Topical Encyclopedia Flattery, in the biblical context, is often portrayed as insincere praise or excessive compliments given with the intention of manipulating or deceiving others. It is generally viewed negatively in Scripture, as it can lead to pride, deceit, and moral compromise. The Bible warns against the dangers of flattery and encourages believers to seek truth and sincerity in their interactions.Old Testament References In the Old Testament, flattery is frequently associated with deceit and wickedness. The Book of Proverbs, known for its wisdom literature, provides several insights into the nature and consequences of flattery. Proverbs 26:28 states, "A lying tongue hates those it crushes, and a flattering mouth causes ruin." This verse highlights the destructive potential of flattery, equating it with lies that can harm relationships and lead to downfall. Another pertinent reference is found in Proverbs 29:5 : "A man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet." Here, flattery is likened to a trap, suggesting that those who engage in it may ensnare themselves or others in harmful situations. The imagery of a "net" implies entanglement and danger, warning against the seductive nature of flattery. New Testament References The New Testament continues to caution against flattery, emphasizing the importance of sincerity and truthfulness. In the Epistle to the Romans, the Apostle Paul addresses the issue of flattery in the context of false teachers. Romans 16:18 warns, "For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the hearts of the naive." This passage underscores the manipulative use of flattery by those who seek to lead others astray for personal gain. Similarly, in 1 Thessalonians 2:5 , Paul reflects on his own ministry, stating, "As you know, we never used words of flattery or any pretext for greed. God is our witness!" Here, Paul contrasts his genuine approach to ministry with the deceitful tactics of others, reinforcing the value of integrity and transparency. Theological Implications From a theological perspective, flattery is seen as contrary to the character of God, who is described as truthful and just. Flattery often stems from selfish motives, seeking to gain favor or advantage through deceit rather than through honest and upright behavior. This stands in opposition to the biblical call for believers to love one another sincerely and to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). The Bible encourages believers to cultivate a spirit of humility and to avoid the pitfalls of pride and self-exaltation that flattery can foster. In James 4:6 , it is written, "But He gives us more grace. This is why it says: 'God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.'" This verse serves as a reminder that God values humility and sincerity over empty praise and manipulation. Practical Considerations In practical terms, Christians are urged to be discerning in their interactions, recognizing the potential harm of flattery and choosing instead to build relationships on a foundation of truth and love. This involves being honest in one's praise and encouragement, ensuring that words are used to edify and uplift rather than to deceive or manipulate. Furthermore, believers are called to be wary of those who use flattery for personal gain, remaining steadfast in their commitment to truth and righteousness. By doing so, they align themselves with the teachings of Scripture and reflect the character of Christ in their lives. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (n.) The act or practice of flattering; the act of pleasing by artful commendation or compliments; adulation; false, insincere, or excessive praise.Greek 2850. kolakeia -- flattery ... flattery. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: kolakeia Phonetic Spelling: (kol-ak-i'-ah) Short Definition: flattery Definition: flattery, with a ... // - 6k Strong's Hebrew 2514. chalaqqah -- smoothness, flattery... 2513b, 2514. chalaqqah. 2515 . smoothness, flattery. Transliteration: chalaqqah Phonetic Spelling: (khal-ak-kaw') Short Definition: smooth. ... flattery. ... /hebrew/2514.htm - 6k 2513b. chelqah -- smooth part, smoothness, flattery 2506. cheleq -- portion, tract, territory 2519. chalaqlaqqoth -- smoothness 4260. machamaah -- smoother than butter 2513. chelqah -- a portion (of ground) Library Whether Flattery is a Sin? Of Flattery (Two Articles) Whether Flattery is a Mortal Sin? Flattery or Magic. Of Flattery. That Flattery is Pernicious. Whether Quarreling is a More Grievous Sin than Flattery? The Good Faith of those who are Easily Bought Over with Money or ... The Truth Probably Is, that the Scandalous Tales are True, While ... Letter v. --A Testimonial. Thesaurus Flattery (11 Occurrences)... Multi-Version Concordance Flattery (11 Occurrences). ... Job 17:5 He that speaketh flattery to his friends, even the eyes of his children shall fail. (KJV JPS WBS). ... /f/flattery.htm - 9k Court (172 Occurrences) Herod (45 Occurrences) Utterly (170 Occurrences) Greed (19 Occurrences) Wayward (14 Occurrences) Immoral (16 Occurrences) Fawn (2 Occurrences) Foreigner's (1 Occurrence) Flatter (5 Occurrences) Resources What does the Bible say about flattery? | GotQuestions.orgWhat does the Bible say about sincerity? | What does the Bible say about honesty? | Flattery: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Flattery (11 Occurrences)Romans 16:18 1 Thessalonians 2:5 Job 17:5 Job 32:21 Job 32:22 Psalms 12:2 Psalms 12:3 Proverbs 6:24 Proverbs 7:21 Daniel 11:32 Daniel 11:34 Subtopics Flattery by Darius's Courtiers Flattery by the Woman of Tekoah Flattery: Avoid Those Given To Flattery: False Prophets and Teachers Use Flattery: General Scriptures Concerning Flattery: Hypocrites Use, to God Flattery: Hypocrites Use, to Those in Authority Flattery: Ministers should not Use Flattery: Paul Correctly Informs Felix Flattery: Saints should not Used Flattery: Seldom Gains Respect Flattery: Tertullus Flatters Felix Flattery: The Wicked Use, to Others Flattery: The Wicked Use, to Themselves Flattery: Wisdom, a Preservative Against Flattery: Worldly Advantage Obtained By Related Terms |