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The Ascension refers to the event in which Jesus Christ was taken up to heaven in bodily form after His resurrection. This event is a significant aspect of Christian theology, marking the completion of Jesus' earthly ministry and His exaltation at the right hand of God the Father. The Ascension is recorded in the New Testament, primarily in the books of Luke and Acts.

Biblical Accounts

The primary accounts of the Ascension are found in Luke 24:50-53 and Acts 1:9-11. In the Gospel of Luke, it is written: "When Jesus had led them out as far as Bethany, He lifted up His hands and blessed them. While He was blessing them, He left them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, praising God continually in the temple" (Luke 24:50-53).

The book of Acts provides further detail: "After He had said this, they watched as He was taken up, and a cloud hid Him from their sight. They were looking intently into the sky as He was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 'Men of Galilee,' they said, 'why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven'" (Acts 1:9-11).

Theological Significance

The Ascension is a pivotal event in Christian doctrine for several reasons:

1. Exaltation of Christ: The Ascension signifies Jesus' exaltation and His enthronement at the right hand of God. This position of authority is affirmed in passages such as Ephesians 1:20-21, which states that God "raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in the present age but also in the one to come" .

2. Intercession: The Ascension marks the beginning of Christ's high priestly ministry, where He intercedes on behalf of believers. Hebrews 7:25 emphasizes this role: "Therefore He is able to save completely those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to intercede for them" .

3. Promise of the Holy Spirit: Before His Ascension, Jesus promised the coming of the Holy Spirit, who would empower the disciples for their mission. Acts 1:8 records Jesus' words: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" .

4. Hope of Christ's Return: The Ascension also assures believers of Christ's return. The angels' message in Acts 1:11 provides hope and anticipation for the Second Coming: "This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven" .

Liturgical Observance

The Ascension is traditionally celebrated on Ascension Day, which occurs 40 days after Easter Sunday. This observance highlights the completion of the Paschal mystery and the transition from the physical presence of Christ to His spiritual presence through the Holy Spirit.


The Ascension of Jesus Christ is a cornerstone of Christian faith, underscoring His divine authority, ongoing intercession, and the promise of His return. It is a source of hope and encouragement for believers, affirming the continuity of Christ's work from heaven and His ultimate victory over sin and death.
ATS Bible Dictionary

The visible ascent of Christ to heaven. When our Savior had repeatedly conversed with his apostles during forty days, after his resurrection, and afforded them infallible proofs of its reality, he led them out to the Mount of Olives, and was raised up to heaven in their sight, there to continue till he shall come again at the last day to judge the quick and the dead, Acts 1:9,11. The ascension was demonstrated by the descent of the Holy Ghost,

John 16:7-14 Acts 2:1-47. It was Christ's real human nature that ascended; and he thus triumphed gloriously over death and hell, as head of his body the church. While he blessed his disciples he was parted from them and multitudes of the angelic hosts accompanied and welcomed him, Psalm 24:9 68:17. The consequences resulting from his ascension are: the fulfilment of types and prophecies concerning it; his appearance as a priest in the presence of God for us; his more open and full assumption of his kingly office; his receiving gifts for men; his opening the way to heaven for his people. Hebrews 10:19,20; and assuring his saints of their ascension to heaven after the resurrection of the dead, John 14:1,2.

Easton's Bible Dictionary
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (n.) Rising; ascent; as the Ascension of Christ from earth to heaven.

2. (n.) Specifically: The visible ascent of our Savior on the fortieth day after his resurrection. (Acts i. 9.) Also, Ascension Day.

3. (n.) An ascending or arising, as in distillation; also that which arises, as from distillation.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

a-sen'-shun: Most modern Lives of Christ commence at Bethlehem and end with the Ascension, but Christ's life began earlier and continued later. The Ascension is not only a great fact of the New Testament, but a great factor in the life of Christ and Christians, and no complete view of Jesus Christ is possible unless the Ascension its consequences are included. It is the consummation of His redemptive work. The Christ of the Gospels is the Christ of history, the Christ of the past, but the full New Testament picture of Christ is that of a living Christ, the Christ of heaven, the Christ of experience, the Christ of the present and the future. The New Testament passages referring to the Ascension need close study and their teaching careful observation.

I. In the Gospels.

1. Anticipations:

The Ascension is alluded to in several passages in the Gospels in the course of our Lord's earthly ministry (Luke 9:31, 51 John 6:62; John 7:33; John 12:32; John 14:12, 28; 16:5, 10, 17, 28; 20:17). These passages show that the event was constantly in view, and anticipated by our Lord. The Ascension is also clearly implied in the allusions to His coming to earth on clouds of heaven (Matthew 24:30; Matthew 26:64).

2. Records:

If with most modern scholars we regard Mark's Gospel as ending with 16:8, it will be seen to stop short at the resurrection, though the present ending speaks of Christ being received up into heaven, of His sitting at the right hand of God, and of His working with the disciples as they went preaching the word (Mark 16:19, 20). In any case this is a bare summary only. The close of the Third Gospel includes an evident reference to the fact of the Ascension (Luke 24:28-53), even if the last six words of Luke 24:51, "and was carried up into heaven" are not authentic. No difficulty need be felt at the omission of the Fourth Gospel to refer to the fact of the Ascension, though it was universally accepted at the time the apostle wrote (John 20:17). As Dr. Hort has pointed out, "The Ascension did not lie within the proper scope of the Gospels. its true place was at the head of the Acts of the Apostles" (quoted Swete, The Ascended Christ, 2).

II. In the Acts.

1. Record:

The story in Acts 1:6-12 is clear. Jesus Christ was on the Mount of Olives. There had been conversation between Him and His disciples, and in the course of it He was taken up; and a cloud received Him out of their sight (Acts 1:9). His body was uplifted till it disappeared, and while they continued to gaze up they saw two men who assured them that He would come back exactly as He had gone up. The three Greek words rendered "taken up" (eperthe) (Acts 1:9); "went" (poreuomenou) (Acts 1:10); "received up" (analemphtheis) (Acts 1:11); deserve careful notice. This account must either be attributed to invention, or to the testimony of an eye-witness. But Luke's historicity now seems abundantly proved.

2. References:

The Ascension is mentioned or implied in several passages in Acts 2:33; Acts 3:21; Acts 7:55; 9:3-5; 22:6-8; 26:13-15. All these passages assert the present life and activity of Jesus Christ in heaven.

III. In the Pauline Epistles.

1. Romans:

In Romans 8:34 the apostle states four facts connected with Christ Jesus: His death; His resurrection; His session at God's right hand; His intercession. The last two are clearly the culminating points of a series of redemptive acts.

2. Ephesians:

While for its purpose Romans necessarily lays stress on the Resurrection, Ephesians has as part of its special aim an emphasis on the Ascension. In 1:20 God's work wrought in Christ is shown to have gone much farther than the Resurrection, and to have "made him to sit at his right hand in the heavenly places," thereby constituting Him the supreme authority over all things, and especially Head of the church (1:20-23). This idea concerning Christ is followed in 2:6 by the association of believers with Christ "in the heavenly places," and the teaching finds its completest expression in 4:8-11, where the Ascension is connected with the gift of the heavenly Christ as the crowning feature of His work. Nothing is more striking than the complementary teaching of Romans and Ephesians respectively in their emphasis on the Resurrection and Ascension.

3. Philippians:

In Philippians 2:6-11 the exaltation of Christ is shown to follow His deep humiliation. He who humbled Himself is exalted to the place of supreme authority. In 3:20 Christians are taught that their commonwealth is in heaven, "whence also we wait for a Saviour."

4. Thessalonians:

The emphasis placed on the second advent of Christ in 1Th is an assumption of the fact of the Ascension. Christians are waiting for God's Son from heaven (1:10) who is to "descend from heaven, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God" (4:16).

5. Timothy:

The only allusion to the Ascension in the Pastoral Epistles is found in the closing statement of what seems to be an early Christian song in 1 Timothy 3:16. He who was "manifested in the flesh. received up in glory."

IV. In Hebrews.

In Hebrews there is more recorded about the Ascension and its consequences than in any other part of the New Testament. The facts of the Ascension and Session are first of all stated (1:3) with all that this implies of definite position and authority (1:4-13). Christians are regarded as contemplating Jesus as the Divine Man in heaven (2:9), though the meaning of the phrase, "crowned with glory and honor" is variously interpreted, some thinking that it refers to the result and outcome of His death, others thinking that He was "crowned for death" in the event of the Transfiguration (Matheson in Bruce, Hebrews, 83). Jesus Christ is described as "a great High Priest, who hath passed through the heavens" (4:14), as a Forerunner who is entered within the veil for us, and as a High Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek (6:20). As such He "abideth for ever," and "ever liveth to make intercession" (7:24, 25). The chief point of the epistle itself is said to be "such a high priest, who sat down on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens" (8:1), and His position there implies that He has obtained eternal redemption for His people and is appearing before God on their behalf (9:12, 24). This session at God's right hand is also said to be with a view to His return to earth when His enemies will have become His footstool (10:12, 13), and one of the last exhortations bids believers to look unto Jesus as the Author and Perfecter of faith who has "sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (12:2).

V. In the Petrine Epistles.

The only reference to the Ascension is in 1 Peter 3:22, where Christ's exaltation after His sufferings is set forth as the pattern and guarantee of Christian glorification after endurance of persecution.

VI. In the Johannine Writings.

1. Epistles:

Nothing is recorded of the actual Ascension, but 1 John 2:1 says that "we have an Advocate with the Father." The word "Advocate" is the same as "Comforter" in John 14:16, where it is used of the Holy Spirit. Christ is the Comforter "in relation to the Father," and the Holy Spirit is the Comforter dwelling in the soul.

2. Apocalypse:

All the references in the Apocalypse either teach or imply the living Christ who is in heaven, as active in His church and as coming again (Revelation 1:7, 13; Revelation 5:5-13; 6:9-17; Revelation 14:1-5).

VII. Summary of New Testament Teaching.

1. The Fact:

The New Testament calls attention to the fact of Ascension and the fact of the Session at God's right hand. Three words are used in the Greek in connection with the Ascension: anabainein (ascendere), "to go up"; analambanesthai (adsumi), "to be taken up"; poreuesthai "to go." The Session is connected with Psalm 110, and this Old Testament passage finds frequent reference or allusion in all parts of the New Testament. But it is used especially in He in connection with Christ's priesthood, and with His position of authority and honor at God's right hand (Swete, The Ascended Christ, 10-15). But the New Testament emphasizes the fact of Christ's exaltation rather than the mode, the latter being quite secondary. Yet the acceptance of the fact must be carefully noticed, for it is impossible to question that this is the belief of all the New Testament writers. They base their teaching on the fact and do not rest content with the moral or theological aspects of the Ascension apart from the historic reality. The Ascension is regarded as the point of contact between the Christ of the gospels and of the epistles. The gift of the Spirit is said to have come from the ascended Christ. The Ascension is the culminating point of Christ's glorification after His Resurrection, and is regarded as necessary for His heavenly exaltation. The Ascension was proved and demanded by the Resurrection, though there was no need to preach it as part of the evangelistic message. Like the Virgin birth, the Ascension involves doctrine for Christians rather than non-Christians. It is the culmination of the Incarnation, the reward of Christ's redemptive work, and the entrance upon a wider sphere of work in His glorified condition, as the Lord and Priest of His church (John 7:39; John 16:7).

2. The Message:

We may summarize what the New Testament tells us of our Lord's present life in heaven by observing carefully what is recorded in the various passages of the New Testament. He ascended into heaven (Mark 16:19 Luke 24:51 Acts 1:9); He is seated on the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1 Hebrews 1:3; Hebrews 8:1; Hebrews 10:12); He bestowed the gift of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 4:9, 33); He added disciples to the church (Acts 2:47); He worked with the disciples as they went forth preaching the gospel (Mark 16:20); He healed the impotent man (Acts 3:16); He stood to receive the first martyr (Acts 7:56); He appeared to Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9:5); He makes intercession for His people (Romans 8:26 Hebrews 7:25); He is able to succor the tempted (Hebrews 2:18); He is able to sympathize (Hebrews 4:15); He is able to save to the uttermost (Hebrews 7:25); He lives forever (Hebrews 7:24 Revelation 1:18); He is our Great High Priest (Hebrews 7:26; Hebrews 8:1; Hebrews 10:21); He possesses an intransmissible or inviolable priesthood (Hebrews 7:24); He appears in the presence of God for us (Hebrews 9:24); He is our Advocate with the father (1 John 2:1); He is waiting until all opposition to Him is overcome (Hebrews 10:13). This includes all the teaching of the New Testament concerning our Lord's present life in heaven.

VIII. Problems.

There are two questions usually associated with the Ascension which need our attention.

1. Relation to the Laws of Nature:

There is no greater difficulty in connection with the Ascension than with the Resurrection, or the Incarnation. Of our Lord's resurrection body we know nothing. All we can say is that it was different from the body laid in the tomb and yet essentially the same; the same and yet essentially different. The Ascension was the natural close of Our Lord's earthly life, and as such, is inseparable from the Resurrection. Whatever, therefore, may be said of the Resurrection in regard to the laws of nature applies equally to the Ascension.

2. Localization of the Spiritual World:

The record in Acts is sometimes objected to because it seems to imply the localization of heaven above the earth. But is not this taking the narrative in too absolutely bald and literal a sense? Heaven is at once a place and a state, and as personality necessarily implies locality, some place for our Lord's Divine, yet human person is essential. To speak of heaven as "above" may be only symbolical, but the ideas of fact and locality must be carefully adhered to. And yet it is not merely local, and "we have to think less of a transition from one locality than of a transition from one condition to another.. the real meaning of the ascension is that. our Lord withdrew from a world of limitations" to that higher existence where God is (Milligan, Ascension and Heavenly Priesthood, 26). It matters not that our conception today of the physical universe is different from that of New Testament times. We still speak of the sun setting and rising, though strictly these are not true. The details of the Ascension are really unimportant. Christ disappeared from view, and no question need be raised either of distance or direction. We accept the fact without any scientific explanation. It was a change of conditions and mode of existence; the essential fact is that He departed and disappeared. Even Keim admits that "the ascension of Jesus follows from all the facts of His career" (quoted, Milligan, 13), and Weiss is equally clear that the Ascension is as certain as the Resurrection, and stands and fails therewith (Milligan, 14).

IX. Its Relation to Christ Himself.

The Ascension was the exaltation and glory of Jesus Christ after His work was accomplished (Philippians 2:9). He had a threefold glory:

(1) as the Son of God before the Incarnation (John 17:5);

(2) as God manifest in the flesh (John 1:14);

(3) as the exalted Son of God after the Resurrection and Ascension (Luke 24:26 1 Peter 1:21).

The Ascension meant very much to Christ Himself, and no study of subject must overlook this aspect of New Testament teaching. His exaltation to the right hand of meant

(1) the proof of victory (Ephesians 4:8);

(2) the position of honor (Psalm 110:1);

(3) the place of power (Acts 2:33);

(4) the place of happiness (Psalm 26:11);

(5) the place of rest ("seated");

(6) the place of permanence ("for ever").

X. Its Teaching for Christians.

The importance of the Ascension for Christians lies mainly in the fact that it was the introduction to our Lord's present life in heaven which means so much in the believer's life. The spiritual value of the Ascension lies, not in Christ's physical remoteness, but in His spiritual nearness. He is free from earthly limitations, and His life above is the promise and guarantee of ours. "Because I live ye shall live also."

1. Redemption Accomplished:

The Ascension and Session are regarded as the culminating point of Christ's redemptive work (Hebrews 8:1), and at the same time the demonstration of the sufficiency of His righteousness on man's behalf. For sinful humanity to reach heaven two essential features were necessary:

(a) the removal of sin (negative); and

(b) the presence of righteousness (positive).

The Resurrection demonstrated the sufficiency of the atonement for the former, and the Ascension demonstrated the sufficiency of righteousness for the latter. The Spirit of God was to convict the world of "righteousness" "because I go to the Father" (John 16:10). In accord with this we find that in the Epistle to the He every reference to our Lord's atonement is in the past, implying completeness and perfection, "once for all."

2. High Priesthood:

This is the peculiar and special message of He. Priesthood finds its essential features in the representation of man to God, involving access into the Divine presence (Hebrews 5:1). It means drawing near and dwelling near to God. In He, Aaron is used as typical of the work, and Melchizedek as typical of the person of the priest; and the two acts mainly emphasized are the offering in death and the entrance into heaven. Christ is both priest and priestly victim. He offered propitiation and then entered into heaven, not "with," but "through" His own blood (Hebrews 9:12), and as High Priest, at once human and Divine, He is able to sympathize (Hebrews 4:15); able to succor (Hebrews 2:18); and able to save (Hebrews 7:25). SeeCHRIST AS KING, PRIEST, PROPHET.

3. Lordship:

The Ascension constituted Christ as Head of the church (Ephesians 1:22; Ephesians 4:10, 15 Colossians 2:19). This Headship teaches that He is the Lord and Life of the church. He is never spoken of as King in relation to His Body, the Church, only as Head and Lord. The fact that He is at the right hand of God suggests in the symbolical statement that He is not yet properly King on His own throne, as He will be hereafter as "King of the Jews," and "King of Kings."

4. Intercession:

In several New Testament passages this is regarded as the crowning point of our Lord's work in heaven (Romans 8:33, 34). He is the perfect Mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5 Hebrews 8:6); our Advocate with the Father (1 John 2:1). His very presence at God's right hand pleads on behalf of His people. There is no presentation, or representation, or pleading, of Himself, for His intercession is never associated with any such relation to the sacrifice of Calvary. Nor is there any hint in the New Testament of a relation between the Eucharist and His life and work in heaven. This view popularized by the late Dr. William Milligan (The Ascension, etc., 266), and endorsed from other standpoints in certain aspects of Anglican teaching (Swete, The Ascended Christ, 46), does not find any support in the New Testament. As Westcott says, "The modern conception of Christ, pleading in heaven His passion, `offering His blood,' on behalf of man, has no foundation in this epistle" (Hebrews, 230). And Hort similarly remarks, "The words, `Still. His prevailing death He pleads' have no apostolic warrant, and cannot even be reconciled with apostolic doctrine" (Life and Letters, II, 213). our Lord's intercession is He says as in what He is. He pleads by His presence on His Father's throne, and he is able to save to the uttermost through His intercession, because of His perpetual life and His inviolable, undelegated, intransmissible priesthood (Hebrews 7:24, 25).

5. The Gift of the Spirit:

There is an intimate and essential connection between the Ascension of Christ and the descent of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was given to Christ as the acknowledgment and reward of His work done, and having received this "Promise of the Father" He bestowed Him upon His people (Acts 2:33). By means of the Spirit the twofold work is done, of convincing sinners (John 16:9), and of edifying believers (John 14:12; see also John 14:25, 26; John 16:14, 15).

6. Presence:

It is in connection with the Ascension and our Lord's life in heaven that we understand the force of such a passage as "Lo, I am with you always" (Matthew 28:20). "He ever liveth" is the supreme inspiration of the individual Christian and of the whole church. All through the New Testament from the time of the Ascension onward, the one assurance is that Christ is living; and in His life we live, hold fellowship with God, receive grace for daily living and rejoice in victory over sin, sorrow and death.

7. Expectation:

Our Lord's life in heaven looks forward to a consummation. He is "expecting till his enemies be made his footstool" (Hebrews 10:13 the King James Version). He is described as our Forerunner (Hebrews 6:18), and His presence above is the assurance that His people will share His life hereafter. But His Ascension is also associated with His coming again (Philippians 3:20, 21 1 Thessalonians 4:16 Hebrews 9:28). At this coming there will be the resurrection of dead saints, and the transformation of living ones (1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17), to be followed by the Divine tribunal with Christ as Judge (Romans 2:16 2 Timothy 4:1, 8). To His own people this coming will bring joy, satisfaction and glory (Acts 3:21 Romans 8:19); to His enemies defeat and condemnation (1 Corinthians 15:25 Hebrews 2:8; Hebrews 10:13).

Reviewing all the teaching of our Lord's present life in heaven, appearing. on our behalf, interceding by His presence, bestowing the Holy Spirit, governing and guiding the church, sympathizing, helping and saving His people, we are called upon to up "lift our hearts," for it is in occupation with the living that we find the secret of peace, the assurance of access, and the guaranty of our permanent relation to God. Indeed, we are clearly taught in He that it is in fellowship with the present life of Christ in heaven that Christians realize the difference between spiritual immaturity and maturity (Hebrews 6:1; Hebrews 10:1), and it is the purpose of this epistle to emphasize this truth above all others. Christianity is "the religion of free access to God," and in proportion as we realize, in union with Christ in heaven, this privilege of drawing near and keeping near, we shall find in the attitude of "lift up your hearts" the essential features of a strong, vigorous, growing, joyous Christian life.


Milligan, Ascension and Heavenly Priesthood of our Lord; Swete, The Appearances of the Risen Lord; The Ascended Christ; Lacey, The Historic Christ; Lives of Christ, by Neander, B. Weiss, Edersheim, Farrar, Geikie, Gilbert; Fairbairn, Studies in the Life of Christ; Knowling, Witness of the Epistles; Bernard in The Expositor T, 1900-1901, 152-55; Bruce in The Expositor. Greek Test, I; Swete, Apostles' Creed; Westcott, Historic Faith, chapter vi; Revelation of the Risen Lord, chapters x, xi; Epesians to Hebrews; article "Ascension" in Hastings, Dictionary of the Bible (five volumes); Paget, Studies in the Christian Character, sermons xxi, xxii; Findlay, Things Above; article. "Priest" in Hastings, Dictionary of the Bible (five volumes) (in New Testament), "Hebrews"; Davidson, Hebrews, special note on "Priesthood of Christ"; Dimock, Our One Priest on High; The Christian Doctrine of Sacerdotium; Perowne, Our High Priest in Heaven; Rotherham, Studies in He; Soames, The Priesthood of the New Covenant; Hubert Brooke, The Great High Priest; H. W. Williams, The Priesthood of Christ; J. S. Candlish, The Christian Salvation (1899), 6; G. Milligan, The Theol. of Ep. to Heb (1899), 111; R. C. Moberly, Ministerial Priesthood (1897); A. S. Peake, "Hebrews" in Century Bible; Beyschlag, New Testament Theol., II, 315; article "Ascension" in Hastings, Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels; article "Assumption and Ascension" in HDRE; article "Ascension" in JE; Charles, The Book of Enoch; The Slavonic Secrets of En; The Book of Jub; The Apocalypse of Bar; The Ascension Isaiah.; Assumption of Moses; M. R. James, "Testament of Abraham" TS, II, 2, 1892; Martensen, Christian Dogmatics.

W. H. Griffith Thomas





354. analempsis -- a taking up
... Word Origin from analambano Definition a taking up NASB Word Usage ascension (1).
taking up, ascension. From analambano; ascension -- taking up. ...
// - 6k

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... THE ASCENSION. 'The former treatise have I made, O ... The Ascension is twice
narrated by Luke. The life begun by the supernatural birth ...
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... VOLUME II: ST. LUKE Chaps. XIII to XXIV THE ASCENSION. ... Two of the four Evangelists,
viz., Matthew and John, have no record of the Ascension. ...
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Ascension Day
... SUMMER PART Ascension Day. Text: Acts 1, 1-11. ... This epistle text is simply a narrative
concerning the visible ascension of Christ into heaven. ...
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... The Ascension of Christ. A Sermon (No.982). ... Let our meditations ascend the yet glowing
trackway of our Lord's ascension,". "Beyond, beyond this lower sky,. ...
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The Ascension.
... Part Eighth. Our Lord's Resurrection, Appearances and Ascension. Jud??a and Galilee.
(Time, Forty Days. Spring ad 30.) CXLIV. The Ascension. ...
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... Hymns of the Holy Eastern Church STICHERA OF THE ASCENSION. ho kurios anelephthe
eis ouranous Pentecostarion, p.147 tr., John Brownlie. I. ...
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... The Treasury of Sacred Song. Book First CXLVI THE ASCENSION. Lift up your heads,
great Gates, and sing, Now Glory comes, and Glory's King; ...
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'And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked ...
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... II. THE CHRISTIAN YEAR Ascension Day. [696]184 Hail! festal day! to endless
ages known [697]185 Look, ye saints; the sight is glorious ...
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he has here with a happy boldness entered into the lists ...
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Ascension (1 Occurrence)
... see CHRIST. Noah Webster's Dictionary. 1. (n.) Rising; ascent; as the Ascension
of Christ from earth to heaven. ... (Acts i. 9.) Also, Ascension Day. ...
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...ASCENSION OF OUR LORD 1. Its Actuality 2. General Doctrine of the Church 3. Lutheran
Doctrine 4. Theory of Laying Aside the Existence-Form of God 5. Necessity ...
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... 3. Life-Story: The life-story of Peter falls into two parts: first, from his call
to the ascension of Christ; secondly, from that event to the close of his ...
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... whether the act of begetting the Son in these two passages is (a) the eternal
generation, or (b) the incarnation in time, or (c) the resurrection and ascension...
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... After culminating in the mountain mass on which lies the "Church of the Ascension,"
it may be considered as giving off two branches: one lower one, which runs ...
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... (see LOVE.). After this scene at the lake we hear nothing of Peter till he again
appears with the others at the ascension (Acts 1:15-26). ...
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... After his ascension he communicated to them, according to his promise, supernatural
gifts to qualify them for the discharge of their duties (Acts 2:4; 1 ...
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... After culminating in the mountain mass on which lies the "Church of the Ascension,"
it may be considered as giving off two branches: one lower one, which runs ...
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... His return is His second coming. The parable spans the whole period between His
ascension and His advent. It measures across our entire age. ...
/p/premillennial.htm - 23k

... His return is His second coming. The parable spans the whole period between His
ascension and His advent. It measures across our entire age. ...
/m/millennium.htm - 24k

What is the Ascension of Isaiah? |

What is Ascension Day? |

What is the meaning and importance of the ascension of Jesus Christ? |

Ascension: Dictionary and Thesaurus |

Bible ConcordanceBible DictionaryBible EncyclopediaTopical BibleBible Thesuarus
Ascension (1 Occurrence)

Luke 9:51
It came to pass, when the days were near that he should be taken up, he intently set his face to go to Jerusalem,
(See NAS)



Ascension of Elijah

Ascension of Isaiah

Ascension of Jesus

Ascension of Two Witnesses

The Ascension of Christ was to Supreme Power and Dignity

The Ascension of Christ was Triumphant

The Ascension of Christ: As the Forerunner of his People

The Ascension of Christ: Described

The Ascension of Christ: Foretold by Himself

The Ascension of Christ: Forty Days After his Resurrection

The Ascension of Christ: from Mount Olivet

The Ascension of Christ: His Second Coming Shall be in Like Manner As

The Ascension of Christ: Prophecies Respecting

The Ascension of Christ: To Intercede

The Ascension of Christ: To Prepare a Place for his People

The Ascension of Christ: To Receive Gifts for Men

The Ascension of Christ: To Send the Holy Spirit

The Ascension of Christ: Typified

The Ascension of Christ: when he had Atoned for Sin

The Ascension of Christ: While Blessing his Disciples

Related Terms

Exaltation (9 Occurrences)

Simon (75 Occurrences)

Begotten (77 Occurrences)

Olives (30 Occurrences)

Peter (181 Occurrences)

Apostle (25 Occurrences)

Malchiel (3 Occurrences)






Supper (17 Occurrences)


Observation (4 Occurrences)


Journey (214 Occurrences)

Literature (2 Occurrences)

Thessalonians (6 Occurrences)

Thaddaeus (2 Occurrences)

Right (4703 Occurrences)

Epistles (2 Occurrences)

Exorcist (1 Occurrence)

Disciples (277 Occurrences)

Disciple (38 Occurrences)

Day's (19 Occurrences)

Mesha (4 Occurrences)

Michael (16 Occurrences)

Mary (50 Occurrences)

Place (9195 Occurrences)

Bartholomew (4 Occurrences)

Brethren (528 Occurrences)

Belial (23 Occurrences)

Bethany (13 Occurrences)

Commandment (209 Occurrences)

Ascends (4 Occurrences)


Seventy (97 Occurrences)

Sphere (3 Occurrences)

Spiritual (42 Occurrences)

Lord (59401 Occurrences)

Ascent (32 Occurrences)

Angel (209 Occurrences)

James (40 Occurrences)

Holy (1097 Occurrences)


Spirit (706 Occurrences)

Doctrine (52 Occurrences)

Isaiah (64 Occurrences)

Testament (13 Occurrences)

Lord's (548 Occurrences)

Sodomite (1 Occurrence)

Dispersion (4 Occurrences)


Separate (115 Occurrences)


Adam (29 Occurrences)

Antichrist (4 Occurrences)

Pentecost (3 Occurrences)

Prayers (99 Occurrences)

Hope (291 Occurrences)

Satan (50 Occurrences)

Sabbath (126 Occurrences)

View (86 Occurrences)

King (25505 Occurrences)

Number (2370 Occurrences)

Resurrection (42 Occurrences)


Body (562 Occurrences)


Acts (271 Occurrences)


Ethiopia (26 Occurrences)

Mark (182 Occurrences)

Virgin (62 Occurrences)

According (7613 Occurrences)

Justification (6 Occurrences)


Birth (357 Occurrences)

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