Topical Encyclopedia
In the biblical context, "treasure" often refers to wealth, riches, or valuable possessions. However, the concept extends beyond material wealth to encompass spiritual riches and the treasures of the heart. The Bible provides numerous references to treasure, illustrating both its temporal and eternal significance.
Old Testament ReferencesIn the Old Testament, treasure is frequently associated with material wealth and prosperity. For instance, King Solomon, renowned for his wisdom and wealth, accumulated vast treasures. In
1 Kings 10:14-25, the Bible describes Solomon's wealth, including gold, silver, and precious items, as a testament to his prosperity and God's blessing upon him.
The concept of treasure is also linked to the idea of God's provision and blessing. In
Deuteronomy 28:12, the Lord promises to open His "good treasure" to bless the work of the Israelites' hands, emphasizing the divine source of true prosperity.
Moreover, treasure can symbolize the hidden wisdom and knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2:4-5 encourages believers to seek wisdom as one would search for hidden treasures, highlighting the value of spiritual understanding over material wealth.
New Testament ReferencesIn the New Testament, Jesus frequently addresses the concept of treasure, often contrasting earthly wealth with heavenly riches. In
Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus instructs His followers: "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." This passage underscores the transient nature of earthly possessions and the enduring value of spiritual treasures.
The parables of Jesus further illustrate the kingdom of heaven as a treasure of immeasurable worth. In
Matthew 13:44, Jesus compares the kingdom to a treasure hidden in a field, which a man finds and, in his joy, sells all he has to purchase the field. This parable emphasizes the supreme value of the kingdom and the sacrifice required to obtain it.
The Apostle Paul also speaks of treasure in a spiritual context. In
2 Corinthians 4:7, he writes, "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this surpassingly great power is from God and not from us." Here, the "treasure" refers to the gospel and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, highlighting the contrast between the frailty of human vessels and the divine power within.
Spiritual and Moral ImplicationsThe Bible consistently teaches that the true treasure lies not in material wealth but in a relationship with God and the pursuit of His kingdom. The pursuit of earthly riches can lead to spiritual peril, as seen in the account of the rich young ruler (
Matthew 19:16-22), who walked away sorrowful because he valued his possessions more than following Christ.
Believers are encouraged to seek treasures that have eternal significance, such as righteousness, wisdom, and a heart aligned with God's will.
Colossians 2:2-3 speaks of Christ, "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge," pointing to the ultimate source of spiritual wealth.
In summary, the biblical concept of treasure encompasses both material and spiritual dimensions, urging believers to prioritize eternal values over temporal gains. The Scriptures call for a heart that treasures God's kingdom above all else, reflecting a life of faith, obedience, and devotion.
Topical Bible Verses
Matthew 6:19Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust does corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
Topicalbible.orgLuke 12:33
Sell that you have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that fails not, where no thief approaches, neither moth corrupts.
Matthew 19:21
Jesus said to him, If you will be perfect, go and sell that you have, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
Matthew 6:21
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Luke 12:34
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
2 Corinthians 4:7
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
Matthew 13:44
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like to treasure hid in a field; the which when a man has found, he hides, and for joy thereof goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field.
Colossians 2:3
In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Isaiah 33:6
And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure.
Proverbs 21:20
There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spends it up.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Treasure cities
Store cities which the Israelites built for the Egyptians (Exodus 1:11). (see PITHOM.) Towns in which the treasures of the kings of Judah were kept were so designated (1 Chronicles 27:25).
Treasure houses
The houses or magazines built for the safe keeping of treasure and valuable articles of any kind (Ezra 5:17; 7:20; Nehemiah 10:38; Dan. 1:2).
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (
n.) Wealth accumulated; especially, a stock, or store of money in reserve.
2. (n.) A great quantity of anything collected for future use; abundance; plenty.
3. (n.) That which is very much valued.
4. (v. t.) To collect and deposit, as money or other valuable things, for future use; to lay up; to hoard; usually with up; as, to treasure up gold.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
TREASURE; TREASURER; TREASURYtrezh'-ur, trezh'-ur-er, trezh'-ur-i (otsar, genaz, genez, ganzakh, chocen matmon, mickenah, mikhman, `athudh, saphan; gaza, thesauros):
I. In the Old Testament.
1. Treasure
The English word "treasure" has in the Old Testament at least five somewhat distinct meanings as expressed in the words: "treasure," genaz (Aramaic) or genez (Hebrew), usually meaning "the thing stored"; translated "treasures" in Ezra 6:1, but in 5:17 and 7:20 translated "treasure-house": "search made in the king's treasure-house." In Esther 3:9; Esther 4:7 the Hebrew form is translated "treasury," as is ganzakh in 1 Chronicles 28:11.
2. Storehouse:
"Storehouse," not the thing stored but the place of storage; 'otsar means depository, cellar, garner, armory, store or treasure-house. In several places it ought to be translated by some of these words. It is the most frequent word for treasure. the English Revised Version and the American Standard Revised Version both translate in some instances by other words, e.g. 1 Kings 7:51, "treasuries of the house of Yahweh," so also 2 Chronicles 5:1; "treasury" in Nehemiah 7:70, 71, "gave to the treasury a thousand darics of gold"; in Job 38:22, "treasuries of the snow" (compare Proverbs 8:21 Jeremiah 10:13; Jeremiah 51:16 Ezra 2:69).
3. Hidden Riches:
"Treasure" or something concealed. There are 3 Hebrew words with this meaning and all in the King James Version translated "treasure." (1) Matmon, which literally means "a secret storehouse" and so a secreted valuable, usually money buried, and so hidden riches of any kind, hid treasures: "treasure in your sacks" (Genesis 43:23); "dig for it more than for hid treasures" (Job 3:21); "search for her as for hid treasures" (Proverbs 2:4); "We have stores hidden in the field, of wheat," etc. (Jeremiah 41:8). (2) Mikhman, treasure as hidden, used only in Daniel 11:43: "have power over the treasures of gold and silver." (3) Saphan, meaning hidden treasure or valuables concealed: "hidden treasures of the sand" (Deuteronomy 33:19).
4. Strength:
Perhaps the strength of riches and so treasure, the Hebrew word being chocen, from a root meaning to hoard or lay up: "In the house of the righteous is much treasure" (Proverbs 15:6); "They take treasure and precious things" (Ezekiel 22:25).
5. Something Prepared:
"Something prepared," made ready, the Hebrew word being `athudh, meaning "prepared," "ready," therefore something of value and so treasure: "have robbed their treasures," fortifications or other things "made ready" (Isaiah 10:13).
In the Old Testament the Hebrew word most often translated "treasure" is 'otsar. It occurs in the sing. as follows: Deuteronomy 28:12 1 Chronicles 29:8; Nehemiah 10:38 Psalm 17:14; Psalm 135:4 Proverbs 15:16; Proverbs 21:20 Ecclesiastes 2:8 Isaiah 33:6; Daniel 1:2 Hosea 13:15; in the pl.: Deuteronomy 32:34 1 Kings 14:26; 1 Kings 15:18; 2 Kings 12:18; 2 Kings 14:14; 2 Kings 16:8; 2 Kings 18:15; 2 Kings 20:13, 15; 24:13, etc.
The same word is in the King James Version translated "treasuries" in 1 Chronicles 9:26; 1 Chronicles 28:12 2 Chronicles 32:27; Nehemiah 13:12, 13 Psalm 135:7; and "treasury" in Joshua 6:19, 24 Jeremiah 38:11.
II. In the New Testament.
1. Gaza:
There are two words translated "treasure": Gaza is of Persian origin, meaning "treasure." Found only once in Acts 8:27 concerning the Ethiopian "who was over all her (Queen Candace's) treasure." In the compound gazophulakion, "guarding of gaza," the same word appears and the compound is translated "treasury" in Mark 12:41, 43 parallel Luke 21:1 John 8:20.
2. Thesauros:
The word thesauros means literally, a "deposit," so wealth and treasure. Evidently throughout the New Testament it has a twofold usage as describing
(1) material treasure, either money or other valuable material possession, and
(2) spiritual treasure, e.g. "like unto treasure hid in a field" (Matthew 13:44); "good treasure of the heart" (Matthew 12:35).
Other references to material treasure are Matthew 6:21; Matthew 13:52 Luke 12:21, 34, etc. References to spiritual treasure are Matthew 19:21 Mark 10:21 Luke 6:45; Luke 12:33; Luke 18:22; plural Matthew 6:20 Colossians 2:3.
In Matthew 27:6 the word for "treasury" is korbanas; compare the Revised Version margin.
1047. gaza -- treasure ... treasure. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: gaza Phonetic Spelling:
(gad'-zah) Short Definition:
treasure Definition:
treasure, treasury.
... // - 6k2344. thesauros -- treasure
... treasure. Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine Transliteration: thesauros Phonetic Spelling:
(thay-sow-ros') Short Definition: a treasure, store Definition: a store ...
// - 7k
597. apothesaurizo -- to treasure up, store away
... to treasure up, store away. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: apothesaurizo
Phonetic Spelling: (ap-oth-ay-sow-rid'-zo) Short Definition: I store up ...
// - 6k
2343. thesaurizo -- to lay up, store up
... to lay up, store up. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: thesaurizo Phonetic Spelling:
(thay-sow-rid'-zo) Short Definition: I store up, treasure up, save ...
// - 7k
205. akrothinion -- the top of a heap, ie the best of the spoils
... the spoils. Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter Transliteration: akrothinion Phonetic Spelling:
(ak-roth-in'-ee-on) Short Definition: spoil, treasure Definition: (lit ...
// - 6k
1049. gazophulakion -- treasury
... treasury. From gaza and phulake; a treasure-house, ie A court in the temple for
the collection-boxes -- treasury. see GREEK gaza. see GREEK phulake. ...
// - 6k
3126. mamonas -- riches
... possessions, property. 3126 -- a Semitic term for "the treasure a person
trusts in" (J. Thayer) who is transliterated as ".". [3126 ...
// - 6k
2570. kalos -- beautiful, good
... 2), commendable manner (1), excellent (1), fair (1), fine (2), good (79), high
(1), honest (1), honorable (1), right thing (1), sound (1), treasure* (1), what ...
// - 7k
1949. epilambanomai -- to lay hold of
... 1 Tim 6:19: "Storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for
the future, so that they (1949 ) that which is life indeed" (). ...
// - 8k
3866. paratheke -- a deposit or trust
... Word Origin from paratithemi Definition a deposit or trust NASB Word Usage entrusted
(1), treasure* (1), what has been entrusted (1), what...have entrusted (1 ...
// - 6k
Strong's Hebrew
1596. genaz -- a treasure... 1595, 1596. genaz. 1597 . a
treasure. Transliteration: genaz Phonetic
Spelling: (ghen-az') Short Definition:
treasure. Word Origin
... /hebrew/1596.htm - 6k 4301. matmon -- hidden treasure, treasure
... hidden treasure, treasure. Transliteration: matmon or matmon or matmun Phonetic
Spelling: (mat-mone') Short Definition: treasures. ...
/hebrew/4301.htm - 6k
214. otsar -- treasure, store, a treasury, storehouse
... 213, 214. otsar. 215 . treasure, store, a treasury, storehouse. Transliteration:
otsar Phonetic Spelling: (o-tsaw') Short Definition: treasures. ...
/hebrew/214.htm - 6k
2633. chosen -- wealth, treasure
... 2632, 2633. chosen. 2634 . wealth, treasure. Transliteration: chosen Phonetic
Spelling: (kho'-sen) Short Definition: wealth. ... riches, strength, treasure. ...
/hebrew/2633.htm - 6k
6840. tsaphin -- a treasure
... 6839, 6840. tsaphin. 6841 . a treasure. Transliteration: tsaphin Phonetic
Spelling: (tsaw-feen') Short Definition: treasure. Word ...
/hebrew/6840.htm - 6k
4710. matspon -- hidden treasure, treasure
... 4709, 4710. matspon. 4711 . hidden treasure, treasure. Transliteration: matspon
Phonetic Spelling: (mits-poon') Short Definition: treasures. ...
/hebrew/4710.htm - 6k
8226. saphan -- treasure
... saphan. 8227 . treasure. Transliteration: saphan Phonetic Spelling: (saw-fan')
Short Definition: treasure. Word Origin the same as saphan, qv. treasure ...
/hebrew/8226.htm - 5k
5238. nekoth -- treasure
... 5237, 5238. nekoth. 5239 . treasure. Transliteration: nekoth Phonetic
Spelling: (nek-oth') Short Definition: treasure. Word Origin ...
/hebrew/5238.htm - 6k
687. Etser -- "treasure," a chief of the Horites
... 686, 687. Etser. 688 . "treasure," a chief of the Horites. Transliteration:
Etser Phonetic Spelling: (ay'-tser) Short Definition: Ezer. ...
/hebrew/687.htm - 6k
6845. tsaphan -- to hide, treasure up
... 6844, 6845. tsaphan. 6846 . to hide, treasure up. Transliteration: tsaphan
Phonetic Spelling: (tsaw-fan') Short Definition: stored. Word Origin a prim. ...
/hebrew/6845.htm - 6k
The Heart with the Treasure.
... THE HEART WITH THE TREASURE. Lay not ... steal. For where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also."Matthew 6:19, 20, 21. To ...
/.../macdonald/unspoken sermons/the heart with the treasure.htm
Treasure and Pearl
... TREASURE AND PEARL. ... So, then, we have to look at these three points. I. Let me ask
you to think that the true treasure for a man lies in the kingdom of God. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture b/treasure and pearl.htm
Seeking for Hidden Treasure.
... SEEKING FOR HIDDEN TREASURE. ... Our artist shows us a man who is thus seeking. He has
heard that in old times a great treasure was hidden in a particular field. ...
/.../anonymous/mother stories from the new testament/seeking for hidden treasure.htm
The Treasure of Grace
... The Treasure of Grace. A Sermon ... The treasure of God's grace is the measure of our
forgiveness; this forgiveness of sins is according to the riches of his grace. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 6 1860/the treasure of grace.htm
The Fourfold Treasure
... The Fourfold Treasure. A Sermon (No.991). ... He must be a poor man who can think much
of gold. He must be a beggar indeed who counts a piece of dirt a treasure. ...
/.../spurgeon/spurgeons sermons volume 17 1871/the fourfold treasure.htm
The Field and the Treasure Interpreted.
... Book X. 5. The Field and the Treasure Interpreted. And here we must inquire
separately as to the field, and separately as to the ...
/.../origen/origens commentary on the gospel of matthew/5 the field and the.htm
Two Kinds of Treasure
... ST. MATTHEW Chaps. I to VIII TWO KINDS OF TREASURE. 'Lay not up for yourselves
treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture a/two kinds of treasure.htm
The Hidden Treasure.
... V. THE HIDDEN TREASURE. "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure
hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he ...
/.../ parables of our lord/v the hidden treasure.htm
The Treasure House
... CHAPTER XXIV THE TREASURE HOUSE. "Who ranks higher than others in the Kingdom of
/.../the fulfilment of a dream of pastor hsis/chapter xxiv the treasure house.htm
Concerning the Parable of the Treasure Hidden in the Field. The ...
... Book X. 4. Concerning the Parable of the Treasure Hidden in the Field.
The Parable Distinguished from the Similitude. "Again the ...
/.../origens commentary on the gospel of matthew/4 concerning the parable of.htm
Treasure-house (6 Occurrences)Treasure-house. Treasured,
Treasure-house. Treasurer . Noah Webster's Dictionary
... Multi-Version Concordance
Treasure-house (6 Occurrences).
.../t/treasure-house.htm - 8kTreasure (66 Occurrences)
... Easton's Bible Dictionary Treasure cities. Store cities which the Israelites
built for the Egyptians (Exodus 1:11). ...Treasure houses. ...
/t/treasure.htm - 36k
Treasure-cities (1 Occurrence)
Treasure-cities. Treasure-chests, Treasure-cities. Treasured .
Multi-Version Concordance Treasure-cities (1 Occurrence). ...
/t/treasure-cities.htm - 6k
Treasure-chests (1 Occurrence)
Treasure-chests. Treasure, Treasure-chests. Treasure-cities .
Multi-Version Concordance Treasure-chests (1 Occurrence). Matthew ...
/t/treasure-chests.htm - 6k
Treasurer (6 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary (n.) One who has the care of a treasure or treasure or
treasury; an ... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. TREASURE; TREASURER; TREASURY. ...
/t/treasurer.htm - 17k
Treasured (20 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary (imp. & pp) of Treasure. Multi-Version Concordance
Treasured (20 Occurrences). Luke 1:66 All who heard ...
/t/treasured.htm - 12k
Peculiar (11 Occurrences)
... for "esp. one's own"; compare the "peculiar treasure" of the king in
Ecclesiastes 2:8 (the King James Version). Hence, "peculiar ...
/p/peculiar.htm - 13k
Treasury (25 Occurrences)
... Treasury of Botany. 5. (n.) A treasure. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia.
TREASURE; TREASURER; TREASURY. trezh'-ur, trezh ...
/t/treasury.htm - 27k
Brings (155 Occurrences)
... (See RSV). Matthew 12:35 The good man out of his good treasure brings out good things,
and the evil man out of his evil treasure brings out evil things. ...
/b/brings.htm - 33k
Sell (58 Occurrences)
... (WEY). Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what
you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come ...
/s/sell.htm - 26k
What does it mean that “where your treasure is there will your heart be also”? | GotQuestions.orgWhat is the meaning of the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price? | GotQuestions.orgHow can we store up treasures in heaven? | GotQuestions.orgTreasure: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Clyx.comBible Concordance •
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