notable for the severe persecution Paul faced, as he was stoned and left for dead (Acts 14:19). These events illustrate the physical and emotional toll of Paul's mission work and the resistance to the Gospel in the early church.

What persecutions I endured!
This exclamation underscores the intensity and frequency of the trials Paul faced. It reflects his resilience and steadfastness in the face of adversity. Paul's endurance is a model for believers, echoing the call to persevere in faith despite challenges, as encouraged in James 1:2-4 and Romans 5:3-5. His experiences also fulfill Jesus' prophecy that His followers would face persecution (John 16:33).

Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them
Paul attributes his deliverance to the Lord, emphasizing divine intervention and protection. This statement aligns with the biblical theme of God's faithfulness and deliverance, as seen in Psalm 34:19 and 2 Corinthians 1:10. It also reflects the assurance that God provides for His servants, reinforcing the promise of His presence and aid in times of trouble. This deliverance can be seen as a type of Christ's own deliverance from death, pointing to the ultimate victory over suffering and persecution through faith in God.

The word "indeed" serves as an affirmation, emphasizing the certainty of the statement that follows. It underscores the reality of the Christian experience as something that is not just possible but inevitable. This word connects the statement to the broader context of Paul's letter, where he is preparing Timothy for the challenges of ministry and the Christian life.

all who desire to live godly lives
This phrase highlights the universal nature of the message. "All" indicates that no believer is exempt from this truth. The desire to live a "godly life" reflects a commitment to holiness and righteousness, aligning one's life with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. This pursuit of godliness is a central theme throughout the New Testament, as seen in passages like 1 Peter 1:15-16, which calls believers to be holy as God is holy.

in Christ Jesus
The phrase "in Christ Jesus" signifies the believer's union with Christ, a foundational concept in Pauline theology. This union is not merely a spiritual connection but encompasses the believer's identity, purpose, and destiny. Being "in Christ" means that one's life is hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3), and it is through this relationship that believers receive the strength and grace to pursue godliness.

will be persecuted,
The certainty of persecution is a recurring theme in the New Testament. Jesus Himself warned His followers of this reality in John 15:20, where He stated that if they persecuted Him, they would also persecute His followers. The early church experienced this firsthand, as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. Persecution serves as a refining process, testing the faith of believers and strengthening their reliance on God. Historically, persecution has taken many forms, from social ostracism to physical harm, and it continues to be a reality for Christians around the world today.

while evil men and imposters
This phrase highlights the presence of individuals who actively oppose the truth and seek to lead others astray. In the context of the early church, false teachers and heretics were a significant concern, as seen in other epistles like 1 Timothy and Titus. The term "imposters" suggests those who pretend to be something they are not, echoing Jesus' warnings about false prophets in Matthew 7:15. Historically, the early church faced challenges from Gnostic teachings and other heresies that distorted the gospel message.

go from bad to worse
This progression indicates a continual moral and spiritual decline. The idea of worsening evil is consistent with the biblical theme of increasing lawlessness as the end times approach, as seen in Matthew 24:12. This phrase underscores the importance of vigilance and perseverance in faith, as believers are called to stand firm against such corruption. The worsening condition of these individuals reflects the consequences of rejecting truth and embracing deception.

deceiving and being deceived
This dual aspect of deception highlights both the active role these individuals play in misleading others and their own susceptibility to falsehood. It aligns with the biblical principle that those who reject the truth are given over to delusion, as described in Romans 1:28 and 2 Thessalonians 2:11. The cyclical nature of deception serves as a warning to believers about the dangers of straying from sound doctrine and the importance of discernment. This phrase also reflects the spiritual battle between truth and falsehood, a recurring theme throughout Scripture.

But as for you
This phrase is a direct address to Timothy, highlighting a personal exhortation. Timothy, a young pastor and protégé of Paul, is being reminded of his unique role and responsibility. The personal nature of this address underscores the mentor-mentee relationship between Paul and Timothy, which is a model for discipleship in the church.

continue in the things you have learned
Paul emphasizes the importance of perseverance in the teachings Timothy has received. This reflects the Jewish tradition of passing down teachings through generations, as seen in Deuteronomy 6:7. The continuity of learning is crucial in maintaining doctrinal purity and faithfulness to the gospel message.

and firmly believed
The phrase suggests a deep conviction in the truths Timothy has been taught. This belief is not merely intellectual assent but a heartfelt trust and commitment. It echoes the call to faithfulness found in Hebrews 10:23, where believers are encouraged to hold unswervingly to the hope they profess.

since you know from whom you have learned them
This refers to the trustworthy sources of Timothy's teachings, primarily his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois, as mentioned in 2 Timothy 1:5, and Paul himself. The credibility of these sources is vital, as they are rooted in a sincere faith and apostolic authority. This highlights the importance of sound teaching and the transmission of faith through reliable witnesses, as seen in 1 Corinthians 11:1.

From infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures
This phrase highlights the early and foundational exposure to the Scriptures that Timothy experienced. In the Jewish tradition, children were taught the Torah from a young age, emphasizing the importance of Scripture in daily life. Timothy's mother, Eunice, and grandmother, Lois, were devout Jews who instilled in him a deep respect and understanding of the Scriptures (2 Timothy 1:5). This early education laid a strong spiritual foundation, illustrating the importance of teaching children the Word of God from a young age (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

which are able to make you wise for salvation
The Scriptures are described as having the power to impart wisdom that leads to salvation. This wisdom is not merely intellectual but spiritual, guiding individuals to understand God's plan for redemption. The Old Testament, which Timothy would have been familiar with, contains prophecies and types that point to the coming Messiah, offering insights into God's redemptive work (Isaiah 53, Psalm 22). The wisdom gained from the Scriptures is transformative, leading to a life aligned with God's will (Proverbs 2:6).

through faith in Christ Jesus
Salvation is ultimately achieved through faith in Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies and the embodiment of God's plan for humanity's redemption. The Scriptures point to Christ as the central figure in God's redemptive history (Luke 24:27). Faith in Christ is the means by which the wisdom of the Scriptures is actualized in the believer's life, leading to salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). This phrase underscores the necessity of faith in Jesus as the cornerstone of Christian belief and the culmination of the scriptural narrative.

All Scripture is God-breathed
This phrase emphasizes the divine origin of the Scriptures, asserting that they are inspired by God Himself. The term "God-breathed" suggests that the Scriptures are not merely human writings but are infused with the breath of God, similar to how God breathed life into Adam (Genesis 2:7). This concept is foundational for understanding the authority and infallibility of the Bible. The idea of divine inspiration is echoed in 2 Peter 1:21, where it is stated that prophecy never had its origin in human will, but prophets spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. This underscores the belief that the entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the authoritative Word of God.

and is useful for instruction
The Scriptures serve as a comprehensive guide for teaching and imparting knowledge about God, His will, and His ways. This aligns with the Jewish tradition of using the Torah for teaching and instruction, as seen in Deuteronomy 6:6-9, where parents are commanded to teach God's commandments to their children. The New Testament continues this tradition, with Jesus often referred to as "Teacher" and His teachings forming the core of Christian doctrine. The Bible provides moral and spiritual guidance, helping believers understand the nature of God and the principles of His kingdom.

for conviction
Scripture has the power to convict individuals of sin, revealing areas in their lives that are not aligned with God's standards. This is seen in Hebrews 4:12, which describes the Word of God as living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, able to judge the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. The conviction brought by Scripture leads to repentance and transformation, as seen in the story of King Josiah, who, upon hearing the words of the Law, tore his robes in repentance (2 Kings 22:11). The Holy Spirit uses the Word to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8).

for correction
The Bible not only convicts but also corrects, guiding believers back to the right path when they have strayed. This corrective function is akin to the role of a shepherd guiding sheep, as depicted in Psalm 23. The process of correction is part of God's loving discipline, as described in Hebrews 12:5-11, where God disciplines those He loves for their good, so they may share in His holiness. The corrective nature of Scripture helps believers grow in their faith and conform more closely to the image of Christ.

and for training in righteousness
Scripture serves as a tool for training believers in righteous living, equipping them to live lives that reflect God's character. This training is akin to the discipline and preparation of an athlete, as Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, where he speaks of running the race to win the prize. The Bible provides the principles and examples necessary for developing a life of holiness and godliness, as seen in the lives of biblical figures like Daniel, who remained faithful to God despite living in a pagan culture (Daniel 6). This training prepares believers for every good work, as stated in the following verse, 2 Timothy 3:17.

so that the man of God
This phrase refers to individuals who are dedicated to serving God, often used to describe prophets or leaders in the Old Testament, such as Moses (Deuteronomy 33:1) and Elijah (1 Kings 17:18). In the New Testament context, it extends to all believers, particularly those in ministry, emphasizing their role as representatives of God's will. The term "man of God" underscores a life committed to divine service and spiritual maturity.

may be complete
The idea of being "complete" suggests spiritual maturity and wholeness. It implies a process of growth and development in faith, aligning with passages like James 1:4, which speaks of perseverance leading to maturity. This completeness is not about perfection but about being fully developed in character and faith, equipped to handle life's challenges and fulfill God's purposes.

fully equipped
This phrase indicates being thoroughly prepared and furnished with everything necessary for a task. In the context of 2 Timothy, it suggests that Scripture provides all the tools needed for spiritual growth and effective ministry. Ephesians 6:10-18 describes the armor of God, which believers are to put on, symbolizing the spiritual resources available to them. The concept of being equipped also ties into the idea of discipleship and training, as seen in Jesus' preparation of His disciples.

for every good work
The emphasis here is on the purpose of being equipped: to engage in good works. This aligns with Ephesians 2:10, which states that believers are created in Christ Jesus for good works, prepared in advance by God. The phrase underscores the active nature of faith, where believers are called to live out their faith through actions that reflect God's love and righteousness. It highlights the transformative power of Scripture in guiding believers to live lives that honor God and serve others.

This is a draft of the Berean Study Bible. Please send all comments and recommendations to bereanstudybible@aol.com.

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