Far (2526 Occurrences)... space or extent. 3. (a.) Remote from purpose; contrary to design or wishes;
far be it from me to justify cruelty. 4. (a.) Remote
.../f/far.htm - 11kFar-off (14 Occurrences)
Far-off. Farms, Far-off. Far-scattered . Noah Webster's Dictionary (a.)
Remote; as, the far-off distance. Cf. Far-off, under Far, adv. ...
/f/far-off.htm - 10k
Far-seeing (3 Occurrences)
Far-seeing. Far-scattered, Far-seeing. Far-stretching . Multi-Version
Concordance Far-seeing (3 Occurrences). Deuteronomy 1:13 Take ...
/f/far-seeing.htm - 7k
Far-away (3 Occurrences)
Far-away. Faraway, Far-away. Far-covering . Multi-Version Concordance
Far-away (3 Occurrences). Luke 15:13 And not long ...
/f/far-away.htm - 7k
Far-scattered (1 Occurrence)
Far-scattered. Far-off, Far-scattered. Far-seeing . Multi-Version Concordance
Far-scattered (1 Occurrence). John 11:52 and not for ...
/f/far-scattered.htm - 6k
Far-stretching (1 Occurrence)
Far-stretching. Far-seeing, Far-stretching. Farther . Multi-Version
Concordance Far-stretching (1 Occurrence). Isaiah ...
/f/far-stretching.htm - 6k
Far-covering (1 Occurrence)
Far-covering. Far-away, Far-covering. Far-distant . Multi-Version Concordance
Far-covering (1 Occurrence). Ezekiel 28:14 Thou wast ...
/f/far-covering.htm - 6k
Far-distant (1 Occurrence)
Far-distant. Far-covering, Far-distant. Fare . Multi-Version
Concordance Far-distant (1 Occurrence). Isaiah 33:17 Thine ...
/f/far-distant.htm - 6k
Far-echoing (1 Occurrence)
Far-echoing. Fare, Far-echoing. Fared . Multi-Version Concordance
Far-echoing (1 Occurrence). Revelation 19:1 After ...
/f/far-echoing.htm - 6k
Bible Concordance
Far (2526 Occurrences)Far occurs 2526 times in 12 translations.
You can narrow your search using the Advanced Bible Search.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (
n.) A young pig, or a litter of pigs.
2. (a.) Distant in any direction; not near; remote; mutually separated by a wide space or extent.
3. (a.) Remote from purpose; contrary to design or wishes; as, far be it from me to justify cruelty.
4. (a.) Remote in affection or obedience; at a distance, morally or spiritually; t enmity with; alienated.
5. (a.) Widely different in nature or quality; opposite in character.
6. (n.) The more distant of two; as, the far side (called also off side) of a horse, that is, the right side, or the one opposite to the rider when he mounts.
7. (adv.) To a great extent or distance of space; widely; as, we are separated far from each other.
8. (adv.) To a great distance in time from any point; remotely; as, he pushed his researches far into antiquity.
9. (adv.) In great part; as, the day is far spent.
10. (adv.) In a great proportion; by many degrees; very much; deeply; greatly.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
FAR HOUSEThe marginal explanation in the Revised Version (British and American) of Beth-merhak (beth ha-merchaq, "house of distance"), which is given in the text of 2 Samuel 15:17 instead of "a place that was far off."
far, far'-ther: "Far" (adj.), distant, remote; (advb.) widely removed, is most frequently in the Old Testament the translation of rachoq, and in the New Testament of makran, but also of other Hebrew and Greek words. The word chalilah, an exclamation of abhorrence or aversion Septuagint me genoito; see FORBID), is rendered "far from me," "far from thee," etc. (Genesis 18:25 1 Samuel 2:30; 1 Samuel 20:9; 1 Samuel 22:15 2 Samuel 20:20; 2 Samuel 23:17 Job 34:10). Besides its literal sense, distance in a spiritual sense is expressed by "far," as "Salvation is far from the wicked" (Psalm 119:155; compare Proverbs 15:29), "far from righteousness" (Isaiah 46:12), "not far from the kingdom of God" (Mark 12:34), etc. For "far" the Revised Version (British and American) has "aloof" in Job 30:10; in several places the word in the King James Version is omitted (Judges 9:17 Psalm 27:9 Isaiah 19:6; Isaiah 26:15 Mark 13:34); "a far country" is changed to "another" (Matthew 21:33; Matthew 25:14 Mark 13:34), etc. For "God forbid" the Revised Version (British and American) has "far be it," "far be it from me" (Galatians 6:14; in the American Standard Revised Version, Genesis 44:7, 17 1 Samuel 12:23 Job 27:5, etc.).
The comparative "farther" occurs only once in the Old Testament (Ecclesiastes 8:17), and thrice in the New Testament (Matthew 26:39 Mark 1:19; Mark 10:1), and in each case is replaced in the Revised Version (British and American) by another word or phrase. The Revised Version (British and American), on the other hand, has "its farthest height" for "the height of his border" (Isaiah 37:24), and "his farthest lodging-place" for "the lodgings of his borders" (2 Kings 19:23).
W. L. Walker
4206. porro -- far off ... far off. Part of Speech: Adverb; Adverb, Comparative Transliteration: porro Phonetic
Spelling: (por'-rho) Short Definition:
far off Definition:
far off
... // - 6k3112. makran -- a long way, far
... a long way, far. Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: makran Phonetic Spelling:
(mak-ran') Short Definition: far away Definition: at a distance, far away ...
// - 6k
891. achri -- until, as far as
... until, as far as. Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: achri or achris Phonetic
Spelling: (akh'-ree) Short Definition: as far as, up to, until Definition: as ...
// - 6k
3360. mechri -- as far as, until
... as far as, until. Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: mechri or mechris Phonetic
Spelling: (mekh'-ree) Short Definition: as far as, until Definition: as far ...
// - 6k
3117. makros -- long, far distant
... long, far distant. Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: makros Phonetic Spelling:
(mak-ros') Short Definition: long, distant Definition: long, distant, far ...
// - 6k
4054. perissoteron -- more abundantly, a great deal, far more.
... 4053, 4054. perissoteron. 4055 . more abundantly, a great deal, far more. ... Word
Origin neut. of perissoteros, qv. more abundantly, a great deal, far more. ...
// - 6k
2193. heos -- till, until
... till, until. Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: heos Phonetic Spelling:
(heh'-oce) Short Definition: until, as far as Definition: (a) conj: until, (b) prep ...
// - 6k
5231. huperano -- (high) above
... (high) above. Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: huperano Phonetic Spelling:
(hoop-er-an'-o) Short Definition: far above Definition: far above. ...
// - 6k
3113. makrothen -- from afar, afar
... Word Origin from makros Definition from afar, afar NASB Word Usage away* (1), distance
(11), far (1), great distance (1), some distance away (1). ...
// - 6k
4207. porrothen -- from afar
... from afar. Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: porrothen Phonetic Spelling:
(por'-rho-then) Short Definition: from afar, far off Definition: from afar, far ...
// - 6k
Strong's Hebrew
7368. rachaq -- to be or become far or distant... 7367, 7368. rachaq. 7369 . to be or become
far or distant. Transliteration:
rachaq Phonetic Spelling: (raw-khak') Short Definition:
far. Word Origin a prim
... /hebrew/7368.htm - 6k 7350. rachoq -- distant, far, a distance
... 7349, 7350. rachoq or rachoq. 7351 . distant, far, a distance. Transliteration:
rachoq or rachoq Phonetic Spelling: (raw-khoke') Short Definition: far. ...
/hebrew/7350.htm - 6k
2486. chalilah -- far be it!
... chalilah. 2487 . far be it! Transliteration: chalilah Phonetic Spelling:
(khaw-lee'-law) Short Definition: far. Word Origin from chalal Definition far be ...
/hebrew/2486.htm - 6k
5704. ad -- as far as, even to, up to, until, while
... 5703, 5704. ad. 5705 . as far as, even to, up to, until, while.
Transliteration: ad Phonetic Spelling: (ad) Short Definition: until. ...
/hebrew/5704.htm - 7k
7352. rechiq -- far
... 7351, 7352. rechiq. 7353 . far. Transliteration: rechiq Phonetic Spelling:
(rakh-eek') Short Definition: away. ... far. (Aramaic) corresponding to rachowq -- far ...
/hebrew/7352.htm - 6k
1023. beth hammerchaq -- Beth-ham-Merchak, a place in Palestine ...
... Beth-ham-Merchak, a place in Palestine -- place that was far off. Transliteration:
beth hammerchaq Phonetic Spelling: (bayth ham-mer-khawk') Short Definition ...
/hebrew/1023.htm - 6k
1972. hala -- to be removed far off
... 1971, 1972. hala. 1973 . to be removed far off. Transliteration: hala Phonetic
Spelling: (haw-law') Short Definition: outcasts. ... cast far off. ...
/hebrew/1972.htm - 6k
4473. mimshach -- perhaps expanded or far-reaching wings
... 4472, 4473. mimshach. 4474 . perhaps expanded or far-reaching wings.
Transliteration: mimshach Phonetic Spelling: (mim-shakh') Short Definition: anointed. ...
/hebrew/4473.htm - 6k
4801. merchaq -- distant place, distance
... Word Origin from rachaq Definition distant place, distance NASB Word Usage afar
(5), afar off (1), distant (3), far (3), far away (1), far countries (1), far ...
/hebrew/4801.htm - 6k
1419. gadol -- great
... from gadal Definition great NASB Word Usage all* (2), bigger (1), bitterly (1),
bitterly* (3), deep (1), elder (3), exceedingly (2), extremely* (2), far more (1 ...
/hebrew/1419.htm - 6k
The Far and Near
... The Far and Near. Gerhard Ter Steegen Psalm 61:4. In ... star. But thou through
strange dark lands hast strayed, and wandered far from Him; ...
/.../bevan/hymns of ter steegen suso and others/the far and near.htm
Neighbours Far Off
... VOLUME I: ST. LUKE Chaps. I to XII NEIGHBOURS FAR OFF. ... I. The main purpose, then,
is to show how far off men may be, and yet be neighbours. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture e/neighbours far off.htm
Not Far and not In
... NOT FAR AND NOT IN. 'Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.'"Mark 12:34, ...
'Not far from' is still 'outside.'. II. Why they are only near. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture d/not far and not in.htm
"Far Better. "
... HEAVEN. LIV. "FAR BETTER.". Torf o'mrodyr sydd yn gorwedd 8,7,8,7,4,7. Many
dear ones are departed. To the grave's dark silent land: ...
// welsh hymns/liv far better.htm
Far be It, Therefore, that the Apostle So Said...
... Section 20. Far be it, therefore, that the Apostle so said� 20. ... Far be it that she,
whom Daniel set free from temporal judgment, be cast by Paul into hell! ...
// holy virginity /section 20 far be it.htm
Thus Far of Sex. ...
... Book III. 12 Thus far of sex.� Thus far of sex. Now let us come to the
appearance and shapes by which you believe that the gods ...
/.../the seven books of arnobius against the heathen/12 thus far of sex .htm
Far from Thy Heavenly Care,
... Far from Thy heavenly care,. tr., John Brownlie 6,6,8,4. tes patroas doxes sou.
(kontakion). I. Far from Thy heavenly care,. Lord, I have gone astray; ...
/.../brownlie/hymns of the greek church/far from thy heavenly care.htm
Nature, in as Far as it is Nature, no Evil.
... Concerning the Nature of Good, Against the Manichæans. Chapter 17. "Nature,
in as Far as It is Nature, No Evil. No nature, therefore ...
/.../chapter 17 nature in as.htm
Far be It, Lord, Far be it from the Heart of Thy Servant who Here. ...
... Book X Chapter XXII Far be it, Lord, far be it from the heart of Thy servant
who here� Far be it, Lord, far be it from the heart ...
/.../augustine/the confessions of saint augustine/chapter xxii far be it.htm
O Love of God, Surpassing Far
... PENITENCE AND LOVE O Love of God, surpassing far. tr., John Brownlie 8,8,8,8. I.
O Love of God, surpassing far. The loves that human hearts unite,. ...
/.../brownlie/hymns from the morningland/o love of god surpassing.htm
Far House
Related Terms
Far-off (14 Occurrences)
Far-seeing (3 Occurrences)
Far-away (3 Occurrences)
Far-scattered (1 Occurrence)
Far-stretching (1 Occurrence)
Far-covering (1 Occurrence)
Far-distant (1 Occurrence)
Far-echoing (1 Occurrence)
Concerned (45 Occurrences)
Salim (1 Occurrence)
Abel-meholah (3 Occurrences)
Sea-lands (24 Occurrences)
Sinim (1 Occurrence)
Siddim (3 Occurrences)
Beth-barah (1 Occurrence)
Chooses (36 Occurrences)
Coastlands (29 Occurrences)
A'bel-Meho'lah (3 Occurrences)
Archers (15 Occurrences)
Advanced (32 Occurrences)
Acquaintances (9 Occurrences)
Aloof (15 Occurrences)
Kenites (8 Occurrences)
Acquaintance (16 Occurrences)
Spent (76 Occurrences)
Angle (19 Occurrences)
Bethsaida (7 Occurrences)
Vale (20 Occurrences)
Swallow (38 Occurrences)
Corners (56 Occurrences)
Almost (27 Occurrences)
Apostolic (2 Occurrences)
Armenia (2 Occurrences)
Advance (33 Occurrences)
Below (52 Occurrences)
Sounded (66 Occurrences)
Quickly (254 Occurrences)
Safety (72 Occurrences)
Cold (25 Occurrences)
Azazel (3 Occurrences)
Sojourner (81 Occurrences)
Companions (58 Occurrences)
Beth (115 Occurrences)
Stephen (13 Occurrences)
Quietly (30 Occurrences)
Vicinity (18 Occurrences)
Zer'erah (1 Occurrence)
Zedad (3 Occurrences)
Zererah (1 Occurrence)
Zarephath (4 Occurrences)
Zarethan (4 Occurrences)
Zaretan (3 Occurrences)
Kanah (3 Occurrences)
Bethpeor (4 Occurrences)
Barah (1 Occurrence)
Breast (71 Occurrences)
Beth-bar'ah (1 Occurrence)
Baalath-beer (2 Occurrences)
Beth-shit'tah (1 Occurrence)
Beth-shittah (1 Occurrence)
Covers (50 Occurrences)
Clusters (12 Occurrences)
Consuming (26 Occurrences)
Circle (32 Occurrences)
Appii (1 Occurrence)
Avvim (3 Occurrences)
Apharsachites (2 Occurrences)
Avvites (3 Occurrences)
Alike (67 Occurrences)
Hormah (9 Occurrences)
Chased (21 Occurrences)
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