Bishops' Bible of 1568 | Par ▾ |
Your Word Is a Lamp to My Feet 1Aleph. Blessed are those that be perfect in the way: walkyng in the lawe of God.
2Blessed are they that kepe his testimonies: they seke hym with their whole heart.
3Truely they walke in his wayes: who do no wickednesse.
4Thou hast geuen charge: that we shoulde diligently kepe thy commaundementes.
5I wishe that my wayes were directed: for to kepe thy statutes.
6I shall take then no shame: when I haue regarde vnto all thy commaundementes.
7I wyll confesse it vnto thee with an vpryght heart: when I shall haue learned the iudgementes of thy ryghteousnesse.
8I wyll kepe thy statutes: wherfore forsake me not for any long tyme.
9Beth (119:1) Wherby shall a young man refourme his way: euen in guiding it accordyng to thy worde.
10(119:2) I haue sought thee with my whole heart: suffer me not to swarue from thy commaundementes.
11(119:3) I haue hyd thy wordes within my heart: for this ende, that I shoulde not sinne agaynst thee.
12(119:4) Blessed art thou O God: teache me thy statutes.
13(119:5) I haue declared with my lyppes: all the iudgementes of thy mouth.
14(119:6) I am delighted in the way of thy testimonies: as in all maner of riches.
15(119:7) I wyll study thy commaundementes: and I wyll consider thy wayes.
16(119:8) My delyght shalbe in thy statutes: and I wyll not forget thy worde.
17Gimel (119:1) Rewarde thy seruaunt, let me lyue: and I wyll kepe thy worde.
18(119:2) Open thou myne eyes: and I will beholde the wonderous thynges of thy lawe.
19(119:3) I am a straunger vpon earth: hyde not thy commaundementes from me.
20(119:4) My soule faynteth: for the very feruent desire that it hath alwaye vnto thy iudgementes.
21(119:5) Thou hast rebuked those that be proude and cursed: who do erre from thy commaundementes.
22(119:6) Withdrawe from me reproche and contempt: for that I haue kept thy testimonies.
23(119:7) Yea princes dyd syt and speake agaynst me: but thy seruaunt did geue hym selfe to the meditation of thy statutes.
24(119:8) Yea thy testimonies are my delyght: and my counsaylers.
25Daleth (119:1) My soule cleaueth to the dust: reuiue thou me accordyng to thy worde.
26(119:2) I haue made a declaration to thee of my wayes, and thou heardest me: O teache me thy statutes.
27(119:3) Make me to vnderstande the way of thy commaundementes: and I wyll geue my selfe to the meditation of thy wonderous workes.
28(119:4) My soule melteth away for very heauinesse: comfort thou me accordyng to thy worde.
29(119:5) Take from me the way of falshood: & witsafe me worthy to haue thy lawe.
30(119:6) I haue chosen the way of trueth: & I haue layde thy iudgementes before me.
31(119:7) I haue stuck fast vnto thy testimonies: O God confounde me not.
32(119:8) I wyll runne the way of thy commaundementes: when thou shalt set my heart at libertie.
33He (119:1) Teache me O God the way of thy statutes: and I wyll kepe it vnto the ende.
34(119:2) Geue me vnderstanding, & I wil kepe thy law: yea I wyll kepe it with my whole heart.
35(119:3) Leade me in the path of thy comaundementes: for therin is my delyght.
36(119:4) Encline myne heart vnto thy testimonies: and not to couetousnesse.
37(119:5) Turne away myne eyes, lest they beholde vanitie: cause me to lyue in thy way.
38(119:6) Make thy worde more euident vnto thy seruaunt: who is geuen to thy feare.
39(119:7) Take away the reproche that I am afraide of: for thy iudgemetes are good.
40(119:8) Behold I haue coueted after thy commaundementes: cause me to lyue in thy ryghteousnesse.
41Vau (119:1) Let thy louing mercie also come vnto me O God: euen thy saluation, accordyng to thy worde.
42(119:2) And I shall aunswere to hym that layeth thy worde to me for a reproche: for in thy worde I haue put my trust.
43(119:3) Take not the worde of trueth vtterly out of my mouth: for my hope is in thy iudgementes.
44(119:4) And I wyll alway kepe thy lawe: yea for euer and euer.
45(119:5) And I wyll walke in a large scope: for I seke thy commaundementes.
46(119:6) I wyll also speake of thy testimonies before kinges: & I will not be ashamed.
47(119:7) And my delyght shalbe in thy commaundementes: which I haue loued.
48(119:8) And I wyll lyft vp my handes vnto thy commaundementes which I haue loued: & my study shalbe in thy statutes.
49Zain (119:1) Be myndfull of thy promise made vnto thy seruaunt: wherin thou hast caused me to put my trust.
50(119:2) That same is my comfort in my affliction: for thy worde maketh me to lyue.
51(119:3) The proude haue had me exceedingly in derision: yet I haue not shrinked from thy lawe.
52(119:4) For I called to remembraunce thy iudgementes from the begynnyng of the worlde O God: and so I comforted my selfe.
53(119:5) An extreme vnnaturall heat hath assayled me, because of the vngodly: who transgresse thy lawe.
54(119:6) Thy statutes haue ben my songes: in the house of my pilgrimages.
55(119:7) I haue thought vpon thy name O God in the nyght season: and I haue kept thy lawe.
56(119:8) This came to passe for me: because I kept thy commaundementes.
57Heth (119:1) Thou art my portion O God: I haue purposed to kepe thy lawe.
58(119:2) I made myne humble petition to thy face with my whole heart: be mercifull vnto me according vnto thy word.
59(119:3) I haue considered mine owne wayes: and I haue turned my feete vnto thy testimonies.
60(119:4) I made haste and I made no delay: for to kepe thy commaundementes.
61(119:5) The vngodly haue tangled me in their snares: but I haue not forgotten thy lawe.
62(119:6) I wyll ryse at midnight to confesse me vnto thee: because of thy ryghteous iudgementes.
63(119:7) I am a companion of all them that feare thee: and kepe thy commaundementes.
64(119:8) The earth O God is replenished with thy louyng kyndnesse: O teache me thy statutes.
65Teth (119:1) O God thou hast dealt gratiouslye with thy seruaunt: according vnto thy worde.
66(119:2) Learne me the good taste & cunning: for I haue beleued thy commaundementes.
67(119:3) Before I felt affliction I swarued out of the way: but nowe I kepe thy word.
68(119:4) Thou art good and beneficiall: teache me thy statutes.
69(119:5) The proude haue forged a false tale agaynst me: but I wyll kepe thy commaundementes with my whole heart.
70(119:6) Their heart is as fat as brawne: but my delyght hath ben in thy lawe.
71(119:7) It is good for me that I am brought into miserie: by that meanes I shall learne thy statutes.
72(119:8) The lawe of thy mouth is dearer vnto me: then thousandes of golde & siluer.
73Iod (119:1) Thy handes haue made me and fashioned me: geue me vnderstanding, and I will learne thy comaundementes.
74(119:2) They that feare thee, shall see me, & reioyce: because I haue geuen earnest attendaunce vnto thy worde.
75(119:3) I know O God that thy iudgementes are iustice: and that thou hast caused me ryghtfully to be afflicted.
76(119:4) I beseche thee let thy louing kindnesse be a meanes to comfort me: accordyng to thy worde spoken vnto thy seruaunt.