Topical Encyclopedia Indignation, in the biblical context, refers to a strong displeasure or righteous anger, often in response to sin, injustice, or idolatry. It is a term that appears in various passages throughout the Bible, illustrating both human and divine reactions to moral and spiritual failings.Divine Indignation God's indignation is frequently depicted in the Scriptures as a response to the disobedience and rebellion of His people. It is a manifestation of His holiness and justice. In the Old Testament, divine indignation is often associated with God's judgment against nations and individuals who have turned away from His commandments. For instance, in Isaiah 10:5, God expresses His indignation against Assyria, using it as an instrument of His wrath: "Woe to Assyria, the rod of My anger; the staff in their hands is My wrath." The prophet Nahum also speaks of God's indignation, emphasizing His power and justice: "The LORD is slow to anger and great in power; the LORD will by no means leave the guilty unpunished. His path is in the whirlwind and storm, and clouds are the dust beneath His feet" (Nahum 1:3). Here, God's indignation is portrayed as a force that ultimately upholds righteousness and punishes wickedness. Human Indignation Human indignation, when aligned with God's will, can be a reflection of righteous anger. It is an emotional response to perceived injustice or immorality. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul addresses the concept of righteous indignation in Ephesians 4:26: "Be angry, yet do not sin. Do not let the sun set upon your anger." This verse acknowledges that anger, when justified and controlled, can be a legitimate response to wrongdoing. However, the Bible also warns against allowing indignation to lead to sin. James 1:19-20 advises believers: "My beloved brothers, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, for man's anger does not bring about the righteousness that God desires." This passage highlights the importance of tempering human indignation with patience and understanding, ensuring it aligns with God's righteousness. Indignation in the Psalms The Psalms frequently express indignation, both divine and human, as a response to evil and injustice. Psalm 7:11 declares, "God is a righteous judge and a God who feels indignation each day." This verse underscores the continuous nature of God's righteous anger against sin. In Psalm 69:24, the psalmist calls upon God to act in His indignation: "Pour out Your wrath upon them, and let Your burning anger overtake them." Here, the psalmist seeks divine intervention against those who oppose God's will, reflecting a desire for justice and vindication. Conclusion Indignation, as presented in the Bible, serves as a powerful reminder of God's holiness and justice. It calls believers to reflect on their own responses to sin and injustice, urging them to align their emotions with God's righteous standards. Through understanding and channeling indignation appropriately, believers can participate in God's redemptive work in the world. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (n.) The feeling excited by that which is unworthy, base, or disgraceful; anger mingled with contempt, disgust, or abhorrence.2. (n.) The effect of anger; punishment. Greek 24. aganaktesis -- indignation ... indignation. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: aganaktesis Phonetic Spelling: (ag-an-ak'-tay-sis) Short Definition: indignation Definition ... // - 6k 1436. ea -- ah! ha! (interj. expressing surprise, indignation ... 2372. thumos -- passion 3709. orge -- impulse, wrath 1690. embrimaomai -- to be moved with anger, to admonish sternly 1282. diaprio -- to saw asunder, cut to the heart 23. aganakteo -- to grieve much, hence to be indignant 2205. zelos -- to have warmth of feeling for or against, to be ... 3950. parorgismos -- irritation 25. agapao -- to love Strong's Hebrew 2195. zaam -- indignation... 2194, 2195. zaam. 2196 . indignation. Transliteration: zaam Phonetic Spelling: (zah'-am) Short Definition: indignation. Word Origin ... /hebrew/2195.htm - 6k 2197. zaaph -- a storming, raging, rage 2194. zaam -- to be indignant 2534. chemah -- heat, rage 7110. qetseph -- wrath 3707. kaas -- to be vexed or angry 3708a. kaas -- vexation, anger 7110a. qetseph -- wrath 5606. saphaq -- to slap, clap 2152. zalaphah -- raging heat Library "I Will Endure the Indignation of the Lord. " --Micah vii. God's Indignation. "Behold what Indignation. " Argument. --If we Regard the Anger, and Indignation, and Hatred of ... That it is not Credible that the Gods Should have Punished the ... The Soul's Parts. Elements of the Rational Soul. Herod by Caesars Direction Accuses his Sons at Eurytus. They are ... The War in Heaven. Psalm XXXVIII. The Kingdom of Heaven Thesaurus Indignation (56 Occurrences)... Multi-Version Concordance Indignation (56 Occurrences). Matthew 20:24 And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. ... /i/indignation.htm - 24k Moved (316 Occurrences) Wrath (503 Occurrences) Furious (28 Occurrences) Indignant (22 Occurrences) Fierceness (33 Occurrences) Fiery (47 Occurrences) Displeasure (12 Occurrences) Devouring (20 Occurrences) Purpose (448 Occurrences) Resources How can I know for sure that my anger is righteous indignation? | GotQuestions.orgWhat does the Bible say about anger? | What can we learn from the tribe of Simeon? | Indignation: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Indignation (56 Occurrences)Matthew 20:24 Matthew 21:15 Matthew 26:8 Mark 10:14 Mark 10:41 Mark 14:4 Luke 13:14 Luke 19:7 Acts 5:17 Romans 2:8 2 Corinthians 7:11 2 Corinthians 11:29 Hebrews 10:27 Revelation 14:10 Deuteronomy 29:28 2 Kings 3:27 Nehemiah 4:1 Esther 5:9 Job 10:17 Psalms 7:6 Psalms 7:11 Psalms 38:3 Psalms 69:24 Psalms 78:49 Psalms 85:4 Psalms 90:7 Psalms 102:10 Psalms 119:53 Isaiah 10:5 Isaiah 10:25 Isaiah 13:5 Isaiah 26:20 Isaiah 30:27 Isaiah 30:30 Isaiah 34:2 Isaiah 66:14 Jeremiah 10:10 Jeremiah 15:17 Jeremiah 21:5 Jeremiah 32:37 Jeremiah 50:13 Jeremiah 50:25 Lamentations 2:6 Ezekiel 21:31 Ezekiel 22:24 Ezekiel 22:31 Ezekiel 23:25 Daniel 8:19 Daniel 11:30 Daniel 11:36 Micah 7:9 Nahum 1:6 Habakkuk 3:8 Habakkuk 3:12 Zephaniah 3:8 Zechariah 1:12 Subtopics Related Terms |